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Tatooine makes crystals glow like lights...


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...and I hate it.


I have a specific theme in mind for my Tatooine stronghold (which, incidently, is totally worth unlocking) but because the light ambience of the stronghold is permanently set to 'dusk', it makes any crystals I put down glow. Not just glow. They glow very, very bright as if they're powered lamps.


With every single other placable suffering from muted colours with the 'dusk' light, they stand out. Way too much for my tastes. I'd rather see the glow effect tuned down, because they certainly don't do it in Dromund Kaas, nor in Nar Shaddaa, not the most brightest places either.

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because the light ambience of the stronghold is permanently set to 'dusk', it makes any crystals I put down glow. Not just glow. They glow very, very bright as if they're powered lamps.


Which crystals are you referring to? I got the Rubat, Upari, Perfect Upari and Firkran crystal decorations and they are just as bright on Tatooine as on Nar Shaddaa, Coruscant or Dromund Kaas. (Yes I unlocked all 4 strongholds).


Also wouldn't call the lighting 'dusk'. True, the suns appear to be setting and it looks late afternoon in the distance, but the amount of outside light is not what I'd call 'dusk'


Hmmm... no idea if this affects the crystal nodes too, but do you have Bloom turned on? If so turn it off. It gets applied to just about anything that remotely looks like a light source and even to things which should never be able to show a bloom effect. In short, it makes everything look way over-bright. And it totally destroys the look of planets in travel cut-scenes.

Edited by LeJarC
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Hmmm... no idea if this affects the crystal nodes too, but do you have Bloom turned on? If so turn it off. It gets applied to just about anything that remotely looks like a light source and even to things which should never be able to show a bloom effect. In short, it makes everything look way over-bright. And it totally destroys the look of planets in travel cut-scenes.


Turning off bloom fixed my issues, thanks =)

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Personally, I LOVE it. It completely transformed my plans for my Guild stronghold (which I am now wishing I just made my own because now my guild isn't playing so I'm just spending twice as much for Tatooine for just me...)


I was surprised though, and it's good to know we could work around it!

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