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Survival of the Nerdiest: Match 2 Debate Thread, Dxun 213


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Yet you are assuming she was staring right at it, she was not. Vashti was hidden and used the comms to listen in, when it became apparent that B4 was not complying to her plan, she executed the plan she had in place, taking the droid out simultaneously.


Also Dxun's storms are going to be minor compared to other hostile worlds such as Tatooine, Rhen Var, etc...


Also no mistakes from her are not impossible, however her personal margin for error is going to be minimalist at least.

That doesn't mean the Plasma isn't still there also it would have burned through B4 hull so its out in the open with Jahuro near it so his heat signature would concealed by the plasma but I'll admit taking out B4 and Jahuro at the same time would have been awesome with it being in B4 his hull is what saved Jahuro life if you had hidden it in the open he would be died


Also this isn't a normal Dxun storm it has been created by something or someone so it is much more powerful than a normal Dxun storm BB might be used to its much stronger and everyone makes mistakes just because the chance is minimal its not 100 percent so it could happen

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No she did not, as the updates confirm, it is only afterwards that she would go for him and thanks to the storm, the plasma will quite likely disperse much faster.


Alright that changes my opinion on the situation.



Since she did not have line of sight when this started, then actually getting it now will be next to impossible. The rain will prove a more than annoying, keeping her from actually knowing if she has her target in scope. Her map, if it is in her HUD, will be her only way to know where her target is. I don't see either of them taking each other out right now.

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You seem to be forgetting that her helmet is equipped with a HUD that can switch between multiple viewing spectrums, that would cancel out not just rain but plasma as well.


Am sorry but when was this mentioned i don't remember seeing that posted anywhere that you HUD can switch spectrums i think something like that has to be mentioned in the equipment part of your character description or Pm to SIL if you did that then Jahuro is dead and we can move on but if not like Karadon said there no way you can kill him now unless you get close and i mentioned this already if you get close he will just keep trying to get away from you tell one of you tire out and is killed

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Am sorry but when was this mentioned i don't remember seeing that posted anywhere that you HUD can switch spectrums i think something like that has to be mentioned in the equipment part of your character description or Pm to SIL if you did that then Jahuro is dead and we can move on but if not like Karadon said there no way you can kill him now unless you get close and i mentioned this already if you get close he will just keep trying to get away from you tell one of you tire out and is killed


This is fairly standard equipment in Mandalorian helmets of the time and she is a very high tech Mandalorian herself, her armor is state-of-the-art.


Also I need to point out that this has been made clear before and the sheet in the thread now is more an update on the original, which contained helmet specs, something Silenceo has I'm fairly sure.


You're jumping to a few conclusions there, I'd suggest asking first.

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You seem to be forgetting that her helmet is equipped with a HUD that can switch between multiple viewing spectrums, that would cancel out not just rain but plasma as well.


Actually I did not take that into account...


Just to clarify though the HUD system would have the map, the ability to cycle between normal/night vision/infrared and 360 degree vision. Anything I'm missing?


But my opinion actually changes little. If she wants Jahuro dead so much then I believe that given the circumstances (read weather and terrain) it will have to be done up close and personal. And most likely a zakkeg is going to have to be killed first.

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This is fairly standard equipment in Mandalorian helmets of the time and she is a very high tech Mandalorian herself, her armor is state-of-the-art.


Also I need to point out that this has been made clear before and the sheet in the thread now is more an update on the original, which contained helmet specs, something Silenceo has I'm fairly sure.


You're jumping to a few conclusions there, I'd suggest asking first.


I have to say sorry i just checked again and it mentions the multi-spectrum local-area-map so i do apologize for jumping to conclusions when i looked the first time i did not notice it


Also I'll have to say i don't agree that its standard equipment for a Mandalorian at all I would have to disagree the Average Mandalorian would have all this in there armor then Nal Character would have it aswell which he doesn't or never even mentioned having it in his posts also being a high tech Mando doesn't seem fair its breaking Rule Number 2 you're not an average star wars citizen with this Armor so i think your armor should be downgrade a bit or give Nal the same Armor since you're both Mandalorians to keep the game fair


Also i have to say again like Karadon pointed out The weather is a Hazard that is going to keep you from finding your target or at least hitting the target somewhere fatule so you would have to fight close which would be very difficult because he will keep on trying to gain separation from you to use his ranged abilities

Edited by Jarons
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I think I have a pretty good idea of how this will go down now, but if you have more input do not hesitate. Every little bit can influence the details and outcome. For example, we have focused quite a bit on Vashti, but what do you all think Jahuro will do or be able to do in his condition? I have a pretty good idea, but I would prefer if it was tempered a bit by others opinions so that my biased can remain at the door, as I have been trying to do since the start.


