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Casual Adult Empire Guild: <Mandalorian DeLorean> Wall of Text™


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The following Wall of Text™ is a guild recruitment post. If you don't have the patience to read this, then please do not apply to our guild.



<Mandalorian DeLorean> is a group of Empire players who are looking to fill their ranks with like-minded players who would like to run flashpoints, level up toons, and generally have a good time screwing around after the laundry is done, the kids are asleep, and the significant others have expressed their lack of interest for naked shenanigans in the evening. Originally established at game launch, we have taken significant hits in our ranks as people left TOR for other games (or gone back to WoW), and we are now looking to find other, like-minded individuals to join us again! Right now, our guild size is quite small, so one might say you could be getting in on the "ground floor".



<Mandalorian DeLorean> members are in various time zones, and our players play at various times, day and night. All of our members are "family types", meaning we already have the wife/husband and kids and whatnot, and as such cannot commit to “planned ops night", but still enjoy the opportunity to run when given the chance. When active, we generally run flashpoints for daily rewards or with the addition of Galactic Strongholds, we run some planetary heroics or other Conquest objectives to score points for the guild. Almost all of us subscribe to the "Army of Alts" theory, and have multiple toons who are able to provide the role flexibility needed to run something if we choose. Our guild caters to couples and family members, and we are hoping to build our ranks again to have more people on to do fun things. Our primary goal is to get enough quality players in the guild to be able to run content any given night. Because we recruit PLAYERS, not toons, it is far more important to us that your personality fits in our guild, than it is that you bring a specific character type.



We are not a dedicated PVP or ops guild; we have no plans or expectations to create coordinated PVP or ops teams. Specifically, we will not be setting up "every Thursday at 9:30pm we're running X Hard Mode OP", but as interest builds, will will try to tackle this content as our player's schedules permits. This does not mean that you can’t run with other guilds, in fact, we encourage playing with as many people as possible. Ideally, every member of the guild should be an ambassador for <Mandalorian DeLorean>, always on the lookout for other players who might share our philosophy and who would enjoy playing with us.


Please note: If you’re primarily looking for a "progression guild", this may not be the guild for you.


Remember, nobody is forced to do anything in our guild, if you are available, and want to be part of the shenanigans, just make your intentions known to the rest of the guild.


We are looking ADULT PLAYERS who:


• Are Adults. Sorry kids, it's not that we don't love you (OK, it *is*), but I already have enough kids in real life. If you are not over 18, please do not apply.

• Take the game seriously enough to enjoy it, and generally understand what they are doing.

• Don't take this game so seriously that they get their panties in a bunch if we wipe on something...repeatedly. This especially applies to *new* content, as some of us like to learn the encounter by playing through it instead of reading it on Dulfy.net.

• Have a good sense of humor. (You'll need it).

• Play well with others.

• Are comfortable with "adult" conversations....we've been known to get raunchy!

• Are not complete d-bags. (Partial d-bags are OK, in certain circumstances)

• Enjoy the camaraderie of fellow players, and wish to contribute to the success of the guild.

• Can take a little crap, and also dish it out when need be.

• Understand that family and real life come first, and that will make scheduling...hectic.

• Want to play with people whose personalities they can actually stand.

• Can string together coherent sentences, and can communicate effectively.

• Can function in a solo capacity and are not overly needy.


What we want to do test drive you. See if your personality meshes with ours. After 30 days, if you don’t think <Mandalorian DeLorean> is the guild for you, feel free to quit with no hard feelings. Same goes with us, if we don’t think you are a good fit, we will let you know. Reading this Wall of Text™ is our filter, if you read this, then you will know that the answer to my question will be "Potato". (yes, I will ask).


Other neat details:

• Our Guild Starship, the Temporal Paradox, has all the convenience amenities, including Jawa Vendors, all three cargo holds (Guild, Legacy and Personal), Galactic Trade Network, Item Modification, Mailbox. We are in the process of adding more gather nodes.

• Sister guild <Alderaan Duran> for the Republic side, though we don’t play on that side too much. However, if interest increases, we will start building that side as well.




Please send an in game mail to Krogg or Kah'lari for further information.

Edited by Fizzbang
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Just to clarify, there is not an application process to join our guild. The only requirement is that you have read our Wall of Text™. If read it and you liked what you saw, please do not hesitate to send an in-game mail to Krogg or Xeija to get the ball rolling.


Thank you very much!



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Just want to give a shout out and warm welcome to the new members who have joined!! :) If our guild sounds like a place to call home please message me or Krogg and we will be more than happy to answer any questions :)


Xeija-sorc lightning

Kojai-sorc corruption


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Several of the aforementioned WoW-addicts from our old WoW guild "The Stoppable Force@Azjol-Nerub" have come back to TOR this weekend. Yaaaay!


But don't let that sway your judgement, we are always looking at adding more of the right people who will mesh well with our band of adults who say raunchy things while playing a video game together.

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  • 1 month later...

It sounds like the type of guild I'd like, but unfortunately, I only have 1.5 Imperial toons - 1 level 60 Assassin and one level 15 BH (HK part hunter). I'm mainly Republic side (10 alts).


Are there any similar Rep guilds?


EDIT - oops, stopped reading after the "spud" bit. :) So, now I guess I've boinked the recruitment anyway. :)

But, my Assassin is Darth Sha'ron. I waffle about joining a guild (yet again), but I may pursue this.


BTW - my Rep alts are all in a guild that is so dead, one of them is now Guildmaster by default. :D

I'm currently taking a new Rep alt - Jon'ker - through the game (now level 51)


Edit - Jon'ker is now level 60, and so is the BH (Morakii) (June 15)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wanted to add Kah'lari to the list of contacts. If I'm not on him, you can send an in-game mail.


I've been in the guild for a few months and have never seen anyone that was denied help when it was needed. There has never been any drama. Everyone is friendly (except to our enemies).


Be sure that you read Fizz's Wall of Text™ because, as stated, you will be asked and failure to respond with the correct answer will result in not being recruited.


Come on down. Give us a shot. If it's not right, then no hard feelings if you feel the need to move along to something else.

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