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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Empire of Plagues vs Imperial Droid Division


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Imperial Droid Division Final Statement


General Overview



-IDD has major defensive advantages both in troops and environment.

-EoP relies on Swarming, most of the field is enclosed areas.

-EoP diseases are completely ineffective against the IDD itself.

-Jerec loves mind games, very possible this will evolve into a grand scale mind game.

-Leviathans are essentially unable to be used effectively against the IDD.

-IDD can lock down the lifts and control all vertical moment.

-EoP originally doesn't know about Desann or that Jerec is a Dark Jedi.

-The EoP knows nothing about Dark Troopers other than that they are droid infantry in the beginning.

-Heavy casualties or next to impossible for EoP to breach IDD HQ conventionally.

-Hidden Entrances to sewers that are found by using gov. schematics and Dark Trooper patrols.(Black Vulkar base)

-Kill Zones would decimate assaulting EoP forces.

-Phalanx formation using PI's shields with PII's covering from behind.

-Desann is wearing PII armor so he can be even more aggressive in combat than usual.

-Spider Droids can help lock down sections of Lower City.

-Street Gangs would help protect their own while the evacuation of the Lower City took place. Fortified camps.

-If the EoP somehow reaches the Middle City they can all be run down by Enforcer Droids if they are on the walkway.

-IG-88 is an unknown and can prove severely lethal in either raids or base defense with his gas capability.

-Jerec's ability to sap force users strengths could greatly empower him as the war wages.

-Phrik is incredibly hard to defeat.

-EoP does not have schematics or any intel on any of the IDD's forces, nor experience against it.

-Jerec can use Drain Knowledge to steal secrets from enemy forces, likely even if Lomi Plo resists.

-Jerec is highly connected to every part of the Galactic Empire's gov, allowing him knowledge of the Biological weapons on Byss, but it is unlikely he will act upon it other than counter measures.

-Every IDD unit minus the PI wields incredible firepower.

-PII's have jetpacks that will allow them to break out of swarms and pummel them from above with heavy fire.

-PIII's are walking arsenals that could annihilate small swarms by themselves.

-Taris has heavy defenses, enough in the Upper City to turn back a Civil war against all other levels.

-Planet populace is likely to heavily aid the IDD in order to save their City as well as their families.

-Possible for the IDD fleet to return and seize space superiority.

-Dark Trooper Hyperspace pods will allow the IDD to receive a constant supply of Dark Trooper reinforcements.

-Jerec has a difficult to penetrate defense in the style of Makashi, despite having no eyes.

-PII and PIII Dark Troopers have the potential to take out even the heaviest armored infantry, even light vehicle class armor in single shots.

-Due to control of lifts, would have an extreme troop movement advantage.

-Droids feel no fear, pity, or remorse. They will keep fighting until they run out of ammo, and then they will continue fighting even then until they run out of power or are somehow disabled. They never tire.

-IDD never sleeps, the EoP due to being organic must. Possible that the EoP is run ragged eventually.

-IDD can enter the EoP terrority nearly inside their HQ if they find the right tunnel.

-Swarm Tactics are incredibly disfavored in these terrains.

-The inability of the EoP to hold any ground beyond their Undercity territory.

-If the LoT is defeated or unable to leave the system the EoP could starve.

-Jerec's mental abilities are incredibly advanced.

-Swoop Tunnels will allow the IDD to use Spider Droids to scythe down enemy swarms.

-Enforcers can be used in Swoop Tunnels to help in quick horizontal movement.

-Each Kilik death will harm Lomi Plo mentally.

-Battle of wills between Jerec and Lomi Plo could tire out the Queen if done long enough.

-Hive Mind might fall into disarray if Lomi Plo is unable to retain a commanding influence mid battle.

-Zombie plague if unleashed would be suicide for the EoP, since the IDD is largely immune and can easily defend itself in its base due to how powerful their defenses are as well as the Dark Troopers armor and weaponry.

-Rakghouls are a known threat on Taris, possibly already contingency plans in place.

-Rakghoul plague cure is already in existence and would soon be started to be mass produced. If done soon enough this would almost completely neutralize the Rakghoul threat.

-Lomi Plo's energy web would at best immobilize a Dark Trooper PII or PIII.



Imperial Droid Division Overarching Plan



-Secure HQ in the Middle City.

-Evacuate the Lower City by IDD controlled lifts only to stop infection in the lower City.

-Setup heavy fortifications in the Middle City.

-Sweep the Lower City with Dark Trooper patrols searching for sewer entrances.

-Secure a beach head in the Sewers before moving to surround EoP HQ.

-Set up a perimeter to stop any reinforcements.

-Eliminate enemy leadership.