Side Note: If anyone has proposed scenarios or sequences of events or some such, please Pm them or post them here, I ignore no feedback and try to take every scrap of detail into consideration.

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I think I have a pretty good idea of how this will go down now, but if you have more input do not hesitate. Every little bit can influence the details and outcome. For example, we have focused quite a bit on Vashti, but what do you all think Jahuro will do or be able to do in his condition? I have a pretty good idea, but I would prefer if it was tempered a bit by others opinions so that my biased can remain at the door, as I have been trying to do since the start.


Side Note: If anyone has proposed scenarios or sequences of events or some such, please Pm them or post them here, I ignore no feedback and try to take every scrap of detail into consideration.


I think whatever Jahuro does will be the result of some sort of Force high or rage-like-state. Or he'll try to slink off, heal up, and stalk her.

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I think whatever Jahuro does will be the result of some sort of Force high or rage-like-state. Or he'll try to slink off, heal up, and stalk her.


On the healing: Could Art of Small be used to heal himself, albeit energy intensively?


On the stalking: He could likely pull it off, but likely would not due to energy reserves and how close to insanity he would be, which would be enough to dissuade him from going after BB. He would likely stalk animals and siphon their fear to replenish his sanity levels. Of course, not the squirrels. They is his friends. :D


On the Force High/Rage like state: It is likely he managed to gain a bit of his sanity back as a byproduct of the wave of fear affecting the two Zakkegs so immensely, which might help him to act not quite as wild in the ensuing fight. If the Zakkegs remain within a decent range, he could continue harvesting the fear to regain his composure, though I think it might come down to Jahuro keeping range as he works on Vashti's mental barriers.

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I say post the scenario you think it will go down here first then if we all agree with it oost it in the ic thread


Not yet in that coherent of a format, but I will give a brief summery:



-Lightning intro

-Jahuro struggles to stand at first

-Vashti fires off the opening shots, storm make them go off target

-Jahuro assesses his injuries as the fear from Zakkegs sooth his mental wounds

-Vashti tries to get closer for clear shot, slowed by slippery rocks

-Jahuro decides to keep distance and use mental abilities

-Jahuro uses environment to evade LoS as he tinkers with mental barriers

-Vashti uses flamethrower to finish off a Zakkeg that tries to charge her

-Jahuro gains distance

-Storm intensifies

-Vashti tries to close the distance again



Essentially what I see so far, without giving any spoilers. It will be much more epic when I get down to the scenario, and there will be a lot more tricks and such thrown in. Remember, this is just a brief summery overview, excluding the ending.


Side Note: I am trying to keep it skeletal enough before I go in to finalize it so that it will be easy to change or rearrange beforehand. The details are best when inserted in the moment, with my writing style anyways. That way they do not feel forced.



Edited by Silenceo
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I say its pretty much that with alot more action i truly don't believe there should be a loser in the fight the storm made that impossible it should be a draw between both characters but we all know what Jahuro would do he will keep trying to get away while being hunted by BB
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Vashti does not have 'emntal barriers' she is simply void of emotion, i have stated this several times before.


Also she can use a tracking dart to keep long distance tabs on Jahuro's position.


Devoid of emotion will not stop him from getting into her mind, I assumed however that Vashti would have naturally strong mental barriers due to her past experiences and the strength of her mind. As for after that falls, he might try to fiddle with the *emotional block* that Vashti has constructed, note, I never said it would be quick work, likely extremely difficult even for a mental specialist such as Jahuro.


The problem I see with the homing dart is the heavy rain, but otherwise yes, he isn't in a state to readily notice it nor to take the time to remove it unless he managed to recover a bit when he is at a safe distance. Wouldn't be instantly found though.

Edited by Silenceo
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Creating fear in something that lacks emotion... see the inherent problem there?


