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Survival of the Nerdiest: Match 2


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why would i do that you haven't given me a reason to also doing that will get me a blaster bolt to the face


I know, merely some jesting, since you said you do not want to touch that mind with a 1,000 ft pole. :p


And blaster bolt to the face? Do you mean figuratively? :D

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I know, merely some jesting, since you said you do not want to touch that mind with a 1,000 ft pole. :p


And blaster bolt to the face? Do you mean figuratively? :D


yea i won't you could give me a billion credits still wouldn't touch it :D


yes figuratively


side note: Hey if it was going to take Boran 3 days to fully recovery from his injuries how long will it take him to fully recovery now since he is moving around and talking he won't be able to focus on healing himself so can i got a time estimate for when he will be fully recovered

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side note: Hey if it was going to take Boran 3 days to fully recovery from his injuries how long will it take him to fully recovery now since he is moving around and talking he won't be able to focus on healing himself so can i got a time estimate for when he will be fully recovered


Now? I am uncertain. Yes, his force healing is much reduced in efficiency while he is moving around, but Elsia is currently applying some medical stuff to his wounds, which could help heal quite nicely. So frankly, not really sure.


Side Note: Due to Boran's scholarly nature (mostly before his mind split...) do you guys think it is possible that he could share some basics of saber combat with Jaron? I know he does not have any points in the other saber styles, so he is unable to use them well at all, but I mean essentially the standard maneuvers that he could have seen during his studies? Such as basics such as stances and such that require no actual skill in the style. Mostly I am referring to things such as this in regards as to what he could show, nothing at all that would take skill to show. I am not trying to empower my character, merely trying to see if it is possible for him to use his scholar-knowledge regarding things of the force *in this case, the basics of saber form* to lead to an opportunity? I do not mean this entire thing to be an insult or anything to Jaron, but essentially I would have Boran show him the stances and such at old man speed, of the forms he doesn't have points in. To simplify it, could it be possible for Boran to share the "philosophical" theories behind the saber forms?

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Now? I am uncertain. Yes, his force healing is much reduced in efficiency while he is moving around, but Elsia is currently applying some medical stuff to his wounds, which could help heal quite nicely. So frankly, not really sure.


alright well that should give Jaron a chance to bring Jahuro out :p:p

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alright well that should give Jaron a chance to bring Jahuro out :p:p


I highly warn against that, even in his injured state... :jawa_evil: Jahuro does not fight fair against Sith. With regular people, he tends to toy with them, which can lead to such injuries as you can see. :p


Though, my side note I just added would need your approval as well as a few others before implementation.

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Now? I am uncertain. Yes, his force healing is much reduced in efficiency while he is moving around, but Elsia is currently applying some medical stuff to his wounds, which could help heal quite nicely. So frankly, not really sure.


Side Note: Due to Boran's scholarly nature (mostly before his mind split...) do you guys think it is possible that he could share some basics of saber combat with Jaron? I know he does not have any points in the other saber styles, so he is unable to use them well at all, but I mean essentially the standard maneuvers that he could have seen during his studies? Such as basics such as stances and such that require no actual skill in the style. Mostly I am referring to things such as this in regards as to what he could show, nothing at all that would take skill to show. I am not trying to empower my character, merely trying to see if it is possible for him to use his scholar-knowledge regarding things of the force *in this case, the basics of saber form* to lead to an opportunity? I do not mean this entire thing to be an insult or anything to Jaron, but essentially I would have Boran show him the stances and such at old man speed, of the forms he doesn't have points in. To simplify it, could it be possible for Boran to share the "philosophical" theories behind the saber forms?


i wouldn't mind it it would make Jaron stronger and would allow Boran to access Jaron strengths so i think it would be a fair compromise but base on the lvl skill it would push Jaron ability with those saber forms to about level 2


Quick question i remember in the fatalities thread you mentioned the other versions of the game were you can use one of your old survivors and you would move from world to world until everyone so died and we have one survivor if we do that what if i use Jaron would his force power limit be increase

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I feel as if there was a bit of OC info leaked into that last IC post Jaron, but I will go over it more thoroughly to make sure it isn't just me making a mistake.





