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Im just gonna go ahead and say it...


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Space exploration would be cool, but probably not happening.


I'm not sure I'd want to see what they'd do to the concept either. I mean, from their minds came the space arcade game on rails as well as GSF.


And they didn't even bother to prop up support for any sort of flight stick for GSF.


Give thanks, OP. Give thanks that Bioware has not chosen to desecrate that which you so desire. Let your fond memories of other places and other times sustain you.


This is not the game you're looking for, if you want good space stuff.

Edited by Uruare
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Where is SPACE? where is the black void with stars and galaxies spinning off in the distance? I know im going to catch grief for this but im saying it anyway. Where is SPACE. When SWTOR was announced players feared it would shut down SWG, after being lied to and told it wouldn't "both games can co-exist, and we dont see any reason they shouldnt" SWG was forced to close later that year taking with it one of the most immersive SPACE games i have ever played second to EVE Online. GSF is fine for the casual player that likes mini games and Sky battles ( I refuse to call them space as you can literally see the ground in many of them) is just horrible space on rails. No what I want and im sure the one that read this and arent just trolling will agree with me is SPACE. Now what do i mean, we have GSF right.....No.


When i say space i don't mean a timed instance, or space on rails, or a forced POV. I mean get in my ship launch into space and shoot at stuff, loot weapons and credits, make space parts Craftable, make them tradeable, NO SPACE PARTS ON Cartel Market unless cosmetic only, Give parts Unique stats, and features, allow them to be re-enginnered and combined. Anyone that played or ever watched SWG space content knows what im talking about. Im talking about loading a full group into a gunship going to void of space and open world PVPing via a PVP flag, im talking about taking off in your ship and only ever landing to sell loot or buy missiles. Please Bioware/EA

I have done what you forced me to do and left SWG, i came here and gave you my money for the last 2 (almost 3) years, PLEASE hear our pleas, you did good with housing (even if hooks are a bit to get used too and limit creativity) but please do not stop there, you dont have to be SWG but please use what they had in place and pay attention to what was good while sorting out the bad. SPACE was practically 2nd to NONE and for many players was the reason they played SWG I know i was one of them. PLEASE give us genuine space no more instanced battlezones no more space on rails, PLEASE


Thing is, I was looking for a game long before I'd even heard about SWTOR. I looked into SWG and the game was already a ghost town. Nobody was playing it. SWTOR didn't force them to close, they were already dying by their own hand. And no amount of history revision by you can change that.

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Actually I agree somewhat. GSF already exists so why not add PVE elements? Nobody is asking for SWG2, that ship has sailed, but some space PVE , not on rails, would be nifty


Agreed. They have the capabilities to create free roam maps becasue GSF. Just new maps with some baddies flying around would be cool, they don't even have to be big. I think we would be happy with small maps for current planets

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Agreed. They have the capabilities to create free roam maps becasue GSF. Just new maps with some baddies flying around would be cool, they don't even have to be big. I think we would be happy with small maps for current planets


Something along the lines of Mass Effect. Youre flying around and get a beacon hit of some rare mats or something on a planet. Zone into a solo FP.

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the ONLY reason anyone plays THIS game is because its Star Wars. SWG was more like Star Wars than this game is any ways. and space encompassing less than 25% of the total six star wars movies??? what movies are you watching?? and before the NGE hit SWG was one of the best MMOs out there at the time even up till the day the NGE hit, so it was no where near a POS game.


Well, I think I am being generous with my 25% - perhaps if you include the time where you could see "space" from a window might bump it up that much. I went through and timed the actual space scenes (scenes on a space ship don't count - I'm talking about all actual scenes that take place in actual space) in each movie a long time ago, and it wasn't really a lot of time all encompassed, despite what people may think.

Edited by TravelersWay
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1. most of you are under the impression that space had NOTHING to do with star wars, but then again i also assume that almost every story line was not about trying to stop a huge SPACE station from destroying a planet. infact it worked so well they did it twice in 3 movies. and the entire prequel trilogy was about the secret construction of DS1 and the Emperors ability to manipulate everyone around him into making it legal. SPACE played a MAJOR role in STAR WARS. what we have here with GSF (which on average gives you 5minute blips of content) or the "Sky battles" which i think everyone can agree were HORRIBLE. Is not SPACE.

Well, the fact that you think the story lines were primarily about destroying a space station leaves little to wonder why you think Star Wars is about Space. Again, it is not. Perhaps you should look up a lot of the old interviews and “Makings of” regarding the OT. Very little had to do with “space”. What we have here in this game very much mimics the purpose and use of space in the movies.


