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Survival of the Nerdiest: Match 2 Debate Thread, Dxun 213


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Actually Sil I was going to have a Narrator Update for the three of them, well it would affect just about everyone to some extent, after this had played out.


PM details? Though if what I think is happening, happens... This just became Chaos...

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"Zakkegs were incredibly terratorial beasts from the moon of Dxun. Drawn to loud noises and the sound of intrusions, they were aggressive and ever-hungry. Preferring caves or mountain tops, they would rule over the surrounding area and kill anything that was brave enough to march through it's territory."


"Drawn to bright colors and explosions, Zakkegs were highly accustomed to charging into battle and killing anything that remained. Preferring injured and easy prey, the sign of bare flesh or blood would send them into frenzies. Mandalorians avoided this through armor, but nonetheless were very wary of these beasts."


The only two quotes I could find in the KotOR CG.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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"Zakkegs were incredibly terratorial beasts from the moon of Dxun. Drawn to loud noises and the sound of intrusions, they were aggressive and ever-hungry. Preferring caves or mountain tops, they would rule over the surrounding area and kill anything that was brave enough to march through it's territory."


"Drawn to bright colors and explosions, Zakkegs were highly accustomed to charging into battle and killing anything that remained. Preferring injured and easy prey, the sign of bare flesh or blood would send them into frenzies. Mandalorians avoided this through armor, but nonetheless were very wary of these beasts."


The only two quotes I could find in the KotOR CG.


I knew about the caves, though the mountain tops piece is good to remember.


As for the actual scenario... *facepalm*

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So...Why again did Vashti attack him so readily? Just curious.


As for the burnt and bleeding, yes, though I do remind you that Boran knows that someone who has quite a hardened mental state is in the area, which is why he was trying to meet face to face with them, to judge their potential. Though, that said, he is also well aware of the rules that Vespus issued, such as the "only one can live" thing so he wouldn't go in unprepared. It is at this point that I remind you guys that he has Force Precognition Mastered as well as Force Speed Mastered, and while these are not as powerful as movie jedi with such abilities mastered, they still do count for something. Add to the fact that he never lost connection with the surface impressions of Vashti's mind, and while he would likely still catch some shrapnel due to proximity, I do not think he would be immobilized.


Vashti was likely expecting it to be a regular person due to the lack of the 'tingly' sensation of a dark sider, which could explain why she activated the explosives as he was only just walking into range.


It should also be noted that due to B4's droid nature, if he did indeed disable the signal in the one in his body, he would take very minimal damage from the external ones. Metal body ftw for him.


Though, travel time should not be forgotten for the Zakkegs.


Just a reminder, I am not saying he will be unscathed, merely that due to the situation and his abilities that it is likely that he is still quite mobile.

Edited by Silenceo
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If there is more than a few meters distance between B4 and Jahuro, and it sounds like there is, then Jahuro could very well escape with little damage from the grenade.


Zakkeg arrival will probably be within an hour or half hour, but since they are territorial I can't see more than a few actually coming at all. Terrain too will probably slow them down. Mountains are not known for being the easiest terrain to travel over.


Also 15 feet is less than the range on concussion grenades so Vashti will have had to move about two meters or so away, but that's a technicality.

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She attacked him because she knows this moon is not a place for simple travelers, she isn't an idiot.


I still don't understand where he had the time or space to deactivate the signal detonator placed into the grenade. She set the concussions and then gave him the plasma, he moved forward... if he was tinkering with a plasma grenade infront of the newcomer that wouldn't be very friendly nor was it in any of the scenarios.


You don't easily remove a detonator from a grenade, you do it carefully, equating to time, I just don't see the logic here.


Also Zakkegs were quite fast and are only about 40 feet up the mountain, remembering that we are on a ridge-side here, not the bottom.


B4 should explode, knocking Borans backward and leaving him burnt, possibly impaled with shrapnel. Then the Concussion grenades go off, deafening his senses and scrambling his ability to mentally call on the Force.


Take into account incoming heavy rifle, heavy blaster and possibly even flamethrower fire and he is going to get fairly severely damaged here. Once the Zakkegs come knocking, she makes her way up the ridge-side, avoiding both the Zakkegs and any counter attacks from the Sith.

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She attacked him because she knows this moon is not a place for simple travelers, she isn't an idiot.


I still don't understand where he had the time or space to deactivate the signal detonator placed into the grenade. She set the concussions and then gave him the plasma, he moved forward... if he was tinkering with a plasma grenade infront of the newcomer that wouldn't be very friendly nor was it in any of the scenarios.


You don't easily remove a detonator from a grenade, you do it carefully, equating to time, I just don't see the logic here.