How does Jaron know that the other force user is simply not dead? Seems odd he jumps right to hidden presence.


In the posts pre-storm when Jaron was meditating, he never described the presence other than rough power level.


He is not much of a sorcerer, so how does he know so much concerning the storm specifics? I am sure he could deduce it, but the way it is stated seems like it is stated as fact.


If the storm is so strong in the dark side, could it not merely be clouding your senses, not necessarily jump to the conclusion that it is the old man? The reasoning is possible, but the IC jump seems a bit... Odd.


Darth Vespus is an extremely powerful Sith Sorcerer, he likely could generate something like this with the proper preparation and seclusion, not easily though. He definitely has the knowledge to.


They already searched the outpost, and he obviously didn't find the hatch before, so why does he mention moving deeper, when they are likely already likely to be pretty deep?


The description he gives seems fine, but why no lights? Seems oddly specific to a cave.


And a Sith telling someone not to trust some random stranger, who as far as they know, is not Sith, which has done nothing but kind things so far, whereas Jaron has threatened their lives?


Did Jaron over look Boran's extensive injuries? (I ask because he thinks he is working for Vespus...)




Most of these are merely me being nit-picky, but a few of these throw some big OC into IC red flags to me. That, and such an info dump seems oddly... Well placed due to all the things that changed that Jaron is not aware of. It is hard at times to filter OC to IC, even when I am trying to write for Jahuro/Boran, or any scenarios as well, nor am I always successful. I just hope people catch the ones that manage to sneak through...

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I feel as if there was a bit of OC info leaked into that last IC post Jaron, but I will go over it more thoroughly to make sure it isn't just me making a mistake.




How does Jaron know that the other force user is simply not dead? Seems odd he jumps right to hidden presence.


In the posts pre-storm when Jaron was meditating, he never described the presence other than rough power level.


He is not much of a sorcerer, so how does he know so much concerning the storm specifics? I am sure he could deduce it, but the way it is stated seems like it is stated as fact.


If the storm is so strong in the dark side, could it not merely be clouding your senses, not necessarily jump to the conclusion that it is the old man? The reasoning is possible, but the IC jump seems a bit... Odd.


Darth Vespus is an extremely powerful Sith Sorcerer, he likely could generate something like this with the proper preparation and seclusion, not easily though. He definitely has the knowledge to.


They already searched the outpost, and he obviously didn't find the hatch before, so why does he mention moving deeper, when they are likely already likely to be pretty deep?


The description he gives seems fine, but why no lights? Seems oddly specific to a cave.


And a Sith telling someone not to trust some random stranger, who as far as they know, is not Sith, which has done nothing but kind things so far, whereas Jaron has threatened their lives?


Did Jaron over look Boran's extensive injuries? (I ask because he thinks he is working for Vespus...)




Most of these are merely me being nit-picky, but a few of these throw some big OC into IC red flags to me. That, and such an info dump seems oddly... Well placed due to all the things that changed that Jaron is not aware of. It is hard at times to filter OC to IC, even when I am trying to write for Jahuro/Boran, or any scenarios as well, nor am I always successful. I just hope people catch the ones that manage to sneak through...


sorry if it was i really didn't mean to its late and i feel asleep trying to write the last update before i went to bed and just started to go off what i could remember sorry if i got some OC stuff in the IC but certain things my character would just have to assume certain things like that Boran is still alive and how powerful everyone is



1. to answer that question i would say he should know that force sensitives can hid/mass there sensitivity he can do it himself to a limited and he probably faced a few who could do it during his time as a assassin for his father and its a ability that not just Jedi use he met sith who could do it themselves


2.ohhh yea sorry about that one i can change my post i don't need that part i could just say a powerful sith


