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Probably been asked many times but


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This has probably been asked many times but what is the overall status of SWTOR...both financially and how long they plan on keeping it going? I know thats a weird question that probably makes people upset but if i plan on dumping money into the game these are some things I would like to know especially if they thing will be shutdown in six months or 1 year.
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This has probably been asked many times but what is the overall status of SWTOR...both financially and how long they plan on keeping it going? I know thats a weird question that probably makes people upset but if i plan on dumping money into the game these are some things I would like to know especially if they thing will be shutdown in six months or 1 year.


No company is ever going to release that kind of information, unless it's a "The game is shutting down in 6 months from now. Thank you all for your years of support!" message.


That being said, I dont think the game's in any danger of being shut down for a long time. All reports have been positive, the game's success has been rising a lot over the last year. The servers are bustling, and there's plenty of articles out there on how profitable it is.

SuperData claimed that SWTOR is the 4th biggest subscription MMO worldwise (or 2nd if you disregard games like TERA and Lineage 1 that aren't nearly as popular on the Western market as they are in Asia).


EA's also got a ten year exclusive deal with Disney to produce Star Wars games, and as long as that's going on I really doubt they'd ever shut SWTOR down.

So far we've got about nine years to go before that contract is up for renewal (which I suspect will happen).

So no worries, enjoy the game!

Edited by Callaron
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They have pretty good profits from the Cartel Market; people spend hundreds of dollars on the mounts and outfits. For casuals it takes a while to play through the 8 different story lines, so they do have retention. And they bring players back periodically with the various events - Gree event, Rakghoul event, etc,, are quite popular.


I'd say they're doing pretty well. They've reduced the number of servers, but the servers are staying at heavy population, and recently with lag over the weekend. And as far as expenses, their tech support is pretty bad, their bug fixing is almost non-existent, and their expansions are re-iterations of existing stuff, so they're not spending that much. Maybe a couple devs, a few techs to keep the servers up, and like 1-2 mods.

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