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[BUG] Trying to update to patch 2.9c


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Hi everyone,


I've been trying to update the new patch for today but it's been stuck. It says installing 100% (12.83MB/s) and the bar at the bottom of the screen shows that the bar is all the way over to the right in red showing Complete. It's been stuck like this for hours now. I've tried quitting the program then restarting it and it does the same thing. So then I tried to delete BitRaider and re ran the launcher but the same happens when it gets to the patch. Is there anyone out there that can help me? Please?





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I'm having a similar issue - mine is stuck at 98.94% installing.

I have run the Launcher Repair Utility, with no change. I have also closed and reopened the launcher several times.


Is there any way I can force the Launcher to redownload the patch?

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Is there any way I can force the Launcher to redownload the patch?

The Bug Reports forum is the wrong place for this, but I'll answer anyway. Open the folder where you have SWTOR installed (make sure that the launcher is closed). There should be a folder called "assets_swtor_en_us_175to176" or something similar; delete that folder and start the launcher again.


If that doesn't help, you can also delete another file, but that will force the launcher to redownload the whole installation.

This depends on when you are stuck in the installation. If it is in the game files, you need to delete assets_swtor_main.version, if it is in the English files, you need to delete assets_swtor_en_us.version, then restart the launcher. But like I said, then you'll have to redownload multiple GBs of files.

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The Bug Reports forum is the wrong place for this, but I'll answer anyway. Open the folder where you have SWTOR installed (make sure that the launcher is closed). There should be a folder called "assets_swtor_en_us_175to176" or something similar; delete that folder and start the launcher again.


If that doesn't help, you can also delete another file, but that will force the launcher to redownload the whole installation.

This depends on when you are stuck in the installation. If it is in the game files, you need to delete assets_swtor_main.version, if it is in the English files, you need to delete assets_swtor_en_us.version, then restart the launcher. But like I said, then you'll have to redownload multiple GBs of files.


Redownloading is no issue for me, I'm actually in the process of doing that now after completely uninstalling because deleting the asset files mentioned (bar the assets_swtor_main.version) didn't seem to fix it. (It's 11:30 at night here, so when that didn't work I kinda got frustrated and decided to do a complete uninstall and cleanup and start again.)


Still, it has worked. I briefly had some trouble with the launcher showing -100%, but after double-checking that I'd deleted all the files from the old install (forgot to check My Documents, oops) it started downloading normally.


I had a similar problem with the last patch though, so I'm worried that I'm going to have to reinstall every patch. Is there any reason this could be happening that I can do anything about?

Edited by dartigen
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