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More Jedi Decorations...


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It seems sith have way more decorations than Jedi. I would like to see the following Added to the decorations list..

Jedi Statue with closed robe with hands together like on the defender bedroom.

Jedi Statue with hands down to sides ( like on Tython orbital station)

Jedi Statue holding saber

Jedi Flags like in the temple on Tython.

Jedi flags orange like outside the temple.

The Holo portraits like near the exit of the temple.

Jedi initiates/knights like the republic guardsmen.

Oh and not related to Jedi, The Target Dummies that you can attack.

Holoprojector platform. Kinda like the hypergate ring, but a lot smaller, but big enough for someone to stand on.

(( This would make good rp while using Holoprojector disguise, and make the disguise last longer))

A smaller version of the vip middle section on the fleet for the landingpad / centerpiece object. a 1 man platform that takes you up to the vip area. A hair bigger than the Emporer statue [Large] or close to the same size.

Edited by TechRandy
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