Alternative Possible Scenarios



-LoT is directly over head when IDD fleet returns, the ground forces make distance before the IDD fleet destroys the vessels Dovin Basals, causing it to plummet downward, likely crushing Muur in the process.

-IDD gets control of the Zombie Plague and infects the Sewers with it, as well as cease water recirculation to raise the sewers water level to endanger the EoP's supplies as well as turn many of their soldiers against them.

-EoP assaults the IDD base, but likely fails due to the extreme defenses. It is likely Lomi Plo manages to enter but is soon overwhelmed by Jerec in combat, after IG-88 has dealt with her body guards, possibly causing 2 vs 1. (If Desann is not out on patrol, it could very well be 3 vs 1.)

-IDD forces are pushed out of the Lower City, but the EoP forces break themselves upon the Middle City defenses, allowing the IDD to return to the Lower City with much less resistance, likely able to head to the EoP HQ with too many forces for the remaining EoP to halt.

-EoP land drop pods in the Upper City, but are quickly repelled by redirected IDD forces that march on their location and eliminate them. The IDD Vehicles could corner them in the buildings so they can not run for it.

-EoP ambushes IDD patrols, only to numerically lose more than they can afford to in order to maintain a chance at victory, since the Kiliks are not easily replaced.

-Jerec steals EoP secrets using his mental prowess.

-Muur travels the Lower City using his talisman to convert at a much faster rate, but this would likely meet with disaster should the IDD hear even a rumor of it.






I believe that due to multiple factors such as the environment, troop quality, and firepower/durability that the IDD will prove victorious after a bloody war on Taris. It will likely end when the IDD finds the entrance to the sewers and decides it is time to invade such a confined space with all of the Dark Troopers that they have. While Muur and Plo are quite lethal, even they can not defeat that many Dark Troopers due to their insane durability and firepower combined with the enclosed spaces.


Notable Mentions



The Empire of Plagues truly is like fighting a Faction composed of Monsters from horror movies, and due to this it would prove devastating to almost any faction. That however, does not include droid factions because the main weapon is their ability to turn the enemy to their side, is completely nullified. It is good to note however that such abilities would still work on the population, but on such a planet as Taris the population could for the most part be protected from such events. While the Kilik ambushes would eventually become experienced enough to be able to neutralize some Dark Troopers, due to their inexperience and knowledge of them, they will suffer heavy early casualties. What ever the decision is, I would like to thank all who have supported the Imperial Droid Division, and I would like to thank Warren-Stride for creating such an awesome faction to go against that fit each other eerily perfectly. While I think I have enough to win, I was wrong in the Space battle, and I could be wrong here. However, I think that the strengths that the IDD brings as well as all of the counters it has to everything the EoP has, will win the day. Long live the Empire!

Edited by Silenceo
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Unfortunately, I do not have access to a computer, and doing a huge final argument is implausible on my phone. But, it was nice debating you too Silenceo. I apologize for being frustrated throughout this Kaggath, I know that sometimes we're dealt bad hands and just have to play them out as best we can. That being said, I definitely have sympathy for those that get little support from other posters, and I will do my best to play devils advocate in the coming Kaggaths.


I know it's a little early (like a lot early) but my next faction concept is so kick-butt. :D

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The scenario:

“Please, Lord Jerec!” Trench’s arachnid appendages clawed at an invisible grip about his throat and he was painfully levitated before the hologram of his master.


“They were too powerful, we couldn’t not...”


“Enough excuses!” Jerec thundered. Releasing his grip. “I will spare you for now, Trench. Because you remain an important asset. Regroup on Mechis III and repair your fleet, and then return here. And when you do, I want that the Legacy destroyed!”


Jerec terminated the communication, reclining back in his backed chair and snatching a glass of spiced wine from a table top. “IG-88, have you finished downloaded the planet’s schematics?”


“Affirmative.” the droid replied in a deep monotone.


“Good, then mobilise our forces and begin securing the lower levels. I wanted this infestation stamped out.”


Jerec makes the first move by dispatching Dark Troopers to the Middle and Lower City while keeping a small reserve and the majority of his vehicles topside to defend key locations. Jerec also has IG-88 hack into occupied buildings and shut down the lifts in an attempt to prevent the Empire of Plagues from encroaching on the upper levels.


But Muur has already put his forces into action, as Jerec moves his forces into place and begins setting up defences the Empire of Plagues begins swarming upwards, taking control of their own buildings and unleashing swarms. However instead of launching attacks on the enemy he uses spy bugs and Wulluw reconnaissance to avoid them and instead begin capturing the civilian populations for purposes unknown to Jerec, ferrying them into the Undercity and using the power of the Muur Talisman to transform them into monstrous rakghouls – Muur begins amassing an army.