No organic thing is 100% immune to fear. For example, if suddenly a Rancor had Vashti in its grip, would she feel no fear as it was about to eat her head? *For the purpose of this example, she can't reach her weapons and or activate them*


Also, if I recall in that retcon, Vashti felt frustration, which is a form of anger, an emotion. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that she has a high threshold before emotions emerge?


The fear that Jahuro would create wouldn't be rational fear, which is what Vashti has become nearly immune to, it is the irrational fear type that he could project, basically fear with no logical reason.


A rational fear is something like soldiers with guns, or a forest fire, perhaps even a thermal detonator someone has a on the dead mans switch.


An Irrational fear would be along the lines of fear coming from a source you can not identify, or see no reason for, or from something that is really harmless. Such as heights, the dark, being killed by a falling tree in New York.


In the context of this incident, it still wouldn't be much fear and build very slowly due to her high resistance to fear in general, though mostly rational fear. However, how often has she had to deal with irrational fears generated by the force? If it was heights, she would have likely dealt with it, she worked in the dark, she likely conquered that, but getting fearful from nothing she can detect? If that was me, that would throw blazing red warning signs to me that my subconscious has picked up on something I over looked.


While most do not consider it fear, even being cautious is a form of fear, otherwise they might act reckless or try crazy stunts. For example, Vashti likely would only slightly worry about slipping due to her great boots, at that level it is nearly none existent, but acknowledging...


Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.


Now, I am not saying she would be a coward and turn tail immediately, she likely would quell her fears easily, likely as she has done in the past when met with danger. This is much more akin to how people who appear fearless react to such situations. They notice the danger, the register the possibilities, and then react accordingly.


Fear isn't always that big quaking in your boots moment.


In regards to the current situation, I think it is likely a small nugget might have lodged itself in her psyche from the wave of fear Jahuro released, since it was an instinctive and savage explosion of fear. Vashti being the rational gal she is, likely starts to quell that fear as she makes he way down the slippery slope. She likely notes how slick the rocks have become and hopes her boots hold up as they have in the past on the treacherous footing.


At no time during this has she had any visible signs of fear, merely the usual goings on of mental processes and going about business as most people would if they had her type of experience. By this time Jahuro has likely began searching for any signs of fear and only finding traces, he will likely try to induce some of his own in order to gain an advantage, and it will not have a great effect.


It likely wouldn't do terribly much unless he wants to put more energy into it. However, he could likely then, with his foot in the door so to speak, use that small nugget to worm his way in. Still, Vashti would have an incredible resistance, on the outside likely not even having slowed, and still quelling the majority of the fear.


Another way to think of fear is recognizing danger and being forced to come up with a solution, else your own body might turn against you, aka quiver, or quell it.


This is getting a little redundant, so I will end this post by merely saying that Fear is a good thing, much like how pain is a good thing, if you had 0% or immunity to either, you would actually live for a much shorter amount of time due to lacking the information they give you.


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She would not fear the Rancor, just as she does not fear incoming fire, she analyses her options. She did NOT exhibit frustration, she analysed the fact that he was costing her precious time and went for a 100% certain kill.


Fear is nothing compared to cold analysis of battle, mentally analyzing the next jump through mathematics, etc... This is what she does, she analyses, this is her be-all and end-all in regards to her mental approach.


Fear is an instinctual reaction but when you've been beaten to near death every day for the first fourteen years of your life, you start to lose fear and emotion, then spend the next five decades living and breathing Mandalorian culture... the most brutal ways.


These is a reason she doesn't have mental breakdowns over her conscience, she does not know or feel emotion anymore.

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She would not fear the Rancor, just as she does not fear incoming fire, she analyses her options. She did NOT exhibit frustration, she analysed the fact that he was costing her precious time and went for a 100% certain kill.


Fear is nothing compared to cold analysis of battle, mentally analyzing the next jump through mathematics, etc... This is what she does, she analyses, this is her be-all and end-all in regards to her mental approach.


Fear is an instinctual reaction but when you've been beaten to near death every day for the first fourteen years of your life, you start to lose fear and emotion, then spend the next five decades living and breathing Mandalorian culture... the most brutal ways.


These is a reason she doesn't have mental breakdowns over her conscience, she does not know or feel emotion anymore.


The thing is, You can't have NO emotion, If you had none, then well, you're not really human, But anyway, I don't think humans can lose their emotions unless something Traumatic happens.

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