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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Greatly reduce companion gift missions!!!


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If you cannot find 5 missions worth running across 70 or 105 possibilities (1 character, 7 grades of missions, 5 missions per grade, 2 or 3 materials crew skills), you either have the worst luck or are too focused on one material.


If it is the latter, then run something else, sell those materials, and buy what you really want/need.


If it is the former, then relog dance.

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WOW, I continue to wonder at the duality in my response to those who choose to defend the indefensible. I initially feel disgust over their contempt for others' opinions, followed shortly thereafter with a smile as I move past the issue and thank God that I am not them.


I have simply chosen to consider the opinions of those who try to justify the current obviously broken Crew Skill UI as if they were the {insert adjective of your choosing here} developers who conceived of and continue to advocate for this UI. The Mission Log window was recently changed, the Map window was recently changed (don't get me started on that FANTASTIC update), but NOOOOO, no love for crew skills folks.

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