“Master.” Lomi Plo bowed low, spreading both arms and Killik appendages before the figure of Karness Muur. Her master sat atop of throne or Rakghoul skulls in the dark recesses of the sewers, and was garbed in blood red. “Your army is ready, my lord.”


Muur grinned darkly. “Excellent.” Rising from his throne he followed after Plo, who led him to a great, round door that swung open on rusted hinges. He stepped out, and beheld a vast crowd of terrified Tarisians, huddled together in the largest open space in the Undercity they could find. Metal barriers penned them in, stood guard by Killik warriors.


“How many?” Muur said, looking down at them from a raised platform.


“Ten thousand, my lord.”


Muur smiled again, “Then let as begin.” He stepped forward “People of Taris!” his voice resonated loudly, amplified by the power of the Force, and ten thousand terrified faces looked up to gaze at him. “There is no need to be afraid.” he continued with a smile that might just be considered warm. “You have all been chosen to fulfill a great honor, to become soldiers in my new army!” His smile twisted into a wicked grin. “My rakghoul army!” With those words the vast crowd erupted in terror, every citizen of Taris new of the rakghouls, and nobody wanted to become one. But it was too late, Muur outstretched a hand the Muur Talisman began to tremble and resonate with power. Cries of terror quickly turned to cries of pain intermingled with Muur’s hysterical laughter as the crowd began to transform, their skin peeling, flesh morphing, then bursting into hideous creatures, an army of monsters.


After an eerie silence the onslaught finally arrives, thousands of Rakghouls and Killik Warriors begin swarming into the Lower City from all angles, the Rakghouls feast on the populations, transforming them into the beasts themselves, and with overwhelming numbers they begin slamming themselves against the Dark Trooper forces – bypassing the locked down lifts with Yorik-tremas. Causalities are high as Killik and Rakghouls swarm headfirst into kill zones, gunned down but Phase II and IIIs and cut apart by tight packed squads of marching P1s. However, the hive mind quickly adapts, learning from every encounter and using the knowledge against the enemy. And as their numbers continue to swell the Dark Troopers begin to be overwhelmed, forced back by sheer numbers.


Beginning to comprehend the true power of the Empire of Plagues, Jerec orders a citywide evacuation of the Lower City, enlisting the help of patriot citizens and desperate criminals the Droid Division begin to slowly isolate the threat and secure safe zones for civilians, slowly marginalizing the growth of the Rakghoul army while holding the line against the ensuing masses.


Jerec then takes the initiative and strikes back; with the majority of Muur’s forces on the offensive he launches an attack on the sewers, managing to locate several access points into Muur’s base. However, Muur’s spies inform him well in advance approaching force and the base is evacuated, relocating to another part of the sewers and leaving a host of traps and Killik ambushes to slow the Dark Troopers down and whittle away at their numbers.


However, as the upward momentum of his force begins to flag. Muur changes strategy


“Lord Jerec!” Jerec’s personal aide, supplied to him by the Tarisian Government, burst into his chambers as he was enjoying yet another Tarisian delicacy.


He grumbled, putting down his polished fork. “This had better be important.”


“It is, my lord. It’s the Legacy of Torment, its bearing down on the city!”


“Bearing down on the... what are you talking about!”


“See for yourself.” He said, rushing to a window and deactivating the blinds. They flicked off in an instant to reveal the horror that had engulfed the Upper City. Jerec approached the window, and if he had eyes, they would certainly be as wide as his aide’s.


Bursting from the clouds and into the Upper City skyline was the vast mass of the grand cruiser. Its needle like protrusions threatening to knock the caps of nearby buildings. And from it a stream of tiny vessels began flooding downward, right on top of them. There must be over a hundred of them, but not just pods, scattered amongst them was a swarm of flying creatures, Killiks. And among them, 10 metre war beasts with great tentacle like legs drifted downward to land on streets and rooftops – spewing streams of blazing fire on those below.


The upper assault takes the Droid Division by surprise, however the Upper City remains well defended and Jerec quickly consolidates his forces to key areas. Yet despite that they find themselves outmatched, fire breathers lay waste to any dark troopers that draw near and obliterate their vehicles. Flying Killiks engulf the skies in great swarms, unleashing volleys of blast bugs on their opponents. Several impacts with little damage off the droid’s phrik frame, but the sheer number of projectiles combined with the homing capabilities and the Killik’s own aim leads several to strike home, bursting power cables, frying photoreceptors and blowing apart joints.


The Phase Is find themselves completely incapacitated by the aerial assault, unable to fight back in any meaningful way and are forced to retreat. Leaving only the Phase II and IIIs to engage the enemy, themselves grossly outnumbered. They attempt to use their jetpacks to get the advantage over the fire breathers, but find themselves swarmed by Killiks as they enter the air and thrown back to the ground. The direness of the situation quickly forces to Jerec to recall forces from the Undercity assault and lower levels to reinforce their troops.


