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Survival of the Nerdiest: Match 2 Debate Thread, Dxun 213


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Concerning the comm silence: Are their comlinks deactivated, or do they just don't talk? As long as they have a communication network established, B4 will be able to find the network and start some ugly things.

Otherwise, it'll be quite useless in this fight. Out of range

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Concerning the comm silence: Are their comlinks deactivated, or do they just don't talk? As long as they have a communication network established, B4 will be able to find the network and start some ugly things.

Otherwise, it'll be quite useless in this fight. Out of range


Pretty much what's going on is their comms are off for the time being to protect against any type of tapping that could occur.



Also considering the circumstances I'm pretty sure that Torval would have a dossier on every player character, as well as knowing what they have on them.

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Well, B4 wouldn't be able to enter their network if it hadn't gotten the imperial comlink in its gripearms (because imperial encryption and no imperial background for B4). So while Torval may know that B4 has an integrated communicator, he doesn't know that B4 now has access to imperial encrypted channels.

On the other hand: Would Torvals men use imperial channels? They are still Mandalorian.


Either way, if they have their comlinks shut off, B4 won't be able to do much in this confrontation. The distances are just too far. Since it can't find their comm network, it'll likely hide just like

. Edited by Mathemagica
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Well just to give some context, she would snipe anyone not in full cover on the Mandalorian side, perhaps taking down one or two. The droid's sensor array should pick up the counterparts coming from the other side, maintaining sniper fire on the Auretii down below. Once the droids come into firing range from behind she uses her heavy blaster pistol to easily dispatch them clambering up.


The Mandalorians likely take this advantage and lull of incoming fire to try to pincer her in, once the Mandalorians approach from the other side she will toss down a Concussion grenade, giving her ample time to finish off the droids, when this is dealt with, the now exposed and recovering Mandalorians get the full brunt of sniper fire and that is likely that.

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What is everyone's thoughts on the jetpack fuel situation?


Personally: low percentage left


Narratively: quite a bit is said to have been used.


Based on what LK says: Maybe around 90%


Based off of Taz: 1 km of fuel = 75%....therefore guessing on distance but roughly 100m or so that is said to be traveled 90%.



Given how everything would have had to go down for this situation to occur as it occurred. I'm going to say 49% remains. Yes I know I just flipped the numbers, but Torval is one very picky man these guys would have to be the best to get to work with him like this. He would have been there in person if he did not expect them to succeed, so since BB tried to bring the mountain down on their head then she would have had to be in a position where something like this would have occurred.



Furthermore, I feel this whole situation could have been avoided if it had been debated before being posted.


Now let me finish with my RL stuff. :D

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What is everyone's thoughts on the jetpack fuel situation?


Some reminders: Based on Karadrons narrator post, the range Vashti had to cross was the maximal range of the mortar. I can't recall that its range was explicitely given, but a mortar isn't exactly a short range weapon (just watch what happened when the Mandalorians used it for short range).

It was also described that the distance was so large that the Mandalorian sniper had troubles to line up a shot, while Vashti didn't. So we were probably nearly at max range of Vashti's sniper rifle (3 miles) and she had to get on top of them - otherwise the rock avalanche from the mortar wouldn't hit them.


Calculations: If one jump can send Vashti 400 meters (according to one of Silenceos posts), flying three miles requires 12 jumps (24 for forth and back) and Vashti had to stay above the Mandalorians for a few seconds to fire her shots (so 1-2 jumps in place).

Now since we might not have been at the very maximum of these three miles, I suggest that the whole action required 20-24 jumps. If 3 jumps require 6% of the fuel (as suggested by LKs last IC post), then the whole action should have required 40-48% of the fuel reserves. When we combine this with the two jumps that Vashti did in earlier posts, I suggest that the remaining fuel is roughly 52% (in other words, 48% of the fuel has been used up).


And I agree with karadron that a debate pre-posting would have been helpful here.

