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How to avoid from suffering shutdowns for the Carnage spec? (pvp)


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I might be asking too much but as you all well know, we're suffering a considerable amount from roots/slow/stunlock... and this hurts even more when you play carnage as it kills your shortly-lived gore window or whatever rotation you use to get the burst out. So any help would be gravely appreciated... veterans? :D
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-It may sound silly, but I found out that you have to time your leaps carefully. Don't be the first one in (unless its a desperate attempt to stop a node cap or something) because you are the prime candidate to be stunned, knockbacked and rooted to death. Saving your leaps makes it so that a)the guy you are targeting may have already blown their stun or knockback or 2) if you do get knockbacked you have your leap readily available.

-It doesn't hurt to save your Gore window for Force scream procs and/or Ravages (I kinda assume you knew that). This kind of ties into the first point because if you time your leaps right, you should be able to hit the guy during the Gore window without much fear of interruption since they may have blown their stuns/knockbacks/roots already

-Some ppl would say use Force Camo to break the slows/roots but I use it more to get out of trouble instead of as a root/slow breaker, but you have that option as well.

-Be mindful of who/what you are hitting. Sometimes its easier to target other melee first. If you notice one over-extending on your line it doesn't hurt to try to take them out.

Other than that there really isn't much way for you to avoid being shutdown. We aren't Vengeance jugs lol


Hope this helps. Happy Gore-Ravaging :D

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-Only Gore - Ravage when you either know that your opponent has no stuns available or you are white barred. Most players will not even notice that you have Gore up, and will be very surprised when their health suddenly drops to zero.

-As the above poster said, don't be the first one in. You WILL be stunlocked to death. You need to let other players engage first, and then come in when they are distracted and wreck people.

-If you notice someone shutting you down (like a veng jugg or a tank), focus fire them first. Especially if they have a healer. It may sound silly, but it is usually easier to focus fire a tank down than it is to kill his guarded healer. A tank might have 40k HP, but he is reducing your damage done by 30% with taunt and absorbing half of the remaining damage with guard. This gives his healer literally about triple HP because your damage output is lowered. Focus the tank down instead.

-Stay within range of your healers. This is a big thing for many new warriors. It's very easy to yolo in and get out of range of your healers, and most of the time, unless they are queuing with you and specifically healbotting you, they are not going to be in range to heal you.

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