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Game Update 2.9 Known Issues


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Hey folks,


We do have a few Known Issues going into GU 2.9 that I wanted to let you know about!


  • Players do not receive double Prestige on previously placed items after conquering a planet.
  • Decorations can get bugged if the layout is switched while a Decoration is present. Workaround: If you find you have two Decorations occupying the same area, leave the Stronghold and then re-enter.
  • A guild will still be displayed in the Leaderboards if it is disbanded while controlling a planet.
  • Emissive effects on Decorations are not rendered in the Preview Panel.
  • Guild names are not updated on the Leaderboard if they are changed during a Conquest event.
  • Companions are missing the Mission Icon above their head if they are summoned in a Stronghold.
  • Players can get stuck in a Decoration they were situated on if they return to the Stronghold from a Warzone, or log out and then back in. Workaround: Using the /stuck command will resolve this.
  • Companion Hologram Decorations do not properly show the gear that is shown in their previews.
  • The “Additional Legacy Stronghold Storage Bay” item is consumed on use even if the Player has all available Bays unlocked.
  • The “Rename Flagship” item is consumed on use even if a rename is already available.
  • The Decoration “Arrangement: Speeder Station” cannot be consumed.


While I don't have exact details on all of them, we are looking to get them fixed as soon as possible!





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