3.well the storm i can say he learned a little bit about sorcery from his mother a little while in the academy plus he has some friends who survived the academy and he worked with sith sorcerers before i was going to touch on that later on in the story if Jaron makes it that far but i didn't mean to make it come off as fact i tried to make it seem more like a opinion or a hypothesis


4. Yea that could be the case the storm could just be messing with his head i can rewrite it so it is hinting at that being the case but he's not sure


5.well i wouldn't know that i would think he be a warrior but Jaron has never seen him or have no way to judge his power so his guess has weight behind it for the information he has on hand


6.well they found the the hatch going deeper into the outpost i thought maybe we could find something else a door they haven'st seen aledrick was looking for something useful and just glanced over the rooms tell he found the crate i would think but what we are looking for is someplace deeper that they can either found a side outside of the storm or a a place where the rain haven't gotten in yet


7.well for the cave i thought since it was a few hundreds years old the lights wouldn't work and you said the storm cover the sky so no sunlight is visibly so we wouldn't be able to see well


8.also i told him not to trust anyone when you are in a situation like this it was more of a general statement I know either one of them trust me but Alderick knows he need me to help get off the planet and maybe not die if he makes it off the planet or he can kill everyone so he is the winner of the game and Darth Vespus saves him


9. well he knows their someone on the planet who is working for Vespus when they killed Jereel so he is just inferring that their might be other people on the planet working for him so he is trying to be careful better safe then sorry right



finally you being Nit picky is fine so i will know next time to make sure everything is mainly IC information and no OC information


Final note: with me and Alderick leaving it is leading to a update for me and him and give it a chance to split up the groups or add a new obstacle for our group to face

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Need some clarification on the outpost before I can post my next reply.


Taken from page 1 of the IC thread:

Alderick and Elsia found themselves in ruins, a recently destroyed outpost of some sort. It was at the end of a mountain pass and one side there was a sheer drop into a vast jungle. Up here things were quiet, except for the sound of falling rain, almost eerily so. The former Imperial soldier and the slave were trapped up here for the time being together.


From that, I had assumed that the outpost was towards the higher end of the mountain pass, in which case flooding wouldn't necessarily be an imminent risk. Or am I imagining the layout of the area with the outpost incorrectly?

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Need some clarification on the outpost before I can post my next reply.


Taken from page 1 of the IC thread:

Alderick and Elsia found themselves in ruins, a recently destroyed outpost of some sort. It was at the end of a mountain pass and one side there was a sheer drop into a vast jungle. Up here things were quiet, except for the sound of falling rain, almost eerily so. The former Imperial soldier and the slave were trapped up here for the time being together.


From that, I had assumed that the outpost was towards the higher end of the mountain pass, in which case flooding wouldn't necessarily be an imminent risk. Or am I imagining the layout of the area with the outpost incorrectly?


not sure i thought there were a opening for rain to flood in

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Need some clarification on the outpost before I can post my next reply.


Taken from page 1 of the IC thread:

Alderick and Elsia found themselves in ruins, a recently destroyed outpost of some sort. It was at the end of a mountain pass and one side there was a sheer drop into a vast jungle. Up here things were quiet, except for the sound of falling rain, almost eerily so. The former Imperial soldier and the slave were trapped up here for the time being together.


From that, I had assumed that the outpost was towards the higher end of the mountain pass, in which case flooding wouldn't necessarily be an imminent risk. Or am I imagining the layout of the area with the outpost incorrectly?



Nope, flooding should be no issue for them.

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Jaron, can you please edit your post that we talked about earlier? Simply so we do not have to do a major retcon or such, like we had to start doing in the first match.


As for the outpost, it indeed does not suffer risk from flooding, so not sure why Jaron mentioned that... Though, how much of the outpost was scouted out before?

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Jaron, can you please edit your post that we talked about earlier? Simply so we do not have to do a major retcon or such, like we had to start doing in the first match.


