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Your Guild's Conquest point Final?


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Then small guilds have a chance! All they need are huge stacks of mats for conquest crafting and no job :)


I have a full time job as a developer, a wife and two kids and I managed 750k points. It's not hard to queue up crafting every once in a while when you have a chance. Our top contributor hardly had time to actually play this week due to starting his first week of law school. He just popped in and queued crafting when he could. We had other members with more free time doing material farming and objectives that actually required play time.


A big key is making sure you're crafters have as close to 100% stronghold bonus as possible. When you're getting 1500 for every War Supply crafted vs. 1000 it makes a big difference. That's an extra 12,500 each time you queue up all 5 companions with 5 a piece.


It will be interesting though, to see how the point totals shape up now that most guilds that were in tight races have used a lot of their stockpiles.

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It will be interesting though, to see how the point totals shape up now that most guilds that were in tight races have used a lot of their stockpiles.

This is a very good point. I suspect the green mat market (which was quite brisk this past week) will continue.


Out of the 10 possible conquest events, 8 of them have planets with a 2x crafting bonus. So most every week there will be people needing green mats for war supplies, and will supplement their own gathering with trips to the GTN.

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I was really impressed with my guild corrupted souls and what we were able to accomplish as a medium size progression raid guild. We only had in the low 50s in active accounts at the start of the week and scored over 9 million points to win Makeb on POTF. We grew by about 10 members over the week but could have had over 100 accounts if we invited everyone who whispered a guild member asking for an invite.


The only reason why we scored this many points is because the second place guild going for Makeb continued to push us all week. It was some of the most fun that many of us in my guild have had playing this game especially when there was open world pvp. We had some epic fights with other guilds going for commanders. Conquests definitely made my guild a lot more active.

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Do you really think a 'small' guild with say, 5-10 active players has a chance in you know what against a 'large' guild with say 30-40 active players?


That's not a guild, that is a few friends in a group calling it a guild

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That's not a guild, that is a few friends in a group calling it a guild


That's how a lot of people play MMO's.......


Im in a small Guild, I was really excited about the Conquest System & getting a Guild Ship, but seeing how the system works atm, theres no point at all.

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That's how a lot of people play MMO's.......


Im in a small Guild, I was really excited about the Conquest System & getting a Guild Ship, but seeing how the system works atm, theres no point at all.

You realize there are 10 spots on the leaderboard, right? On weeks with 5 different planets to conquer, there will be 50 guilds on the boards, each getting rewards.


Or are you only willing to play if you're going to get the top spot?

Edited by Khevar
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I had about 112000 but quit doing war supplies. Since I was a one man Guild basically it surprised me you could get that many from war supplies. I do Mk-3 an Mk-2s so no points for that I believe. I have to settle for the other compensation I received from that. Edited by well
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Then small guilds have a chance! All they need are huge stacks of mats for conquest crafting and no job :)


NO, sadly, they don`t. They are up against 100% bonus crafters with huge stockpiles AND tons of alts / guildies to replenish them. In a tight spot, personal tens and hundreds of millions can be used to buy mats, at whatever price they are on the GTN. Why? Because, at the end of the day, mathematics is mathematics and 10 players crafting will always beat 5 players crafting.

Edited by Styxx
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There is an inherent flaw in the logic of those that claim that small guilds have a chance at getting into the top 10 with just enough dedication.

Why? Because we're talking about a system where there's only a limited number of winning spots. Let's apply the conquest system to other areas in the game:


1. Ground PVP:

From now on, the winning team will get the normal rewards. Those on the winning team that got less than 8 medals only ge the credits. Those on the losing team get credits if they have at least 8 medals and nothing if they have less than that. No matter how hard they try, if the other team is better, the losing team won't get comms.


2. Ops:

From now on, the rewards for the Weekly is handed out at Weekly reset time. Only the ten fastest groups get Ultimate comms. The rest gets Elite comms only. All the loot tokens from the ops are revoked for every group that was not among the ten fastest.


3: Space PVP:

From now on, the losing side won't get fleet comms. If they have less than 4 medals they won't even get ship comms.


4. Dailies:

At the end of each day, only those that got the most credits from their daily runs get to keep them all. If someone got less than the top 10 half their earned credits from the run are withdrawn from their bank.


5. Ranked PvP:

Instead of requring 1600+ rating, only the top 10 players get the Gold rewards. The rest... better luck next time.


The point is: No matter how hard a guild tries, if there are 10 guilds on that planet that got more, they won't get any guild rewards. It's inherently different than anything else we have in the game. The Nightmare buff with the title for DF/DP NiM was different, because with enough dedication everyone could get that, even if there were a hundred other guilds that got it before.


I know that in RL we have that in competitive sports. Even if someone manages to run a new world record with 9.2 seconds in the 100m men's race - if there are three others that were faster he won't get a medal.


We also have that in our school system. Even if you score top in your class, if there are only 20 spots for that university course you wanted and there are others who were better than you, you're out of luck.


But for this game this is a completely new principle.


This post is not meant as a complaint (although I'd like it if everybody who reached their personal goal would get an encryption). It's merely meant to highlight the flaw in the argument that - with enough dedication - everybody can get a spot in the top 10, which is simply false.


Even during the week where we have 12 planets it won't be much easier. Since it won't be a top 120 list, but 12 top 10 lists, you need the ability to predict which planet will have the weakest competition. Because if you happen to pick the wrong planet, and the 10th spot got just 10 more points than you, your small guild is out of luck again.

Edited by Shoraan
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My main's republic guild got ~2.8mil points on Makeb, 3rd place. Not sure about other guilds, and my imp guild hasn't gotten a ship yet, though I did donate.


I do dislike the rewards, though. The guild reward is for the guild, naturally, but the "normal reward"? Gathering decorations are useless with the debuff, and scraps/25k mean nothing. They should really give either Dark Project materials, or (exclusive) decorations.

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NO, sadly, they don`t. They are up against 100% bonus crafters with huge stockpiles AND tons of alts / guildies to replenish them. In a tight spot, personal tens and hundreds of millions can be used to buy mats, at whatever price they are on the GTN. Why? Because, at the end of the day, mathematics is mathematics and 10 players crafting will always beat 5 players crafting.


Ha! I agree with you Styxx. Large guilds have an inherent advantage.


I was being a bit saracastic in my comment - double tap had pointed out that they personally pulled 750k conquest points despite being married with children and a full time job...and that the top 5 in their guild combined pulled 4.4M. I made a bit of effort, and ended up pulling just enough to get the personal conquest rewards. Which were...dissappointing considering the effort required.


So yeah....it's possible...but I guess that would be one distinction between 'casual' and 'hardcore'.

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Not likely, if nothing else because some weeks there will be 15 planets to choose from, and that means 150 guilds will finish in the top 10 on each server. Also, check the different Conquest criteria at http://dulfy.net/2014/08/07/swtor-planetary-conquests-guide/ -- they vary a lot.


where are you getting 15? thought there was only 11 shared planets?

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Conquerable Planets: Tatooine, Balmorra, Alderaan, Hoth, Voss, Belsavis, Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Corellia, Ilum, Taris, Makeb, The Black Hole, Oricon, Section X

Those are 15. Furthermore Balmorra is devided (imp and rep) , so taris is probably devided too.

So there should be 17 conquerable Areas in total, while you get achievements for 15.


at the same time contested planets are however 12 at most, as can be seen in dulfys guide

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