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Getting kited in arenas? Try Carnation!


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that spec is litterally useless.... you cant use overload saber without being in juyo and ataru forms wont strike or proc anything unless you are in ataru...


that hybrid spec is designed for Juyo. The 2 points in T3 is to open the T4-T6 in Carnage.


It allows for:


* Reduces the minimum range of Force Charge by 10 meters and Lowers the cooldown of Force Charge by 3 seconds

* Deadly Saber

* Gore

* Ravage has a 100% chance to immobilize the target for the duration of the ability

* Deadly Throw has a 100% chance to immobilize the target for 3 seconds. Additionally increases the range of Obfuscate by 6 meters

* Reduces Force Scream's cooldown by 3 seconds and rage cost by 2

* Force Camouflage has a 100% chance to purge movement-impairing effects. Additionally increases the movement speed bonus of Predation by 30%

* Critical hits with bleed effects heal you for 1% of your maximum health

* Rupture has a 100% chance to also reduce the target's movement speed by 50% for the duration


Hop on over to Sentinel forum and what I suggested is similar on 04.14.2014 , 03:58 PM.

Edited by Ramtar
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If you're trying to kill someone in an arena, the most important thing is getting a slaughter proc right after you just finished a gore rotation. Two back to back gore rotations + any other competent dps will kill their tank if it is uninterrupted, even through some cooldowns.


You can't do that with this build. Also, Annihilation spec in general really needs the upper tiers in my opinion to make the dots worth while.


A better solution is to keep up predation for your team, and be sure to keep your slow on the main target. When that PT tank dumps his oil all over the ground and uses his Hydraulics, it won't mean jack when you have predation up - you'll be running just as fast. And you can keep predation up 100% of the time now.


In short, playing better as Carnage will allow you to accomplish the same thing (not being kited) and also gives you a better chance of killing the opponent.

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