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Improve Tanking


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Just a liitle suggesion regarding tanking. The current development towards more casual gaming has made tanks becoming near useless except for some Nm bossen. A dps can tank most bosses in Sm and Hm and also Nefra Nm, Brontes Nm. There are also ppl who let Bestia during the council fight being offtanked by a dps.


Problem is that Tanks get more and more useless. Tactical fps and the Nm buff gone makes the dps of bosses laughable.


My suggestion is that bosses in Nm should do a lot of more dmg like 100% more but tanks should receive more dmg mitgation in the top tier of their tanktrees so that the dmg increase they'd get would be compensated. This would make tanks more viable and make it impossible for non Tanks to tank. This would also kinda solve the problem with the sin hybrid tank, because he wouldnt reach the top tier of the tanking tree and therefore switch 30% aoe dmg reduction against 50% less dmg overall.


Dont get me wrong, i like tanking. However Nm dtps number are a joke. Nefra hitting for 900dtps, Draxus for 800dtps. Even in Palace the highest dtps i get is at Tyrans which is about 1500dtps. Making it possible for dps with aoe dmg reduction or overall dmg reduction to tank those bosses if they have a taunt. The dtps difference between a tank and a non tank is about 300dtps - 500 dtps but you have an additional dps/heal.


In case BW/EA is already working on the next expansion and you dont have time to think about it, consider it for your next Addon, otherwise someday Nm operations will be like tactical fps.

Edited by Methoxa
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Yep. There are level 90 DKs in WoW soling Arthas. Gearflation, increase in levels, it happens.


You can already go asation/Darvannis Nm without tanks but 2 dps who can taunt. Furthermore some bosses in Palace and Fortress Nm can be done without tanks. Thats not gearflatation or something its just a flaw in mechanics and bossdps


100% damage increase except for tanks? That would need a tank to kite Raptus, meaning less DPS.


I think you mean the council fight? The council fight consists of 4 bosses and 2 bosses at phase 2. That would mean that 100% dmg increase in p1 would increase the dmg each boss does by 25%. Thats still kiteable, however the one kiting actually have to watch not to get hit. And you should be aware that i am talking about Nm not some easymode sm or hm. If you let a sniper facetank raptus he is dead in 2-3 strikes, with the changes he would be dead in 1-2 strikes. So mistakes would be unforgivable and lead to a wipe how it should be.

Edited by Methoxa
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