2. The ENGINE debate or discussion, while i do find it completely humorous that you can make fun of SWG but then turn around and try to tell me a NEW engine cant do what a at this point 12 year old game DID just makes me laugh like hell. If the engine is sooo bad then why dont they just shut down and start over cause if thats the case this game is doomed by lack of ability to expand already.

SWG had great graphics for 2003. Not so much for 2011. BW made a huge mistake taking an Alpha build of an unproven engine to build an MMO on. They even admitted as such. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about it now. FFXIVing the game is not an option – just ask FFXIV. Yes, FFXIV 2.0 is miles better than the original release, but the game has not gotten any more successful because of it. SWTOR on the other hand is currently stable and successful with a large active playerbase. There is no need to “re-do” it at this point.


3. SOE being horrible and the reason SWG shut down. Not much more to say on this subject other than you are severely misinformed and prolly 12 years old. SWG was FORCED to shut down due to a non compete agreement that was FORCED when EA acquired BIOWARE and the rights to SWTOR. The renewal for SWG could not happen because they were no longer able to get the rights to the star wars copyright. therefore SWTOR became the only option if you wanted to play a star wars branded "MMO"

Everything you state here has been patently false conjecture spread by the angry masses that cannot accept the reality that their game was essentially a PoS, a mismanaged PoS to boot, and shut down because of that. Do some digging, the truth with eventually reveal itself. There was no “no compete” clause – LA held all rights to the IP. They simply allowed EA to obtain a license to make a game based on that IP. EA had no power to tell anyone who can and cannot use the IP until they inked the exclusive deal with Disney – years after LA provided them a license to make a Star Wars game and two years after SWG was long gone. SWG shut down for one reason and one reason only – it was losing money and it was never going to be an MMO that would ever start making money again.


4. MMO vs Linear story, Sure while this game may be branded as a massive multiplayer online game (MMO) the reality is that this is more a RPG with online content. if you have any doubt in that you have never played any MMO. the argument that an open space area without time restrictions would be "SANDBOX" and change the entire game is dumb. EverQuest 2, PlanetSide, Aion, Tera, World of WarCraft, hell even DIABLO 3 allow some sort of freedom in the ability to enjoy content. dont believe me? please try to explain to me why D3 has one of the highest replay ratings in the industry and dont just say because Blizzard made it.

You make the same mistake that many others make. MMO does not equal Sandbox and Sandbox does not equal MMO. This game is a themepark, and there are many other themepark MMOs out there – World of Warcraft being one of them. There are also sandbox MMOs out there – Eve being the shining example. Now, take a look at all the MMOs out there and tell me how many of the top money makers are primarily Themepark … now tell me how many are Sandbox. Themepark MMOs are the staple of the genre and the only reason the genre is currently mainstream. Welcome to the Casual Age of MMO Gaming.


4. Its not just SPACE, there is a lot about this game that can take an average player or newcomer and drive them away in a hurry. ill try to be short here since this post is getting long.


-Lack of Craftable items and abilty to only make a trader/crafting toon, (to be efficient in crafting you have to complete your class and have 5 companions and then level all tradeskills to 450)

Crafting has nothing to do with driving away players. People who prefer crafting will certainly be disappointed in the game, but I for one am fine with crafting as it is. Crafting should never be a focus of any game, nor should people be required to participate in crafting, nor need to go to a crafter, in order to progress in a game. Again, welcome to the Casual Age of MMO Gaming – there are many other games out there that are doing just fine with less emphasis on crafting than we have here.


-Restrictions on EVERYTHING! Want to give your buddy or alt that cool new item you looted nope BOUND, BINDS ON EQUIP, BOUND ON PICK-UP these are things THAT KILL ECONOMY and ruin MMO games.

Perhaps you have not played that many MMOs outside of SWG. Untradable things are not all that unsual. No MMO economy was ever “killed” because the game had things that bound to a character or an account.


-Lack of housing freedom. I know I know. it was just addedd to game last week, but seriously HOOK System? how old is this game? you might make fun of SWG and EQ2 and almost every other MMO but fact is there are games that are 10-12 year OLDER than SWTOR running on WAY OUTDATED engines that are capable of doing more then i believe SWTOR will ever BE

This comes as a surprise to a great many people but Housing is not an MMO standard. As a matter of fact, there is no such thing as the “MMO Standard”. That is a made up concept by gamers who demand certain things in every game they play. There are just as many MMOs active and popular today that have no housing whatsoever as there are MMOs that have some form of player housing.


