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New pack reputation weekly cap...


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Combine these three reasons and you'll know why:

  1. We have a paid expansion coming out later this year
  2. No fix is ever sent to live with first going to the QA team
  3. Other bugs are game breaking


It's breaking my game, I want to burn off my certificates and get crap from the npc. Maybe it's just me lol.

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An update! This bug is going to be fixed in 2.10, as we are completely removing the weekly cap from the Binary Star Realty reputation.


Shortly after, in 2.10.1, we're removing the weekly cap from ALL Cartel Market reputations.


Thank you

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It is not a game breaking bug, so it is prudent not to prioritize it over the actual game breaking bugs = coming in the next patch.


Yes I know you can't use the rep tokens, but the game is not broken because of it.


Except that Patch 2.9b from 2 days ago included the following: "Corrected an issue where a player’s Legacy Titles would appear blank." That's not exactly game-breaking either.....so there goes your theory.

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Oh I see, so you'll only remove the reputation caps from gambling packs, but PVE content can just as well remain the same? Man it must morally suck to work for Bioware/EA.


The weekly caps on PVE content are meant to balance out the ability of a player with 1 character to grind through rep compared to someone with a bunch of alts and also to spread out the grinding since players churn through content at light speed and complain they are bored and have nothing to do. The weekly rep cap on CM packs can't accomplish either of those objectives. It's apples and oranges.

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It's breaking my game, I want to burn off my certificates and get crap from the npc. Maybe it's just me lol.


While this is a seriously annoying bug, as a dev myself, I so not see this as game breaking. Yes, annoying as all h***. But not broken, per se. The Darkness on Ilum bonus never firing for me... now that's a breaking bug.


As for why it's going to end up taking four weeks to patch in another zero to the Binary Star rep...? THAT I just do not understand. Removing rep altogether is, I suspect, a much more complex patch -- especially if they never coded a "no cap" code path in the first place.

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