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Legacy Unlocks: Credits vs Cartel Coins Guide


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As there is a massive discrepancy between the cartel coin cost and the credit cost for legacy unlocks, I took some time to analyse which unlocks should be bought with coins and which should be bought with credits, so that you can select the most optimum currency to purchase each unlock. Obvious advantage here, you can save a lot of credits / coins in the long run.


If you want to read the post, you can find it here: http://www.someonewhotried.com/game-guides/swtor-legacy-unlocks-coins-vs-credits/

My spreadsheet can be found on Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kohdKQRRen6qd17cIM3_PgpTzJgNIYGA0LIn6ldLLIo/edit?usp=sharing


In order to come up with an easy comparison figure, I divided the credit cost by the cartel coin cost (Credits per Coin). Here are the top 10 unlocks to buy with Cartel Coins. For more info, take a look at the spreadsheet or blog post.


Unlock Credits Cartel Coins Credits per Coin

  1. Improved Rocket Boost II, 12,500 Credits per Coin
  2. Improved Rocket Boost I, 8,333
  3. Galactic Trade Network Terminal (Starship), 5,556 Credits per Coin
  4. Rocket Boost, 5,000 Credits per Coin
  5. Repair Droid (Starship), 4,000 Credits per Coin
  6. Legacy Travel III, 4,000 Credits per Coin
  7. HK-51 (Character Unlock), 2,857 Credits per Coin
  8. Operations Training Dummy (Starship), 2,857 Credits per Coin
  9. Warzone Training Dummy (Starship), 2,857 Credits per Coin
  10. Legacy Cargo Hold Bay 4 (3 Characters), 2,857 Credits per Coin



Hope you find this helpful. If you have any feedback I'll do my best to incorporate it into the post and spreadsheet as soon as possible. I do plan to keep this updated as best I can, and I will be adding GSH unlocks on there, hopefully before it launches next week.

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