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TWO subscribers looking for a guild


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My husband and I are casual PVE/PVP players looking for a casual guild. We've been playing since launch day of SWTOR! We each have 3 level 55's (mercenary, operative, and assassin for me, and sniper, powertech, and juggernaut for him) and a couple mid-level toons on the Imperial side. We also have a couple mid-level toons on the Republic side. We're both currently subscribers.


We're parents of a toddler and another on the way, so we're really not looking for a guild with regular required raiding schedules because we just simply can't commit to it. We'd love to participate when possible, but we only get to play when she's sleeping, so we never know what time we may be able to log on, etc. We're looking for a guild to do casual participation in FPs and heroics/events, as well as PVP (mostly for fun). We'd prefer a pretty adult/mature guild, since we're both a little passed our teenage days and the drama/antics that come with that ;) If your guild has a Republic sister guild, that'd be a bonus.


Does your guild fit this description? Are you recruiting?? :)

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Rancor Bait is currently recruiting casual, social and raiding people. We are a very friendly guild full of awesome people. We have many things going for us and only more to come as new things come out. So I think Rancor Bair is sounding more and more like a good match for you. Msg me in game or here on the forums and I can give you more details and an invite if you'd like.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Chanî- Henne- En'ela


Or Feel free to msg the GM at



Or any other person in the guild. We pretty much all know how to get a hold of everyone.

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<Vox Dei incipit> is the recruiting guild for <Vox Dei> and we are looking for new members. We have: +10% XP Boost and are strictly 18+. We offer a casual environment for both pve and pvp content. Our members are very friendly and willing to help out with flashpoints, events and the like. We are currently progressing through Nightmare content and do run Hardmode content on a regular basis. We have no requirements as to raid attendance just make it as you can. If you have any questions or are looking for additional information feel free to contact any of our members. If you wish to speak to the GM"s directly you can contact Ixxon or JaceLansing.
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Could you provide 5min parses from the three of you please?(Child included)


Well if the state of my living room after she's done with it is any indication, I think our toddler's dps is pretty solid. ;)


And thanks for the replies as well, <Rancor Bait> and <Vox Dei>

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Come join Pheonix Heart were pretty casual and don't require any kind of insane raiding schedule. We play to have fun and generally group up for flashpoints or just general leveling on planets. Most of us are on at night to the wee hours of the morning for some. So if your interested shoot me a tell or in game mail Ewrom Flyingrider.
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