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RP Server Questions


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So I have tossed the idea back and forth a bit about possibly moving character(s) to the RP side of the servers. However I have some questions.


1. Is the majority of players rping just about everywhere you go or is it simply guild oriented?


2. Is the GTM just as active as a pve server or is it more active?


3. When it comes to Ops, Flashpoints, etc, is the requesting for other players the same or less active?


4. Finally, in your own opinion, would it be worth joining?


Thank you for taking the time to respond, if you do.

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wel the roleplay is mostly kept inside the guilds and also whit other guild alliances..and on some planets people rp with who ever comes allong.

and at the gtm i found out the prises are higher on gear and speeders and so on...but materials and crafting things are sold here to low prices according to some other server..sometime to low in my opinion.

pvp and pve is active...but a lot times wz are run whit a lot people not knowing what to do or know any tactics,but then again..its a rp server..so a lot may not care about it.

According to rudeness...i find this server one of the friendly ones

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I see, well I must say thank you for responding to my questions. However I would appreciate others answers to my questions to make a better judgment of whether to switch or not. If I were to base my choice of change on a single person, it wouldn't feel right to me.
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I would say there is quite a lot of roleplay going on outside guilds, or at least in an open and inviting environment.

It's just not on Fleet.

http://swtor-rp.com/progenitor is one place to see what's going on. Check the event-thread.

Here's some examples of things that usually happens Progenitor:


Jedi-stuff on Tython.

Several guilds have activities on tython. Either check for events on forums or simply go there and ask some jedi thats patrolling the grounds. Even if there isn't an activity at the moment, some RP'ers can often be found "hanging around" the temple anyway. I recomend the lectures and the "redoubt of spirit" reoccuring ceremonial event.


Sith-stuff on Korriban.

A lot like Tython, but you know... NOT like Tython, if you get what I mean.

Same thing here though, you can often find RP'ers being on Korriban even when there is no event and they can usually tell you if there's something happening.



To my experience, there isn't much happening in the couruscant bars, but I've ran into a few nice RP-sessions in the bar in Dromund Kaas. Maybe it has a better location?

The big place for "Bar RP" is of course Nar Shaddaa. There's practicly always something going on either in the slippery slope cantina or in the Velvet Pearl. (upper level, see http://velvetpearl.enjin.com/home )

There's events like "Mr and Ms Nar Shaddaa", Swoop-races and bazaars where people sell their crafted goods.


Other planets

I know very little about most planets to be honest. I know that both imperial and rep side have guilds that regularily hang out at Alderaan though. I myself spend some time in the lovely guild "Light of Alderaan" and allthough some activities might be dull or uninteresting to people outside the guild (because you're not in tune with the guild storyline, for obvious reasons), some activites includes lectures and sparring and does not require previous knowledge to be enjoyed. (Remember manners though, no storming in and mucking about in someones planned RP event. Be polite and ask before you do)


So, basicly...

If you want RP every day or at least several days a week, then you should join a RP guild.

If you're happy with playing along, being in character and maybe just swing by some random RP and an event now and then, just keep an eye on the forums and talk to some "wandering roleplayers" on Tython or Korriban.


I have never found RP to be lacking on Progenitor.

Then again, I am rarely ever out of character myself. :)



Note that all RP activities are player driven and so, things that has ones been, may not be again and may or may not be replaced by other things. ;)

Edited by jeffersson
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