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[THO] The Hurrian Order - Founders Needed [RP Guild]


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The Hurrian Order is reforming after having been in hiatus for some time. After a deployment to Afghanistan and drop in activity on another server I'm now looking for interested individuals to help found a group-centric, active RP Guild.


The Guild's name is The Hurrian Order, and we're not solely a Jedi Order. We have a history cemented by the strength of our Jedi, but that has grown into a multifaceted organization of individuals who seek to improve themselves and by doing so improve the group.


THO was founded originally in 2004 as a resurgent Jedi Order in the game Star Wars Galaxies. We forged ourselves as ardent roleplayers and reliable PvPers. We found a great mix of the two, combining and encouraging them. This active, fun RP environment is what we seek to revive.


Players who are interested in being founders should be knowledgeable concerning the game, quests and whatnot. While we won't be a leveling guild, we will offer advice and help when needed. Founders will be able to help dictate the shape the guild will initially take and forge the path for the guild.


To apply to become a founder send an in-game mail to Conyers detailing why you are interested and what you think you can provide for us as a leader in the Order. Also, include your profession and level as well as whatever detail you can provide!


- Conyers Grube

Jedi Sentinel

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  • 4 months later...
OMG Conyers!!! This is Krento! Remember me from SWG?! It's cool if you don't it has been forever. When I swapped over i attempted to make contact with anyone from the old guild with little success, but I was able to find alkik only to get separated. If you're looking for members you can count me in! I'm on Ebon Hawk!
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