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Question about races in the story


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So I understand the race you choose doesn't affect the game at all...it only comes up in the dialogue from time to time. Well, that's exactly what my question is about. I really enjoy the story part including the dialogue. I have a few characters already and have only played a little ways through the story but have noticed the following....In dialogue people notice my character is sith pureblood fairly frequently and bring it up, which is cool....however on the flip side of the coin, my Twi'lek Jedi Knight encounters an entire village of fellow Twi'lek.s and it's never mentioned At All, which is disappointing.


So....I'm thinking about making a Chiss, Cathar, Miraluka (the blindfolded race), and a Mirialan, the green skin folks with the tattoos. So regarding dialogue with those races...flavor of the game, etc...how often, if at all is their race brought up, mentioned, etc? If it's a fair amount, that certainly will add to the play through, the flavor of the game, but if it's like Never mentioned or brought up, then I see no reason to create another character using those races.


Appreciate any input as it could save me a lot of time. No spoilers though of course, as I haven't played that for through any of the stories yet. Thanks so much.

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From the ones you mentioned, only Chiss have unique dialogue during the Imperial Agent story.


Regarding the Cathar, there's the odd bit here and there as well, since the original writers didn't take into account the possibility of making them a playable species. Thus, inconsistencies galore... This may be the case with every other species you unlock with the Legacy system.

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I have two characters, a chiss sith assassin and a miraluka jedi knight. Both have caused problems, although i love them both. The chiss less so than the miraluka though. I explain my inquisitor being both chiss and a slave in that he was a jedi in his younger years and was caught and enslaved. This only ever caused inconsistencies when ashara asked about how the empire enslaves my species. The miraluka though, is laughable. They clear never thought of an eyeless race when making that class. When Rana betrayed me on tython and i told her that i never wanted to see her again, she said she could see in my eyes that i still hated her, even though i have no eyes to see. another time a jedi told me he had a vision of my eyes glowing red on korriban, which is anatomically impossible. long story short, dont be a miraluka knight.
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I have two characters, a chiss sith assassin and a miraluka jedi knight. Both have caused problems, although i love them both. The chiss less so than the miraluka though. I explain my inquisitor being both chiss and a slave in that he was a jedi in his younger years and was caught and enslaved. This only ever caused inconsistencies when ashara asked about how the empire enslaves my species. The miraluka though, is laughable. They clear never thought of an eyeless race when making that class. When Rana betrayed me on tython and i told her that i never wanted to see her again, she said she could see in my eyes that i still hated her, even though i have no eyes to see. another time a jedi told me he had a vision of my eyes glowing red on korriban, which is anatomically impossible. long story short, dont be a miraluka knight.


Once upon a time, really a long time ago...


- The Miraluka was a species available ONLY for Consulars.

- The Pure Blood was available ONLY for Warriors.

- The Chiss were available ONLY for Imperial Agents.

- Zabrak were NOT playable as a Sith Warrior.

- Pure Bloods were NOT playable as a Sith Inquisitor.

- Rattataki couldn't be played as a Sith Inquisitor either if memory serves me right.


Thus, even when the game was released, inconsistencies galore. :cool:

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Once upon a time, really a long time ago...


- The Miraluka was a species available ONLY for Consulars.

- The Pure Blood was available ONLY for Warriors.

- The Chiss were available ONLY for Imperial Agents.

- Zabrak were NOT playable as a Sith Warrior.

- Pure Bloods were NOT playable as a Sith Inquisitor.

- Rattataki couldn't be played as a Sith Inquisitor either if memory serves me right.


Thus, even when the game was released, inconsistencies galore. :cool:

That last one, I don't get. Rattataki are very common Imperial slaves; there's no reason why they wouldn't fit the Inquisitor's background. Everything else makes sense, though.

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That last one, I don't get. Rattataki are very common Imperial slaves; there's no reason why they wouldn't fit the Inquisitor's background. Everything else makes sense, though.


Again, I could be remembering it wrong. :o


Something related to the fact they weren't part of the slave species that were taken into exile, together with the rest of the Empire for Dromund Kaas? After the Great Hyperspace War?


As I said earlier, NOT entirely sure on that one.

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Rattataki were available in the original list for SI. My sorc was one and I didn't have any unlocks at the time.


I also found this article on IGN, (last edited Feb 2012):



Legacy was added to the game in Apr 2012.


You're either confused or misunderstood what I meant.


The species that I mentioned previously were also(!!!) ALL available at launch to their respective classes. There was a time however - as mentioned a long, long time ago - where they weren't.


"Fan backlash" ensued - especially pertaining the Sith Warrior and the Zabrak - and Bioware caved in.


Thus the discrepancies I ALSO(!!!) mentioned earlier at launch.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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As I remember, Miraluka were Jedi only--not Consular only--prior to Legacy. Unless you're talking about the open beta, in which case I'd have no idea.


Anyway, in one of the final Jedi Knight quests on Alderaan, there's a Miraluka specific dialogue option. ("My eyes are the Force--and you can't hide forever.")

Edited by Phenixmirage
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The species that I mentioned previously were also(!!!) ALL available at launch to their respective classes. There was a time however - as mentioned a long, long time ago - where they weren't.

Ah, so back in Beta. I wasn't around for that.

Edited by Khevar
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As I remember, Miraluka were Jedi only--not Consular only--prior to Legacy. Unless you're talking about the open beta, in which case I'd have no idea.


Anyway, in one of the final Jedi Knight quests on Alderaan, there's a Miraluka specific dialogue option. ("My eyes are the Force--and you can't hide forever.")


Before the open Beta.


Ah, so back in Beta. I wasn't around for that.


As mentioned above, before the open Beta. ;)

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