-PAY Real Money for everything! This is a game killer hands down, i understand charging Free to play players for things like Character customization but its kinda dumb i cant change my hair color, or haircut, or anything aboiut any of my characters without paying out of pocket in RL to do it. Sure we get 500 cartel coins a month which is great if you don't want to unlock anything else or take part in anything in game. In my opinion everything about the Cartel Market has killed this game including the reputation. its unfair that a player is forced to spend more money to build reputation with certain vendor to be able to buy items that arent available else where. this would be less of an issue is the Binds on pick-up RESTRICTIONS WERE LIFTED FROM ALMOST EVERY SINGLE ITEM SOLD.

As much as I would like to be able to pay real money to get anything in this game that I want, that is far from reality. You are called out on your asinine hyperbole. Again, many, many games out there charge players for things like server transfers, barber shops, etc. etc. Got news for you bub, the CM saved this game from certain doom – welcome to the Casual Age of MMO Gaming … for a third time. As a matter of fact, just about everything I have seen sold on the CM is tradable to other players - for in game creds. The vendors might be a different matter, I wouldn't know since I have not, nor probably ever will, use those vendors. Seems to me no one is forcing me to use them.


-this is just a few things. there are more and im sure if you stop lying to yourselves and accepting a mediocre game BIO-WARE will stop allowing this crap to push away players. Sure SWG wasn't perfect no game is for everyone. But if SOE had listened to their players all those years ago, I might still be playing that instead of sitting here watch SWTOR go down the same self destructive route i watched SWG go down but this time i chose to speak up instead of watching idly by while it killed itself.

Seems to me that the people responding to your original post are not the ones who are fooling themselves. Everything BW has done from the moment they took the game F2P has brought more and more players back to the game. Have they done everything perfectly? No, they have made missteps along the way, but SWTOR is pretty much the poster boy of how to take a subscription only based MMO and transition it into a more successful Freemium MMO.

Edited by TravelersWay
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reading most of these comments from other people it really makes me not give a crap about these people or their game. I say let them and it bury its self, i mean they already dug the hole.


people try and come in and propose some good changes that would do nothing but make the game better and more fun and then the bioware yes men come in and berate them and call them names tell them to go play SWGEMU and shut up.


Better and more fun are purely subjective terms. In all honesty, and subjectively speaking, there are many other things that BW can focus on to add to the game besides freeform space that would make it better and more fun.

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Well, I think I am being generous with my 25% - perhaps if you include the time where you could see "space" from a window might bump it up that much. I went through and timed the actual space scenes (scenes on a space ship don't count - I'm talking about all actual scenes that take place in actual space) in each movie a long time ago, and it wasn't really a lot of time all encompassed, despite what people may think.


What does the percentage of space on film have anything to do with what people want in swtor. You're naive to believe space and space warfare have nothing to do with Star Wars. The Star Wars universe is set in a time of war ground and naval forces play a major part in this. In what 3 of the six films the finale was decided or at least influenced by a major space engagement. Why can't people have that in this game why is it so bad and so terrible for people to want a good space pve portion of this game. I don't get it

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Why can't people have that in this game why is it so bad and so terrible for people to want a good space pve portion of this game. I don't get it

I believe that a game is best when it specializes.


X-Wing vs Tie Fighter was an AMAZING game back in the day. But imagine if they had tried to make it a ground game AND a space combat game? The space combat would have suffered.


You can ask for a better space experience in TOR. But anything that you get would be worse than what a standalone Star Wars space combat game could deliver. I'm sure of it.


I also believe that the 50+ million that Chris Roberts made for Star Citizen shows that people like still like space combat games, and publishers will wake up to fact that the genre isn't as dead as they thought. Between that, and the upcoming SW VII film bringing broader attention to the SW universe, I wouldn't be surprised to see a really high-quality Star Wars space combat game in development soon.


That would serve you better than trying to make TOR into something that it isn't.



Edited by Khevar
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While your post is touching what you all seem to be under the impression of is that i no longer play SWG. While that couldn't be any further from the truth. the fact still remains you are sitting idly by and allowing SWTOR to become the same steaming pile of crap SWG was when it shut down due to the same exact lack of care of the fan base and the utter "for the lulz" attitude of the community as a whole. Let me reiterate i DO NOT MISS SWG as i have not and do not intend to stop playing it.


