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simple twi'lek biology question


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Alright so this has been bugging me for a while now (especially since I'm killing off a twi'lek in a story that's setting up an RP story arc for my guild and I don't want to say the twi'lek has red blood when its blood color is something else)...Do they ever explain what color blood twi'leks have? i mean I've looked through the wiki and it never mentions what color a twi'lek's blood is, like...Humans, Chiss, Zabraks, and Aqualish, have red blood, the Rattataki and Talz both have blue blood, Geonosians have yellow blood, Duros, Falleen, Rodians, and Trandoshans have green blood, Devaronians, Aleena, Massassi, and Yuuzhan Vong had black blood. I mean if i overlooked something, then I apologize, and if so, can you direct me to the source of this? Edited by HunterGriff
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Don't know how accurate it is but.....


Physiology: The Lekku, also called headtails, braintails, tchun-tchin, or called individually as tchun(left) and tchin(right), are complex multipurpose adaptations. They are used for communication, dexterity, storage, deep memory, status-symbolism, sensory, and strongly rumored to be erogenous. They can be single, paired, or a quartet; though pairs are extremely more common on females, a single being common on men, and quartets being equally uncommon for either gender. They also have sharp claw-like nails. Twi'leks tend to be very nearly hairless save for eyelashes, females often painting or tattooing eyebrows for aesthetic purposes. Skin is smooth and rarely blemished with the famously wide range of pigmentation color, generally dependant on the region in which they were born. Some Twi'lek have rows of sharp teeth instead of the more common single set of omnivorous teeth. Some also have ear cones instead of actual ears, which are simple concave depressions where ears would sit on the skull. Twi'lek have a more blue-hued blood, making it span from a magenta to a deep royal blue, depending on: health, age, and environment.





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