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Key Binding for Juyo Marauder


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For My Mara/Sent i have my bindings for Anni Mara as such (keep in mind i have This keyboard which is a great assist in this game and many other MMO's and even FPS Games)


1. Basic Attack

2. Vicious Slash

3. Force Charge

4. Ravage

5. Battering Assault

6. Interrupt

7. Rupture

8. Force Scream (PvE) or Deadly Throw (PvP)

9. Annihilate

0. Leg Slash

-. Berserk

=. Out of Combat Regen ability

r. Force Camoflauge

b. Undying Rage

p. Vicious Throw

t. Speeder

f. Warzone Medpac (PvP) or Adrenal (PvE)


Keys Bound to Mouse

[. Dual Saber Throw

]. Cloak of Pain

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You should keybind EVERYTHING. There is not one ability that you should ever click, especially as a mara. Use your mouse to steer the camera and hold down both right and left click to move while spamming abilities on left hand. The choice of keybindings to use is up to you, but I am able to get all the keys I need by using the following:


1-5 + ~



Shift +1-5 and ~

Shift + qertfgzxcvb


As you can probably tell my hands aren't the biggest... they aren't super small or anything but just average size, so I don't like to stretch much beyond the 5th key / T. In fact, if you draw a straight diagonal line down from each top key (1-5), you'll see that I only use keys that correspond directly in that line. To me this is the most comfortable way to play. Some people can use 1 - =. Personally I would end up hitting the wrong buttons after about 6 90% of the time, as I have to lift my hand up off the keyboard to reach them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I play carnage marauder and my key bindings are


1 (Assault)

2 (Massacre)

3 (Ravage)

4 (Battering assault)

5 (Force Choke)

S-1 (Force Camouflage)

S-2 ( Force Scream)

S-3 (Smash)

S-4 (Force Charge)

S-5 (Sweeping Slash)

Q (Viscous Throw)

F (Dual Saber Throw)

E (Interrupt)

S-Q (Gore)

S-F (Mez)



I click everything else (COME AT ME CLICK HATERS)

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I keybind everything I use frequently and stuff that can be used in the fight but usually click things like the regen or stun droid.


For keybindings I use Q E R,

ctrl+Q / E,

~ to 5,

F1 to F4,

shift+1 to 4,

ctrl+ 1 to 4.

I often put less critical skills or consumables on the numpad.


The modifiers take some getting used to, but given the large number of buttons that marauders deal with, ti's necessary imo. You could use 6 to 0 as well, but it's further out of reach.


Some people dislike using the F keys, but for me they're easy to reach. On the other hand, I dislike binding movement keys to things as I would usually end up typing in chat accidentally.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah every ability you have should be keybound.


I do 1 - +/= and then i do Shift +1 - +/=


if i need anything more i always have an alt key and a CTRL key. The only things i dont bind are my Rage activation abilities (Predation, Bloodthirst, Bezerk) I made a small 3x1 (or is it 1x3) little action bar above my main bar that has them. I have to use my mouse but i always hover my mouse over them so when they need to be activated i can get to them easily.

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I don't really disagree with too much posted above, but I have to say, as someone who's had a lot of tendon strain/RSI problems with games, ergonomic issues may be more important than you'd think at first.


First off, Shift and Ctrl modifier keys tend to put a lot of work on the little finger and compete with the Move Left key, so I would argue against use for rotational commands. Alt uses the thumb instead which is good, but in combat you would risk Alt-Tabbing if you have Tab for Next Enemy, so I would advise against using that for many combat commands.


Secondly, the number keys 1-4 may be easy to press but doing so frequently while using the same fingers to move can cause issues with both character manouverability and tendon strain. If you use a multi-button mouse (not to advertise or anything, but I use a Logitech G600 with 12 thumb buttons) a lot of repetitive strain and competition between keys can be removed, making for more pleasant play.

With reference to Juyo play in particular, I would say the third mouse button and its wheel can be your best friend. With Force Charge bound to Mouse 3 (middle mouse) and Deadly Saber bound to Mouse Wheel Up or Down, the opening combo is smooth and easy to pull off with a simple press + roll. I use Mouse Down for Pulverise so the bleeds are nicely matched together control wise.


Interrupts are best placed on the E key I find- you'll use it a lot in Juyo with the lower cooldown so it needs to be somewhere you can hit it instantly. B, oddly enough, seems a good key for Berserk as it uses the thumb and doesn't compete with other moves you're activating at the same time. G is good for Cloak of Pain- it's not needed rotationally so R,F,C etc would be poor placement, but you want it easy to get to.


But basically you have to use what works for you with any given spec. Don't be afraid to experiment with either the UI or the keybinds if it makes play easier and more fun, and be prepared to evolve your controls all the time, esp. if you alt-hop like I do:) Good luck!

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Honestly if you have tendon/wrist/finger issues spend the $60 and buy a gaming mouse. It will be some of the best money you ever spend. Being able to push all your buttons with your thumb remaining pretty much in it's natural position will alleviate a ton of issues that people tend to get related to gaming in my experience. I have converted a few guildies over across a few games and they all have loved them and said that it helps alleviate their issues.


It drastically reduces the amount of stretching around of finger/hand tendons. Basically you just drop your little finger every now and then for and Shift/Ctrl/Alt + keys that you use, and being that most people bind their most used abilities (not counting CDs and such which I always put on a shift+ bind for the most part) to their standard binds it really tends to help (especially if you're not a heavy PvPer as most PvE content doesn't require the use of as many abilities as regularly).

Edited by Orien
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