Also Zakkegs were quite fast and are only about 40 feet up the mountain, remembering that we are on a ridge-side here, not the bottom.


B4 should explode, knocking Borans backward and leaving him burnt, possibly impaled with shrapnel. Then the Concussion grenades go off, deafening his senses and scrambling his ability to mentally call on the Force.


Take into account incoming heavy rifle, heavy blaster and possibly even flamethrower fire and he is going to get fairly severely damaged here. Once the Zakkegs come knocking, she makes her way up the ridge-side, avoiding both the Zakkegs and any counter attacks from the Sith.


How much does anyone want to bet that Taz will magically appear and he and Vashti are going to have a Mexican standoff? :p

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She attacked him because she knows this moon is not a place for simple travelers, she isn't an idiot.


So rude, assaulting a kind, elderly hermit! :(:p


I still don't understand where he had the time or space to deactivate the signal detonator placed into the grenade. She set the concussions and then gave him the plasma, he moved forward... if he was tinkering with a plasma grenade infront of the newcomer that wouldn't be very friendly nor was it in any of the scenarios.


You don't easily remove a detonator from a grenade, you do it carefully, equating to time, I just don't see the logic here.



By that logic, when did Vashti change the grenades from standard, to install a signal detonator instead of a simple activate and toss? Granted, she had a bit of time since she picked them up, but you would think B4 would have noticed, or at least have jammed signals that would have activated the one inside of him.


Also Zakkegs were quite fast and are only about 40 feet up the mountain, remembering that we are on a ridge-side here, not the bottom.


They still wouldn't be there within 5 minutes at the soonest. They are likely either sleeping or hunting for food, and while yes such a loud noise might draw them, since it was only a burst it might start in this direction and then lose its way. Kinda unreliable.


B4 should explode, knocking Borans backward and leaving him burnt, possibly impaled with shrapnel. Then the Concussion grenades go off, deafening his senses and scrambling his ability to mentally call on the Force.


Let us say B4 did not deactivate the signal receiver in the plasma grenade, and that he didn't jam any signal within a meter or so of him for safety purposes. The explosion from the Plasma grenade would probably throw Boran beyond the range of the concussions. Not even taking into account that Boran had at least 10m distance from B4 and maybe a little less to the trap. If it turns so badly so quickly, he could, if nothing else, use force cloak to escape.


Take into account incoming heavy rifle, heavy blaster and possibly even flamethrower fire and he is going to get fairly severely damaged here. Once the Zakkegs come knocking, she makes her way up the ridge-side, avoiding both the Zakkegs and any counter attacks from the Sith.


If he doesn't get knocked over by the blasts I foresee him retaliating with his Expert level Soresu skills to deflect the shots. If he is knocked down and confused by the grenades, he likely will be scrambling to his feet, trying to get distance until he can focus again. The Zakkegs are not only 100m away taking a cat nap, or at least most wouldn't be, so I doubt they would be an instant addition to the scenario.


Though, when she started the ambush she assumed that the being was not a sith due to lack of tingle, correct?


Side Note: I think it shouldn't be forgotten that Mirulaki constantly are using Force Sight, which undoubtedly would have revealed the grenades, perhaps would explain why he halted at that position. I know, "but why then didn't you state it in the posts" I forgots that he sees using the force, so it slipped my mind. Though now that it is mentioned... Seeing through solid objects ftw.

Edited by Silenceo
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So rude, assaulting a kind, elderly hermit! :(:p


One person surviving on this moon and is almost definitely not a Mandalorian as they patrol in numbers, leaving only one of the other prisoners as a possibility. Then take into account that she knows he is male due to his voice, then take into account which male humans or humanoids were among the group and she has literally no reason not to kill or incapacitate him.



By that logic, when did Vashti change the grenades from standard, to install a signal detonator instead of a simple activate and toss? Granted, she had a bit of time since she picked them up, but you would think B4 would have noticed, or at least have jammed signals that would have activated the one inside of him.


A 'bit' of time? she saw him from three miles off, that is quite a long time to prep three grenades with signal detonators. She was also quite a bit ahead of B4 unless you forget that he was trailing her the entire time, only just keeping up.


They still wouldn't be there within 5 minutes at the soonest. They are likely either sleeping or hunting for food, and while yes such a loud noise might draw them, since it was only a burst it might start in this direction and then lose its way. Kinda unreliable.


No they would not, but they would come down, the smell of blood in the air very possibly speeding them into said frenzies.


Let us say B4 did not deactivate the signal receiver in the plasma grenade, and that he didn't jam any signal within a meter or so of him for safety purposes. The explosion from the Plasma grenade would probably throw Boran beyond the range of the concussions. Not even taking into account that Boran had at least 10m distance from B4 and maybe a little less to the trap. If it turns so badly so quickly, he could, if nothing else, use force cloak to escape.


