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Merc healing


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Dont play a merc healer in team ranked? Operative healers are really the only healer that is suited for PvP healing, though some people are good at Merc or Sorc healing in Ranked/Regs, it's few and far between.


op healing is boring lol, and since it can be done with a merc which has some nice utility w/electronet i'd like to know what to do and what not to do.

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I've having difficulty in arenas non ranked. For some reason, I go down way too quickly and i am in practically full obroan, minus the implants etc.


My biggest frustrations is facing sents. for some reason, after I electro net them, I am still being leapt to? I never noticed it before but this is happening more and more. Is there an ability that prevents electro net from working effectively. I thought that was the whole point of the net, as an anti melee , anti escape tool?


am i missing something

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I've having difficulty in arenas non ranked. For some reason, I go down way too quickly and i am in practically full obroan, minus the implants etc.


My biggest frustrations is facing sents. for some reason, after I electro net them, I am still being leapt to? I never noticed it before but this is happening more and more. Is there an ability that prevents electro net from working effectively. I thought that was the whole point of the net, as an anti melee , anti escape tool?


am i missing something


They can pop their cc-break to remove the impairment but not the damage.

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  • 2 weeks later...
They can pop their cc-break to remove the impairment but not the damage.


Right, which means as soon as the dot drops hit him with a CC. If you have power surge, and away from where your teammates are fighting, use concussion missile.


As for heat management I would say you're not rapid shotting enough, and casting too often. You should mostly be rapid shotting, dropping kolto missle, refreshing kolto shell. You should also be rapid shotting yourself while kitting. Don't cast if you're down to 2 arrows, unless you have vent heat or thermal sensor override. Don't refresh shells over 5 stacks unless the character is the tank, you, or being focused.

Edited by TezMoney
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  • 1 month later...
I've having difficulty in arenas non ranked. For some reason, I go down way too quickly and i am in practically full obroan, minus the implants etc.


My biggest frustrations is facing sents. for some reason, after I electro net them, I am still being leapt to? I never noticed it before but this is happening more and more. Is there an ability that prevents electro net from working effectively. I thought that was the whole point of the net, as an anti melee , anti escape tool?


am i missing something


Are they Focus sents? The "Agility Training" talent in Focus allows them to use Zealous Leap while immobilized; I believe it may also let them use it while hindered. In that case just get to 10m away from them.

If I'm wrong then yeah, it's the CC breaker, in which case you can stun them and they can't break it.

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Having trouble managing heat and keeping teammates/self alive in team ranked, any tips?


Welcome to merc heals buddy. Against a strong pressure comp, you will run out of heat. Actually, againt a good team you will run out of heat. There is somewhat of a time limit that you need to get a kill in before you're going to start having real issues. You're also not going to be able to keep people topped off like op can, so don't try or you will blow all of your heat fast.



Kolto missile of CD

Maximize your kolto missile (do your best to get everyone in it)

Don't shell anyone until they run out of charges (kinda given)

Alternate in rapid shot heals


You can hit me up in game if you want or ts, you know my toons (and they're in the sig)

Edited by PhatMcMuffins
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