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FOR THE DEVELOPERS : changing combat engines


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How would you know they wouldnt.... i have seen alot of games go through a re-design ... and it is easier then one thinks


No, it really isn't. Putting in a new game engine would require Bioware to re-design every single aspect of the game, in effect make a new game entirely. What you are asking is entirely unrealistic and will never happen.

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I have been playing other games with various combat engines, and one i seem to get the most fun out of is the UNREAL combat engine, used in games like the Fable series, Unreal Tournaments, and Tera Rising, this allows a more freestyle type combat where a controller can be used... easier to evade attacks and does require a more level of skill to use, and not to mention easier to take on mobs. As much as i love SWTOR, i hate having to lock on to single targets to fight one at a time while the rest of the mob pound and shoot at me, its like " please wait your turn to die " while dodges and misses are based on "dice roll" means. With the Unreal combat engine... its simple... dont want to get hit... MOVE... and to hit something be in range and face your target. I believe that switching to this combat engine more players will come back, PVP will improve, and the overall enjoyment of the game will increase.....


I ask the Developers please take this in consideration


Play TESO. That simple.

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I'm not saying turn around one day and suddenly change it as SWG did (as you've pointed out, that would be a bad idea from both a technical and consumer perspective), what I *am* suggesting is a gradual change to something with more movement, something which feels more versatile and fluid and less like I'm entering numbers in to a spreadsheet.


With all due respect it won't happen. I am not trying to be rude but it is the truth. The reason being, is because this game like it or not copied the WoW formula of combat which is invisible dice rolls and numbers. Do I think the game should be more fluid? Maybe, and I suppose small incremental changes would be nice. But again the ship of changing combat has sailed sadly.

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With all due respect it won't happen. I am not trying to be rude but it is the truth. The reason being, is because this game like it or not copied the WoW formula of combat which is invisible dice rolls and numbers. Do I think the game should be more fluid? Maybe, and I suppose small incremental changes would be nice. But again the ship of changing combat has sailed sadly.


I'm hesitant to say "never" given the constant evolution of MMOs, but I take your point. However, I do think it is important to voice my concerns, in the hopes that these issues are at least eventually brought to the attention of the appropriate teams. I would like to see some improvements to make fights more exciting but as you say, I probably shouldn't hold my breath.




I would like to point out that unlike the OP I'm not suggesting a complete re-write of the combat system, rather changes to make combat flow better. Here are just a few examples of the kind of changes I mean...


1) An additon to the targeting mechanic (possibly a togglable option in settings). This would allow your camera to follow your character as usual, but additionally face your targetted enemy, basing your character's movements around theirs (i.e. strafe left/right to circle your opponent).

2) Compaction of abilities. Hotbars as it stands can feel bloated, and are unsustainable as the level cap increases and more abilities are added. Some abilities can be rolled together. Take the Sith Inquisitor's Shock/Force Lightning or Bounty Hunter's Rapid Shots/Unload for example. These can be rolled in to a tap/hold combination. Tap for instant ability or hold for channel, which leads me to...

3) Channeled abilities to have a secondary 'resource pool', in lieu of a cooldown. Whilst the ability would still drain the main resource pool, it would do so per tick as the aforementioned channel button is held. This would drain the local resource pool of the ability as well, which slowly refills over the usual cooldown of the ability. In order to activate the ability, this local resource pool must have refilled enough for at least one tick, but otherwise the ability may be activated even with a 'partial charge' for a reduced number of ticks.

4) Channeled abilities may be used whilst moving. Tying in to the above, channeled abilities may be used whilst moving, but reducing movement speed by 50(?)%

5) Evasion movement added to every class. With a double tap of a direction, quickly dodge of a few feet in that direction, during the dodge abilities may not be used.

Edited by Chicktopus
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I'm hesitant to say "never" given the constant evolution of MMOs, but I take your point. However, I do think it is important to voice my concerns, in the hopes that these issues are at least eventually brought to the attention of the appropriate teams. I would like to see some improvements to make fights more exciting but as you say, I probably shouldn't hold my breath.




I would like to point out that unlike the OP I'm not suggesting a complete re-write of the combat system, rather changes to make combat flow better. Here are just a few examples of the kind of changes I mean...


1) An additon to the targeting mechanic (possibly a togglable option in settings). This would allow your camera to follow your character as usual, but additionally face your targetted enemy, basing your character's movements around theirs (i.e. strafe left/right to circle your opponent).

2) Compaction of abilities. Hotbars as it stands can feel bloated, and are unsustainable as the level cap increases and more abilities are added. Some abilities can be rolled together. Take the Sith Inquisitor's Shock/Force Lightning or Bounty Hunter's Rapid Shots/Unload for example. These can be rolled in to a tap/hold combination. Tap for instant ability or hold for channel, which leads me to...

3) Channeled abilities to have a secondary 'resource pool', in lieu of a cooldown. Whilst the ability would still drain the main resource pool, it would do so per tick as the aforementioned channel button is held. This would drain the local resource pool of the ability as well, which slowly refills over the usual cooldown of the ability. In order to activate the ability, this local resource pool must have refilled enough for at least one tick, but otherwise the ability may be activated even with a 'partial charge' for a reduced number of ticks.

4) Channeled abilities may be used whilst moving. Tying in to the above, channeled abilities may be used whilst moving, but reducing movement speed by 50(?)%

5) Evasion movement added to every class. With a double tap of a direction, quickly dodge of a few feet in that direction, during the dodge abilities may not be used.


Despite my opinion I do like your ideas and would support them even if they were slow. Good post.

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