I think the fact that Concussion and Plasma grenades have a range of 30 and 20 meters respectively listed, should make this a broader trap than perhaps you think.


Also, B4 has no reason to believe he needs to defend himself, he is supposed to launch the grenade at the newcomer if he proves dangerous, he's a droid, meaning he is not going to be paranoid. Which brings me yet again to the fact that if he removes the signal detonator he has nothing left to defend himself with and no way to use it.


If he doesn't get knocked over by the blasts I foresee him retaliating with his Expert level Soresu skills to deflect the shots. If he is knocked down and confused by the grenades, he likely will be scrambling to his feet, trying to get distance until he can focus again. The Zakkegs are not only 100m away taking a cat nap, or at least most wouldn't be, so I doubt they would be an instant addition to the scenario.


Though, when she started the ambush she assumed that the being was not a sith due to lack of tingle, correct?


Side Note: I think it shouldn't be forgotten that Mirulaki constantly are using Force Sight, which undoubtedly would have revealed the grenades, perhaps would explain why he halted at that position. I know, "but why then didn't you state it in the posts" I forgots that he sees using the force, so it slipped my mind. Though now that it is mentioned... Seeing through solid objects ftw.


Flamethrowers render Soresu rather moot and in a dazed and burnt state I don't see him pulling a Kenobi.


She suspects it is a Force User given the fact a sole person has managed to survive on this moon so far.


Force Sight doesn't work quite the way you think it does, it doesn't see heat signatures, it sees Force Presences, no matter how small or large, they would use force sense and precognition to anticipate attacks.


Also it is not some kind of X-Ray vision, in quite a few occasions do we see Miraluka ambushed by others, without the foggiest idea.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Oh and may I point out the stats for a Plasma Grenade:


Explosive type: 7,000 degree gas explosion.(it literally melts you to death.)


Radius: 20 meters.


Defenses: Heavy armor plating or high-grade shield generators.


If that's the case then Vashti could still be in range of being a fatality or at the very least a casualty. As well a device like this could have other harmful effects. A forest fire could start or an avalanche.


For sure Force Sight is being overlooked. Jahuro will have, no doubt, seen an anomaly inside the droid. He's an old man he'll have seen lots of astromechs in his time. A small round anomaly will no doubt have tipped him off that something is not right add to that his precognition, Force Speed, and cloak.





Also: I would like to add that Concussion Grenades only have a blast radius of 3 meters. As does almost every other grenade in the Star Wars universe that I can find, exception being Thermal Detonators.

Edited by karadron
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One person surviving on this moon and is almost definitely not a Mandalorian as they patrol in numbers, leaving only one of the other prisoners as a possibility. Then take into account that she knows he is male due to his voice, then take into account which male humans or humanoids were among the group and she has literally no reason not to kill or incapacitate him.


Wait wait wait...how would she know about specifics concerning the other participants? Yes, she allowed herself to get captured, but that doesn't mean she had a dossier on all of them... Also good to note, Havoc or Star's character, the Kaleesh, could survive just fine solo. I repeat, the prisoners had no contact with each other except for audio due to the top of their pens being open for the viewing. Much like as if each had metal cells, and when it came time for the speech, the ceilings retracted. Their pens were their pods, after all.


A 'bit' of time? she saw him from three miles off, that is quite a long time to prep three grenades with signal detonators. She was also quite a bit ahead of B4 unless you forget that he was trailing her the entire time, only just keeping up.


True enough. Though, this only adds to the 'not sure he is completely in the trap radius yet' thing.


No they would not, but they would come down, the smell of blood in the air very possibly speeding them into said frenzies.


Blood or not, there would still be a bit of travel time that means they are not instantly in the fray, at the soonest they come near the end of the fight, should there be a fight.


I think the fact that Concussion and Plasma grenades have a range of 30 and 20 meters respectively listed, should make this a broader trap than perhaps you think.


From what I have calculated so far, B4 is 10m away from the grenades location, and Boran is 10-15m away from B4. Broad or not, that would mean he would be on the edge of the Concussion grenades range, and half the range of the plasma, and 10m can be traveled quite quickly by a none force sensitive, let alone one with force speed and precog. As previously mentioned, he came into this meeting prepared for the worst, hoping for the best.


Also, B4 has no reason to believe he needs to defend himself, he is supposed to launch the grenade at the newcomer if he proves dangerous, he's a droid, meaning he is not going to be paranoid. Which brings me yet again to the fact that if he removes the signal detonator he has nothing left to defend himself with and no way to use it.


