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Stronghold custom vendors


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What would be nice, is to be able to put in your stronghold a new utility character : A custom vendor.

As the owner of the stronghold, you would be able to manage what your vendor sells and at what price.

For example, let's say I have a bunch of items in my inventory (crafting materials, cartel items, mounts, decorations, ...) that I don't want to put on the galactic market. I would be able to give them to my vendor so that when people visit my stonghold, they would be able to buy the items directly from him.

It would make players visit different strongholds more often to see what other players have to sell.

Whenever you make a sale, the money would go straight to your inventory (minus the cost of upkeeping your vendor because even in SWTOR you would have to pay wages to your employees ^^).

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BTW You can get some furniture and a furniture Vendor from the Stronghold Quest, which is basically getting the quest from the major city and then getting a strong hold. Could have saved me lots of Coin to know that in advance. I spent all my CC opening decorating kits..
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