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:rak_01: .. My name is Lt-Léimbrèje, Master.Armata & Pleb of The Jedi Council (Guild).


Find our three fortresses on the public list of the Stronghold

( search the Galactic Forteress to "Jedis", the new name on your list ).



The Council is on Coruscant (full) .. but too onTatooine and Nar Shaddaa

(totally free access for everyone, come greet us by visiting us on the planets).



(( ( To "The Jedi Council™ Guild -> Ask Lt-Léimbrèje ) ))



(contacted me, via the Temple mailbox on Tython).



Our little Fortress from Tatooine (photo S.D) ..

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=341311282702743&set=a.101251416708732.3338.100004716212593&type=1&theater :rak_02:

Edited by CptLeimbreje
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