As for the outpost, it indeed does not suffer risk from flooding, so not sure why Jaron mentioned that... Though, how much of the outpost was scouted out before?


its almost done but i just remembered something when i was rereading some of the post to make sure i am not missing anything or miss remembering it wrong but i remember you said something along the lines as make someone go insane or use their fear against them Boran mind becomes stable and he is less crazy he hasn't used his powers in a while wouldn't he start slipping by now

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its almost done but i just remembered something when i was rereading some of the post to make sure i am not missing anything or miss remembering it wrong but i remember you said something along the lines as make someone go insane or use their fear against them Boran mind becomes stable and he is less crazy he hasn't used his powers in a while wouldn't he start slipping by now


He got a pretty good supply from those Zakkegs, but by now he normally would. Though there is a good reason he is not fallen into his destructive tendencies lately. Primarily, it is because of how harsh the storm is.


Let me explain.


It is not the storm itself, but rather what all storms do to creatures with primitive minds. It fills them with fear. All those scurrying critters, those great beasts that are seeking shelter? Whether only partially scared, or running for the hills, most animals fear lightning to some degree. With the rapidity of the strikes, as well as the winds ferocity, combined with the fact they haven't seen a storm of this strength before, quite simply, the animals are frightened. Boran has been keeping his senses open when he was meditating, which would of allowed him to consciously or not, to feed on that fear.


I tried to demonstrate this ever since Elsia met Boran, and Boran has resisted Jahuro's attempts to take control. Yet, why is he able to resist him more so now, than before? Let us just say that the two, that are one, and the one that is many, might be finally mending... Fear, healing the psyche of an ancient Miraluka, in most situations it would never happen since he could not spread fear fast enough to heal until more damage was done. But with such a fierce storm, in such a area with such a dense concentration of life? In other words, a Perfect Storm. (I did not plan it this way, but more of a byproduct of chance.)

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Karadron and I need to work out the whole in the mind thing before it can progress basically. Unless Canino, Warren, or LK want to have some screen time while it is worked out?


We do? I was just going to present memories. And this isn't going to be like therapy or something, not a one and done thing, right?


Boran might want to understand some Cheunh before trying to hard though. :p



If we need to work more out then pm, Sil.

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We do? I was just going to present memories. And this isn't going to be like therapy or something, not a one and done thing, right?


Boran might want to understand some Cheunh before trying to hard though. :p



If we need to work more out then pm, Sil.


It will be similar to therapy in that it will take multiple sessions to get Elsia back to her former self, but each session will help bit by bit. Though, I guess we could go the route of memories, with small bits of aid from Jahuro to help Elsia to come to grips with it and become stronger/whole again.


Though, since it is viewed from Elsia's mind the understanding would come with it took, though if you would argue it would not, he could just use a gentle drain knowledge so he knows the basics.


Get to work!

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It will be similar to therapy in that it will take multiple sessions to get Elsia back to her former self, but each session will help bit by bit. Though, I guess we could go the route of memories, with small bits of aid from Jahuro to help Elsia to come to grips with it and become stronger/whole again.


Though, since it is viewed from Elsia's mind the understanding would come with it took, though if you would argue it would not, he could just use a gentle drain knowledge so he knows the basics.


Get to work!


I'll something up tomorrow. Chiss society is a real pain to work with.


And I think that Boran would get the big picture of what's going on but not all the little things.

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well i just posted to get the game moving again and then i checked this sorry if it messed up you all plan would you two like me to changed it


Unless you want Jahuro to enter Jaron's mind... I advise changing it. Since as it stands, if left unchanged, that is EXACTLY what comes next since he tried to connect with Elsia, which was connected with Boran/Jahuro at the time.


Still a little invasive though. :o

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Unless you want Jahuro to enter Jaron's mind... I advise changing it. Since as it stands, if left unchanged, that is EXACTLY what comes next since he tried to connect with Elsia, which was connected with Boran/Jahuro at the time.


Still a little invasive though. :o


Yeah...that's more than a little invasive. He knows her memories and a lot of those are pretty...um...no good. :eek:

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