Edited by Mathemagica
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Some reminders: Based on Karadrons narrator post, the range Vashti had to cross was the maximal range of the mortar. I can't recall that its range was explicitely given, but a mortar isn't exactly a short range weapon (just watch what happened when the Mandalorians used it for short range).

It was also described that the distance was so large that the Mandalorian sniper had troubles to line up a shot, while Vashti didn't. So we were probably nearly at max range of Vashti's sniper rifle (3 miles) and she had to get on top of them - otherwise the rock avalanche from the mortar wouldn't hit them.


Calculations: If one jump can send Vashti 400 meters (according to one of Silenceos posts), flying three miles requires 12 jumps (24 for forth and back) and Vashti had to stay above the Mandalorians for a few seconds to fire her shots (so 1-2 jumps in place).

Now since we might not have been at the very maximum of these three miles, I suggest that the whole action required 20-24 jumps. If 3 jumps require 6% of the fuel (as suggested by LKs last IC post), then the whole action should have required 40-48% of the fuel reserves. When we combine this with the two jumps that Vashti did in earlier posts, I suggest that the remaining fuel is roughly 52% (in other words, 48% of the fuel has been used up).


And I agree with karadron that a debate pre-posting would have been helpful here.


This sounds like a fair enough compromise. It would allow what had happened, to have happened, while still have been taxing on her reserves. Any objections?

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I did not intend for use of her jetpack, I am going into the province for the following week or two, meaning i will barely post at all, on a good day. So I want to post time-consuming posts and possibly hand control of her to Selenial for the mean time.


But apparently this decision was made already so there my post is edited.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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How does S1L3NC30 kill Jareel'rrork?


I say uou set off one of his traps and while he come a to see what he caught he see you and point his Bowcaster at ypu you distracted him and cut yourself down then a fire fight follows with you getting up close and stabing him in the heart then me coming along and making me a fur coat

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I say uou set off one of his traps and while he come a to see what he caught he see you and point his Bowcaster at ypu you distracted him and cut yourself down then a fire fight follows with you getting up close and stabing him in the heart then me coming along and making me a fur coat

This, minus the fur coat.

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It should be done from a distance, he is a wookie and has wookie strengths. His weapon is also fairly close range having max range of 30 meters. Anything done to Jareel'rorrk "in Combat" should be done to him at a distance for a kill.


I personally wouldnt mind seeing him survive the fight, just to succumb to disease and injury. If I had to choose a way for my character to die, it would be disease and injury caused by fighting off and escaping a powerful opponent in which the grenades are used up the tools are broken and much of the rest of the equipment is reclaimed by the jungle or the enemy who have no real proficiency with it to begin with.



Edit: getting in close, in melee distance with his skill and strength with a Ryyk blade and his accuracy with a Bowcaster, it will be a bad Idea. Even Hand to hand is not a good idea with a wookie. Distance is a friend.

Edited by tunewalker
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I find it unlikely that S1L will be caught in one of Rork's traps, but if he is, he would not be trapped by the time Rork got there, likely reacting quite fast and cutting himself down almost instantly.


I can see that happening but the people have voted they like what I said so write it up Mr . Narrator I even giive you a window in my last post

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I can see that happening but the people have voted they like what I said so write it up Mr . Narrator I even giive you a window in my last post


While they may have voted for that, I still have to, as a Narrator, stay in character. It is quite hard to imagine a HK-51 droid being caught in such a primitive trap, or even if he is, to be there for more than a second.


As for the votes, many remain silent, and it isn't overwhelming opinion of how it would go down as of yet.

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Tune brings up a very important point. You don't want to be caught in melee range against a wookie (unless you are a really crazy Trandoshan melee-expert), Jareel would rip S1Ls arms off.

I think S1L will get the first shot from range. After that it will be a fight around distance. Jareel tries to get up close, while S1L will try to stay away at all costs.


As for Jareel dieing due to his injuries: That would require him to escape from S1L long enough to make this happen. It's a possibility, perhaps Jareel can escape from the radar during the explosion of some grenades, but S1L would certainly continue the hunt until it found the dead body. So if Jareel dies from injury, it still needs to happen rather fast (except maybe he tries to escape via the river).