He has gadgets to defend himself with. Though, all I can say here without MM being present... I am sure he feels similar to



Flamethrowers render Soresu rather moot and in a dazed and burnt state I don't see him pulling a Kenobi.


There would actually be quite a bit of distance between them, and most flame throwers are about 5m range, yes, please come try and use it! I wish to use force speed to evade it to stab with my lightsaber. Jokes aside, to be safe on the other side of the trap, with you calculations, she would have had to be approximately 70m...


She suspects it is a Force User given the fact a sole person has managed to survive on this moon so far.


People without force powers can survive solo you know...


Force Sight doesn't work quite the way you think it does, it doesn't see heat signatures, it sees Force Presences, no matter how small or large, they would use force sense and precognition to anticipate attacks.


Also it is not some kind of X-Ray vision, in quite a few occasions do we see Miraluka ambushed by others, without the foggiest idea.


Actually, it is pretty much EXACTLY X-Ray vision...


"The Miraluka relied on this power constantly to compensate for their physical blindness. They could not perceive colors but could distinguish organics (even dead) and their alignment from the surrounding environment by their characteristic aura. Most objects, including doors and walls, appeared translucent, allowing to see through them. The Miraluka were the most skilled experts of the technique. Thanks to it, their reflexes were strengthened enormously."


So indeed, he likely saw the grenade, which would be reason to support why he stopped where he did. As for Mirulaki being ambushed, they do not have 360 vision silly. :p

Edited by Silenceo
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Well I guess I could argue this all day, I pulled this because I want people to start dying and never intended for her to get off the planet, she is here to kill people, a lot of people and will probably die in the process.


This round is meant to have many more deaths than the previous one, something I want to enforce, I already have my next character ready.

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Well I guess I could argue this all day, I pulled this because I want people to start dying and never intended for her to get off the planet, she is here to kill people, a lot of people and will probably die in the process.


This round is meant to have many more deaths than the previous one, something I want to enforce, I already have my next character ready.


There will be many deaths.


Sel should be releasing the second half of the beginning of the 'Legacy' Scenario any day now. It is only when they are all within the 100 mile diameter of the hunt zone and not fighting with each other that the death rate will be low. Even then, that is when agents will be sent.


I assure you, deaths will come, and if Jahuro does not relish the fear of others for several days straight, it is likely he will become injured or worse due to his increased insanity.


Side Note: This is part of why Boran is sounding so...Sane... during this current encounter with B4. It is due to his recent fun with that fearful Imperial Soldier.

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I couldn't go over the whole thing yet, but a few things about B4's behaviour:


BB gave it the plasma grenade. It had plenty of time to analyze it. It would recognize the signal detonator and remove it (as I wrote in an earlier post).


In the IC thread, I wrote for B4 to remain out of explosion range for the Plasma Grenade (if it explodes right at Borans feet). In the OOC thread, I assumed the explosion range to be 10-15 meters. If it is 20 meters (and B4 knows more about these things than I do), that's the distance the droid had.


The droid could see BB placing the mines. It wouldn't walk across them. BB didn't give the droid a reason assume any sort of loyalty between them, so walking over a mini-minefield placed by her would go against its selfpreservation programs.


B4 has isolation against extreme temperatures. While 7000 degree is a lot, even for the droid, I don't think it's scrap. Damaged, yes, but not unfunctional.


Edit 1: The Pyro grenades in-game (so same era) have a range of 5 or 8 meters and they are somewhat familiar to Plasma Grenades.


Edit 2: B4 removed the signal detonator while it rolled downwards these 2.5 miles to approach Borans. A droid and an hermit don't move that fast. There was plenty of time. It's not like these signal detonators were attached by an imperial fixer in his office where he had plenty of time to make sure they couldn't be removed.


Edit 3: Given BBs offensive nature in each encounter and the fact that she never tried to establish any communication with B4 means, that no loyalty could be built up. Every grenade was triggering B4s selfpreservation protocols. That's the difference from an imprinted master to the only person around who might present a way to more suited masters.

Edited by Mathemagica
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I guess, this is on hold, until our Strongholds don't look so empty anymore? (Just asking, not complaining)


My laptop's keyboard went down, and I'm not back home (and at my PC) until tomorrow, so yeh, I'm delayed....


Wonder if I could manage strongholds using my on screen keyboard :p

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My laptop's keyboard went down, and I'm not back home (and at my PC) until tomorrow, so yeh, I'm delayed....


Wonder if I could manage strongholds using my on screen keyboard :p


As long as a mouse is usable, strongholds can be operated. Go, make it stylish!

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As long as a mouse is usable, strongholds can be operated. Go, make it stylish!


Im gonna focus on my guild flagship.... Running a stronghold contest, but I can't enter because that's bias :p

No reason to focus on that first for me :(

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