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Bannerless Order hosted FREE Fleet Datacron (+10 all stats) Event (IMP) this Saturday


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<The Bannerless Order> will host its monthly fleet on Saturday Aug 30 from 3 pm EDT till 5 pm EDT.


NOTICE: We are using a new system for the datacron event so a few things have changed. We will be using our guild ship summon ability to summon an entire group of people directly to the door on the top platform just outside the datacron either when a group of 24 is full or every 10 minutes whichever comes first. This will remove the waiting for sages call ability. Due to this change, you are required to have obtained your personal star ship in order to be eligible for the guild flagship summon ability. As long as you have your personal starship any level may obtain the fleet datacron


NOTICE: Bioware has fixed the blue crystal bug and you are required to obtain the blue crystal from the museum on fleet (this was tested with our guild members and they could not get the datacron without the blue crystal). If you wish to get the blue crystal before the event you can simply join the datacron event chat channel, be invited to group and summoned from anywhere in game.


We will also soon be hosting a Makeb summon datacron event for the +10 endurance datacron on Makeb in the coming weeks using the same system.

Edited by ThaNuls
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