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Need help upgrading my PC please and thank you!


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Hey guys I am looking to upgrade from my laptop to a PC. I am having a hard time understanding the jargon and abbreviations of the Specs of computers so I am wanting to ask you guys: Is it reasonable for me to build my own PC for 1000 or less for nothing except playing swtor on highest graphics? If you guys could help that would be wonderful!


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Hey guys I am looking to upgrade from my laptop to a PC. I am having a hard time understanding the jargon and abbreviations of the Specs of computers so I am wanting to ask you guys: Is it reasonable for me to build my own PC for 1000 or less for nothing except playing swtor on highest graphics? If you guys could help that would be wonderful!


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Yes. But don't use an AMD CPU. SWTOR requires good single-thread performance, and the AMD CPUs are really lacking in that according to the Passmark benchmarks.


Ars Technica has an Intel-based Budget Box they built for US$465 including a 19.5" monitor, kbd, and mouse. Change the HDD to a 256GB Samsung EVO SSD (adds $100), upgrade the processor to a 3.2GHz Pentium or better (adds $20 or more), and buy a good graphics card ($250), and upgrade the power supply (add $50) and you are at about $900.


Sorry, I don't have time to do the research to recommend all the individual components. But it is doable.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Hello, if your not playing loads of games and doing loads of videos, then i suggest something like this:


700-850W Power supply.

16GbRam DDR3 1600 MHz - Corsair or Kingston (you can go down to 1333 MHz but most people start from 1600)

GForce card around GTX 650 to 760 (shouldnt be a problem to find one cheap)

CPU i5 or i7 All from 2.00 GHz and up. (thats cause SWTOR only needs from 2.00GHz and up.)

HardDisk: Go for a SSD if you have the money, it will really give you that extra speed in loading and when starting up. If you pick a SSD, try find one from Intel, i have had many happy hours with this brand and never had one that failed/crashed.

Some people like the Samsung EVO, i didnt try that brand as much as Intel, so i cannot judge it.


If your going with a normal HDD(HardDisk), then try find one SATA-600 7200 rpm, dont go under 7200 rpm. Then it can get a bit to slow.

If you wanna understand the "rpm", then read here http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/r/rpm.htm


Motherboard: Some like MSI, i never tryed that brand, i tryed pretty much all other brands, i would go for something like GigaByte or Asus that matches the CPU your buying, just keep in mind that you might wanna buy a board that can have a higher CPU later on, that way you can always upgrade later.


Sound card: None, you should be getting a good soundcard on your motherboard. (You can always upgrade later to a stand alone card.)


When your building a PC you need to think about HEAT, how hot does it get in that room your new PC will be standing in?


If it gets real hot, then i suggest a good PC case that has lots of Fans in it, if not, then just buy a basic PC case.

(Lots of fans: at least 2 on front & 2 at back & 2 on top and lots of room inside for Air flow.)


When your going to build this PC, i suggest you first look at some youtube videos about how to handle the items when building it. (While you hold any of the parts in hand, DO NOT EVER STAND ON A CARPET AND MOVE YOUR FEET!!!! You can build up static electricity and it will burn your components.)



About the brands, i pick mostly Asus-Kingston-Corsair-Intel-Nvidia-GigaByte and thats cause i have had almost none that has failed me.


I hope this will help you pick and build a PC that will last a long time for you.(hope it's not too pricey)


Good luck. ;)

Edited by Neptunius
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