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Retaliation (in Carnage Spec)


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I ditched Retaliation long ago because I didn't feel the rage cost per damage was very efficient. I think this is especially true in Carnage spec when I already feel quite busy managing slaughter and execute procs, keeping rage up for gore windows etc - all while trying to stay alive considering our current state of squishyness. However I just wanna be sure I'm not missing out on something. Are you (carnage mara's) using retaliation for extra dps? - I'm mostly referring to PvP here as I usually roll anni spec if I'm in an ops.


On a side, even in anni spec I don't usually bother with it cause I don't pick up cloak of annihilation, but perhaps it is worth reconsidering if I could keep cloak of pain on very short CD?

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I ditched Retaliation long ago because I didn't feel the rage cost per damage was very efficient. I think this is especially true in Carnage spec when I already feel quite busy managing slaughter and execute procs, keeping rage up for gore windows etc - all while trying to stay alive considering our current state of squishyness. However I just wanna be sure I'm not missing out on something. Are you (carnage mara's) using retaliation for extra dps? - I'm mostly referring to PvP here as I usually roll anni spec if I'm in an ops.


On a side, even in anni spec I don't usually bother with it cause I don't pick up cloak of annihilation, but perhaps it is worth reconsidering if I could keep cloak of pain on very short CD?


If you have the rage and can use it during gore then 100% yes use retaliation. If I'm correct, retaliation and auto attack do slightly more damage that one massacre does (especially if you have the massacre buff for an increased chance of an ataru form hit) so even in that situation it's good to use. So yes, use retaliation if possible and save it for your gore window, but only if you don't still need to get procs or if it won't screw you over for rage later if you need it.


As for cloak of annihilation I would say don't take it. There are better talents to spend points on and Cloak of pain is a 1 minute CD anyways so it's short enough that you shouldn't need to reduce the CD of it anyways.

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