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Sentinel Endgame PvE Gear


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Kinda have to mix them to optimize. The armorings are exactly the same, but some pieces of each set are riddled with crit while the others have power, and some of the enhancements on either set have alacrity. Gonna want to aim for primarily power/surge gear, with enough crit to suit your personal comfort level, and no alacrity (while maintaining 100%/110% melee/Force accuracy, of course).
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Go by stats not name, you want for the majority strength+power pieces with accuracy or surge, general rule of thumb is 100% or near enough accuracy then rest in surge but you generally don't have to follow that until you're min-maxing, usually 5 pieces accuracy/5 pieces surge does wonders as your gearing up and you don't have to change up much when you do replace it with some 180 pieces.


You can have strength+crit pieces also but don't overdo crit as it gives diminishing returns.


Also if an enhancement has alacrity swap it out for an accuracy/surge one even if it's a lesser one.

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