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Why Keep Removing Jeelvic?


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Jeelvic must leave before they find he is patient zero. An ancient Jawa used for testing by the Sith that made the plague. Always searching for a cure but afraid to reveal what he really is.


That's my theory and I'm sticking to it :rak_03:

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Jeelvic must leave before they find he is patient zero. An ancient Jawa used for testing by the Sith that made the plague. Always searching for a cure but afraid to reveal what he really is.


That's my theory and I'm sticking to it :rak_03:


Jeelvic is NOT Patient Zero. Right now...

Patient Zero is having a stroll in the beaches of Corellia, after having escaped his imprisonment in Arcanum.


Eventually, he'll want to pay a visit to Lucky in Coronet City Zoo but get lost in the way. Unfortunately, he did knew of his allergy to jaggalors and thus the next outbreak will begin.


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Jeelvic is NOT Patient Zero. Right now...

Patient Zero is having a stroll in the beaches of Corellia, after having escaped his imprisonment in Arcanum.


Eventually, he'll want to pay a visit to Lucky in Coronet City Zoo but get lost in the way. Unfortunately, he did knew of his allergy to jaggalors and thus the next outbreak will begin.


You have your Zero. I have mine. May the best plague bearer win :D

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Jeelvic is like a left in leaf. He goes where ever the wind takes him.


Hmmm wait a second....I just thought of something. Jeelvic only appears when the rakghouls appear and disappears when they are whipped out. The then appears on a different planet as the rakghouls start to appear.



He was there during the first event and disappeared after it ended only to appear on the next planet in what is described as the epicenter of the outbreak. Not only does he appear in the cave but he is in one of the most dangers parts of if aside from the eyeless one's area. It explains why the rakghouls do not attack him even though he just walking around in there like nothing is wrong. It is because Jeelvic is the one that starts it all every time he goes to the planets and starts the infection!



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So few people have done the seeker droid chain quest. :(



You meet Patient Zero in Raid on Arcanum quest. So leave poor Jeelvic alone.



I had mentioned that bit earlier too. :p


Most people I talk to concerning the Arcanum revile it. I have helped a friend of mine with my Sage, since he was simply terrible during the platforming. Had to pull him all the time, lest he miscalculate it and fall. :rolleyes:


I enjoyed it immensely though. :D

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I don't think leaving the vendor in for a week after is unreasonable, they've done it before, I believe with the first gree event, the chevin and such were left in for a week after. No reason this should be any different. It's a week, not a big deal. I'm not cancelling my sub over it, but I don't think it's unreasonable. I'd like to be able to get my new pet, instead of waiting until March of 2015 or whenever they run the bloody event again lol.

I guess you're gonna have to wait.

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Perhaps a compromise would be to have Jeelvic remain in the game for a week after the event ends. I think this would be fair.


Just like everything else..."You give a mouse a cookie, he's going to want a glass of milk."


So let's say they leave Jeelvic for a week, then after he's gone the next person is going to cry for two weeks, and then three weeks, and so on. Look at the (garbage) 2XP scenario... it used to be for a day/weekend, now it's a week, and now people are asking for a month or a permanent Legacy boost and even 4XP and insta-55s. It'll never end.


Jeelvic, and other rare items, need to remain rare or else they won't be rare and will no longer be sought-after. Yes, we do these things to get the rare items so we can lord them over people that don't have them, that's the main idea behind something being rare.


I have enough reputation items to be Legend after the next reset, which is two weeks after the event, but I won't be able to get the three rare items until next time. So what if I have to wait a little? It'll be that much sweeter when I finally get them.


In the meantime, if I see anyone with anything rare that I don't have (or even if I do have it), I respect them for it cuz I know how hard they worked to get it. I don't cry that I don't have it or missed my chance to get it. That's part of the game life.

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Jeelvic, and other rare items, need to remain rare or else they won't be rare and will no longer be sought-after. Yes, we do these things to get the rare items so we can lord them over people that don't have them, that's the main idea behind something being rare.


My problem with him is not about the rare items - they're ugly and I don't want them anyway. My problem is that that Jawa is the only one who sells Rakghoul event decorations(which only require Friend standing and a few canisters). And I really don't understand why we have to wait half a year for those, when Bounty/Gree decorations are available right away.

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