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Jedi Consular vs Sith Inquisitor


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Hello forum.

I'm in the situation very soon, that i will be finishing my Sith Warrior's storyline.

And so i will be making an alt, and my question to you fellow players, is that which one of the two titled above, that i should pick.


I've been playing empire for quite some time, so i feel kinda drawed towards playing republic, however i've read on so many places that the Consular has a very dull and boring storyline, and honestly, the storyline's is what is keeping me playing this game.

I wanna play a ranged DPS/healer, so it's either the Sage or Sorcerer for me.

My question is then, if you have happend to have played both classes, what is your opinons on the two storyline's/abilities and companions, and what would you recommend for me?


And some personal prefferences. I dont wanna be 'pushed around' like go do this, do that, obey me and so on. I wanna make my own decisions, and so called 'deep lore' like "this datacron has been here for thousind of years, and it is very important because..." is not really interresting me in anyway.


Hope to get some insigt!


- Thanks

Edited by BlameChewbacka
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Hello forum.

I'm in the situation very soon, that i will be finishing my Sith Warrior's storyline.

And so i will be making an alt, and my question to you fellow players, is that which one of the two titled above, that i should pick.


I've been playing empire for quite some time, so i feel kinda drawed towards playing republic, however i've read on so many places that the Consular has a very dull and boring storyline, and honestly, the storyline's is what is keeping me playing this game.

I wanna play a ranged DPS/healer, so it's either the Sage or Sorcerer for me.

My question is then, if you have happend to have played both classes, what is your opinons on the two storyline's/abilities and companions, and what would you recommend for me?


And some personal prefferences. I dont wanna be 'pushed around' like go do this, do that, obey me and so on. I wanna make my own decisions, and so called 'deep lore' like "this datacron has been here for thousind of years, and it is very important because..." is not really interresting me in anyway.


Hope to get some insigt!


- Thanks


Well for starters both of the Inquisitor/Consular's act 1 are not very good. I do think the Consular story does get better in Act 2, while the Inquisitor get's better in Act 3 (although the inquisitor has better moments.)


As for the companions I think they had potential, but all have some issue. I will try to keep it as spoiler free as I can. The one you get on Tython is interesting to talk to on your ship or in a cantina, but rather bland everywhere else.


The one from Nar Shadda is actually a pretty good character and his reactions do differ depending on where he is, although there are a couple of times, if you bring him to the right places, you want to hit him.


Companion 3 is all right. He's not bad, just not exceptional in any way.


The one you get on Hoth...ugh. He sucks, and he is boring. I honestly try to forget he exists. He's also the female love interest which honestly makes me feel sorry for all the female Consulars.


The fifth companion would have been really good, but you get her too late for her to really matter. It's a shame since she could have been very intgeresting. Overall she's not a bad character, but she comes way too late. Also she's the male love interest.


On a random note I think the Consular was supposed to get aditional companions on Belsavis and Voss but they were taken out. It's a pity since they were more interesting than the ones we got. If memory serves you get one companion conversation with each.


As for the Inquisitor's companions


The one you get on Korriban is enjoyable and I think you will like how he develops over the game.


The one on Tatooine never really made an impact on me. I honestly think it's because he's too quiet for his own good. Also he's the female love interest.


The one from Taris is a mixed bag. On one hand she's a nice idea and her conversations are interesting. On the other hand she has a pretty bad romance. Yeah.


I actually like the one from Hoth as he is a pretty funny and energetic character. He also will make you chuckle on occasion, which is nice.


The last companion, really has the same problem as the one from Tatooine to be honest.


As for your personal preferences, I'd say it seems like the Consular might be the better bet. One of the more annoying things about the Inquisitor is how he is very easily tricked/manipulated.


Also a bit of a warning, at least for me I cannot see the Consular as a dark side jedi because, well due to the story making dark side choices make you come across as a psychopath, in a bad way. As in how did the Jedi not arrest me yet? The inquisitor can portray both light and dark side much better.


Also you could be a commando/Mercenary if you want ranged heals/dps.

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As they're the only two stories I've finished (well, practically finished in the Consular's case), I'm happy to help.


In my personal opinion, the Inquisitor's storyline contains more highs and lows; a lot of ideas in it are more interesting than those in the Consular's storyline, and the good parts are excellent, but the bad parts can be terribly illogical and immersion-breaking if you look at them too closely or play a certain way. It's a very self-centered story in a way, with plots that relatively rarely intersect with fighting for the greater Empire; it's a story about the Sith Code, about power and freedom. In fighting for this, the Inquisitor is frequently lacking in power or knowledge, and can be pushed around by circumstances, but will eventually overcome them, and it's a triumph more complete than fighting the Republic will ever get to be.


I'm not sure how many spoilers you want about companions; I personally found three that I liked a lot and two I never used.


Khem Val grew on me eventually, and he's quite intimately tied to the Inquisitor no matter what choices you make, so he frequently has a lot to say.

Andronikos Revel fell wholly flat for me, seemingly having wandered in from a different story.

Ashara Zavros is great if you play light side, as you can talk about the reforms you want to enact in the Empire and such.

Talos Drellik is just a fun and entertaining person all around. He shows up later than I'd like, as the Reclamation Service-style work takes place largely in Act 1, but better late than never.

Xalek is just terrible and shallow, and the circumstances of his joining are ridiculous.



The Jedi Consular story, by contrast, is somewhat more consistent. It's also less different from the Jedi Knight story than the Inquisitor is from the Warrior, as it's just another means of serving the Order and the Republic. I found the first chapter to be on the dull side, admittedly, but that stops rather fast upon reaching the second chapter. It's all a story about the Jedi Code as much as the Inquisitor story is about the Sith; seeking knowledge and harmony is the top priority, more than just fighting the Empire (but quite frequently, you seek those things to do better against the Empire). The voice acting can take some getting used to, as it's very understated.


I find myself with less to say about the companions here; they're admittedly some of the least memorable, at least to me, in the game.


The abilities will be identical between stories, just with different animations. Sorcerers use lightning for everything, Sages use telekinesis and rock-throwing.

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