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More Planets!! Please?!?!?!


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Planets I would like to see added: Dathomir - A planet full of Night Sisters, and force sensitives. Not to mention rancors and other predators.

Other suggestions; Dantooine, Kashyyk, Ryloth, Naboo, Forest moon of Endor, Geonosis, Apratos, etc.


What other suggestions do you have???? Please add!

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Devs have done a good job with planets that people requested long past. They made good on requests for volcanic planet (Oricon) and water planet (Manaan). I hope Manaan will be expanded some other time though, it feels bit small at the moment.


The only type of planet that I can think of right now that we don't yet have, is a forest planet - one where the trees are too large to see the sky. So I guess Kashyyyk would be nice to have next.

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Devs have done a good job with planets that people requested long past. They made good on requests for volcanic planet (Oricon) and water planet (Manaan). I hope Manaan will be expanded some other time though, it feels bit small at the moment.


The only type of planet that I can think of right now that we don't yet have, is a forest planet - one where the trees are too large to see the sky. So I guess Kashyyyk would be nice to have next.


Oricon is a moon, not a planet, not to mention it's nothing more than a glorified daily area at the end of the day.


It is NOT on par with the likes of Corellia, Voss, Belsavis, Taris, etc etc.

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Nar Shaddaa is also a moon, plus its all up to the devs how many areas there are in any of them. Some of them have been expanded in the past (belsavis -> section X, Corellia -> black hole). Don't be a sourpuss. :rak_04:


Nar Shaddaa has a full world arc, class stories and a bonus series to boot; Same with Belsavis and Corellia, except for a bonus series concerning the latter.


Alas, Oricon has none of the above.


Also, not being a "sourpuss" but rather accurate. Oricon is not a "planet" in any shape or form; Calling it such is just wrong in more ways than one.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I think we need a balance between planets previously introduced in the movies and newer fresh ones. I would rather not see the game introduce all the famed planets from the films/TV series just for the heck of it. With that said, it's always cool to see their spin on something we are already familiar with.


Here's my hopes (and I'm expanding the definition of planets to include new 'areas.'


-A follow up on Manaan. The most likely possibility here would be a level 60 daily area. It would be a waste IMO to make the only water world little more than a pathway to a single flashpoint. In terms of style I would prefer something more unique in approach such as the Black Hole dailies which were always the most fun I had running any of them.


-A brand new planet with a somewhat unique terrain (e.g. Makeb). I would prefer that this world be new and never before seen to give the devs full creative freedom. An example of unique terrain would be Utapau from the films (although obviously not that exact planet).


-An adaptation of a previously seen planet. I'd be fine with ANY of the Kotor planets: Game (not film) style Kashyyyk, Dantooine, one of the minor planets from the film or cartoon.


I know that's very broad and likely will happen in some way or another eventually, but I just wanted to share what I want.

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