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Strongholf Jukebox


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Hi everybody!


I've been a subscripber since day one. So i received the whole shabang on Nar Shaddaa with Galactric Stronghold early access. This morning I just purchased on the GTN a Jukebox for my stronghold ( I have kind of mini-hotel / cantina theme going on.)


I got a little disappointed when I played it and found out that there is only 1 song in it. In all honesty all the jukebox in the game (including the one in the stronghold) should have more songs in them. And since we're on the subject, the bartender in the stronghold should sell some drinks and food and of course jukebox tokens.


On another social related topic, it would be nice if the species social abitlities would channel like the twilek parlor dance (like 45 min) I'm thinking about the meditation of the mirilian and the Datapad of the Chiss, that'd be nice!


Thanks for the nice work Bioware! :)

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You are expecting your stronghold to actually function...


It doesn't, clearly Bioware wasn't given the budget to make that happen... So it is more or less a static display with the benefit of easy to use GTN, mailbox, and storage terminals...


Sad, but that is what it is...

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Unless I am mistaken, the jukebox that you can place in your stronghold does have multiple songs. The limitation is that you cannot select which song you want. It is possible that you may activate it a few times and get the same song each time.


It would be nice to be able to select the song as you would on other jukeboxes.

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