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How else would it go down?


So far the most likely is a ranged conflict with S1L using the shadows to mask his location in the fire fight. Yet, other than the general idea we seem to have halted in coming up with what will happen.


The more ideas, the more accurate and entertaining the scene will be, the only reason I haven't typed it up yet.


Side Note: Think of it like a Vs. bring up the weapons and tactics you think each would use, that they have on them. For Rork that includes 6 grenades, his bowcaster, and his blade. For S1L, he has close to what he had in round 1, with a heavy duty blaster that is essentially the era's T-21, his in built attachments, but this time he is loaded up with lots of explosives such as grenades, mines, flame throwers, ect. Darth Vespus basically offered him an armory, and he took the entire thing with him onto the shuttle.


How does Rork get away? How does S1L injure/kill Rork? How well will each use the environment? Will either have thier traps work? Who is more cunning? How will they view the other?

Edited by Silenceo
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Tune brings up a very important point. You don't want to be caught in melee range against a wookie (unless you are a really crazy Trandoshan melee-expert), Jareel would rip S1Ls arms off.

I think S1L will get the first shot from range. After that it will be a fight around distance. Jareel tries to get up close, while S1L will try to stay away at all costs.


As for Jareel dieing due to his injuries: That would require him to escape from S1L long enough to make this happen. It's a possibility, perhaps Jareel can escape from the radar during the explosion of some grenades, but S1L would certainly continue the hunt until it found the dead body. So if Jareel dies from injury, it still needs to happen rather fast (except maybe he tries to escape via the river).


I think it should ho down like this but with me coming across his body before he die amd ending it himself with Sl thinking he died but your right a up close battle won't go well for SL so range battle would be the best approach by him but eve the most advice and smartest people can over look something so simple just because they think they are too good to fall for it so they over look the traps butill admit he will cut his self down rather quickly but Jareel should be kn his way towards you by then and should have shot of 2 shots that's misses you and that how the fire fight start you end up with two shoots after a lengthy battle but he won't use the grenades it will attract to much attention ao he will keep them on him if you want I cansend you a pm with how I think the fight scene will paly out but to answer your questions I think sense its a fire fight e can run doing it SL will be moving back while Jareel wil be moving forward so he can just turn around and run

Edited by Jarons
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Have S1L get disabled by Jareel and have one of the other characters carry around his head to try and find out what happened! :eek:


Crazy talk! :rolleyes: This may be a fight scene, but do remember why it was initiated, the execution of Rork due to Tune's request. ;)


As for the firing the shots off at S1L while he is getting free of the trap, unless Rork is already within sight of the trap I doubt this. That does not mean however that he will not get shots off or that it will be a one sided fight. When I get enough opinions and thought out ideas, I will try and make it quite entertaining.


The hard part for me currently is thinking of how S1L injures Rork at range, that causes him to bleed out or to become poisoned. All of the stuff that could do that, are his close range equipment.


Proposed Scenario


What I see as being a posibility, while brutal, is for S1L to approach, notice the trap just in time, and activate it remotely with a stick or a small animal to draw Rork's attention. When he comes, he ambushes the wookie, and the fire fight ensues. It will likely end up with Rork becoming angry that he is unable to land any shots on the droid, and the droid luring him towards a specific spot. A spot where he likely planted a mine. To fit with the rest, Rork would normally avoid the obvious trap spot, but due to his rage which pushes him to fight, he steps on the explosive, blowing off one of his legs. Moments later S1L steps out from the shadows and cuts off one of his hairy arms that tries to swipe at him, likely as proof of the kill. He then leaves Rork bleeding on the ground. As S1L leaves on the shuttle, to present the arm to Vespus, Jaron arrives at the site of the start of the fight. He makes his way through the battle ground and finds Rork bleeding out, I end the narration there to allow a few last words between the two.


Any disagreements with the above scenario?



Do not read the spoiler if you do not wish the fight scene to be ruined.

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