Now it's my turn to speak up. Will you please STOP speaking for everyone for godsake. I for one actually like the way things are and appreciate how Bioware does the game so stop dictating how I should feel or telling me I'm accepting mediocrity because that is an OPINION!! An opnion I do NOT share with you.


Do I believe things can improved? Yes of course. Do I quesrion some decisions of course. They are not perfect but for the most part I am having fun and the moment I stop is when I stop playing. But this post and your huge wall of text screams arrgonace to be honest. As you seen to think that just because a game failed due to miss management, that it automatically means the same here.


Well no it doesn't and is nothing more than conjecture. If you genuinely feel you are not getting your money's worth than that's on you, but do NOT presume to be an advocate for everyone because you arw not. Oh and I'm not lying to myself at all I just accept things as rhey are.

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I believe that a game is best when it specializes.


X-Wing vs Tie Fighter was an AMAZING game back in the day. But imagine if they had tried to make it a ground game AND a space combat game? The space combat would have suffered.


You can ask for a better space experience in TOR. But anything that you get would be worse than what a standalone Star Wars space combat game could deliver. I'm sure of it.


I also believe that the 50+ million that Chris Roberts made for Star Citizen shows that people like still like space combat games, and publishers will wake up to fact that the genre isn't as dead as they thought. Between that, and the upcoming SW VII film bringing broader attention to the SW universe, I wouldn't be surprised to see a really high-quality Star Wars space combat game in development soon.


That would serve you better than trying to make TOR into something that it isn't.




I'll agree with you that most games that specialize are better then broad all encompassing games. However this is an mmo. A game constantly getting money through subscriptions and the cartel market. A game that still has a development team working constantly on it. Point being they have the resources and funding to make a good space pve portion if they really wanted to. I'm not sure if op feels the same but I personally would like some space play with a little more meat (not as in depth as star citizen) then what's currently offered. being stuck on rails or being forced to pvp if you want a space fix isn't the greatest.


But I can live with what we have I love playing this game and will continue to play. My whole question is, why when people want a little something more particular space portions of the game everyone seems to go bananas and tells them to go play something else or play swg emu. It's just strange to me.

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I'll leave this thread with this question because you can defend this game all you want but the inevitable truth is what happens when you make 1 of each class (including advanced class, total 16 characters at level 55) what happens when you have full raid gear on all of them, your house is 100% unlocked and fully decorated, you have finished unlocking every part in GSF for every ship, and you have maxed out your tradeskills to 450. You can only re-run the same ops/fp/warzones soooo many times before you start to get bored.


so why is it so bad to ask for 1 bit of content that is ever changing ever engaging and will never get old?


side note. Im not asking for space exploration not sure where that got thrown in the mix, what i was asking for was engaging space PVE/PVP content without time limits or instances or missions just the ability to get in your ship, launch into open space and shoot at NPC ships or flag for PVP and engage in open world PVP in space. if i wanted to explore i would just fly planet to planet, or go play STO, thats not what im after.


another thing crossed my mind, space would have to be multi-faction like warzones of some sort, otherwise you would launch into space and PVP against your own faction. But it would be great to have that in game just to be able to fly around not on rails but with GSF type open controls and shoot at NPC ships for upgrades and parts with the option to flag for PVP combat much like we have with the current PVP character flag.

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One more thing, if no one is interested in "SPACE" please explain to me why JTL was the most well recieved SWG expansion. GSF was the most eagerly awaited expansion for SWTOR. PEOPLE WANT SPACE in STAR WARS. regardless of how much time in the movies was spent in space, bottom line every kid that watched star wars grew up wanting 2 things to be a jedi and to blow up the Deathstar, Be Han Solo and Fly teh Falcon no matter how you sliced it flying was always part of STAR WARS.
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One more thing, if no one is interested in "SPACE" please explain to me why JTL was the most well recieved SWG expansion. GSF was the most eagerly awaited expansion for SWTOR. PEOPLE WANT SPACE in STAR WARS. regardless of how much time in the movies was spent in space, bottom line every kid that watched star wars grew up wanting 2 things to be a jedi and to blow up the Deathstar, Be Han Solo and Fly teh Falcon no matter how you sliced it flying was always part of STAR WARS.


The rose colored glasses are strong in this one. Do you have any proof that the expansion you mentioned was well received as you say? No I thought so. Space maybe rrally important to you, but it is not a shared by everyone so stop saying thinga we arw just defending the game. We not. We simply saying that we disagree with the notion that just because another Starwars game failed does not mean this one will to.

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