However the situation grows worse, finding their way to the central power generator a small force of Killiks manages to sabotage and destroy it with chemical explosives. The resulting explosion causes widespread fires and a city-wide blackout. Key buildings are installed with emergency backup generators which come online, but the vast majority of the cityscape is plunged into darkness, leaving the Droid Divisions’ forces stranded across city levels and leaving Jerec cut off from reinforcements and rapidly being overwhelmed by superior numbers. Once more in the ensuing confusion the Killiks manage to take out several walkways, cutting off troops from each other in the Upper City as well.


Jerec pulls his forces back into the buildings to shield them from aerial fire, which then find themselves bombarded with explosives and swarmed by rakghouls. However, they manage to hold the line, creating impenetrable barriers with their Persuader-classes at key entrances. Jerec also manage to make contact with the remainder of his forces and instructs them to do the same until full power can be restored and the lifts put back into operation.


But the threat is far from over. In the ensuing confusion Muur managed to successfully infiltrate the civilians camps in the Middle City, sneaking his forces through ventilation shafts and lift tubes before unleashing the weaponised versions of Blackwing virus upon them. The Killiks are quickly put down by Dark Troopers and armed supported of the Droid Division, but not before they manage to infect enough civilians to cause an epidemic across the Middle City. Without any further warning the Droid Division’s forces find themselves outflanked by crazed and vicious zombies. However the zombies prove but fodder for the powerful Dark Troopers and they manage to hold them back with little casualties. But once again Jerec’s forces find themselves pinned down and distracted.


A glimmer of hope arrives however in the form of the remainder of Trench’s fleet. Keeping a good distance from the Legacy of Torment they field all their remaining fighters to engage the Legacy, and begin deploying several hundred Dark Trooper reinforcements. With reinforcements in the air and in the sky, the tide of the battle slowly begins to turn. But Muur has wasted no time, and has already deployed his final card...


“What was that?” Jerec barked as a distant rumble seemed to crawl over the building, now lit in the dull red light of the back-up generators. Another rumble, louder this time, and louder. The building was beginning to shake.


“I, I don’t know my lord.” his aide mumbled. Another rumble, this time strong enough to shake the glass of wine on his table, which each thud it wobbled closer to the edge.


Jerec rose from his chair. “Something is coming, I can sense it.” He whipped about to face the aide, “I want spider droids manning the perimeter, don’t let anything get up.”


“Right away, my lord!” And the aide quickly scurried out of the room. Moments later, a terrible, monstrous roar shook the entire building. No, several. Then the sounds of laser fire came from outside, explosions, more roars now intermingled with the screams of Killiks. Then the room shook tremendously, threatening to throw Jerec off his feet.


And then, a pair of great blood red eyes appeared in the window, peering menacingly into the room. Jerec let out a cry of fear and pain as a the screams of a thousand tortured voices seemed to tear through into his skull.


A leviathan!


He ran, ran straight out the door and towards the safe room. Dark Trooper guards in tow.


Muur’s half dozen Leviathans make their entrance, climbing up the face of the military base and spilling into the Upper City. The spider droids manage to slow their approach but quickly find themselves swarmed by flying Killiks who arrive with them, managing to keep the heat of the Leviathans who prove too large in number to be stopped anyway. Reaching the upper levels they begin to tear into the spider droids and Persuaders, running amok outside of Jerec’s base and keeping reinforcements out as Jerec’s troops are forced to engage them.


Meanwhile several Yorik-tremas under the cover of the Leviathans pour Killiks, ghouls and Voxyn into the building, led by Lomi Plo and Karness Muur himself, managing to break through the enemies thinned defences. By pure accident however the Voxyn pick up on Jerec’s scent and Muur deduces what he suspected all along, that he must be a Force User.


Jerec’s base was under attack. Holed up in his safe room with IG-88 and several Phase IIs to protect him Jerec could hear the sounds of battle from outside. Occasionally a great rumble would shake the building. Yet he was confident that his forces could rout the intruders, and then it would be all over, at least, he was confident until he heard the sounds of snarls at the door.


Then the sound of metal bending and buckling. The IG-88 Dark Troopers level their weapons at the doors, and Jerec began to back away to the rear of the room. Then the door burst open, flying across the room, taking out a Dark Trooper and narrowly missing Jerec’s head as he dived aside. A swarm of monsters poured through the hole into open blaster fire, letting out inhuman cries the bright flashes of illuminated the room. But before they could be reduced to sizzling husks tendrils of dark energy lashed out from nowhere and ensnared the dark troops into a web, constricting their bodies and slowly crushing them.


IG-88 leveled his weapons at the source of the attack but not before he and the remaining dark troopers were seized by an invisible energy and pinned against the wall.


Then two figures emerged from the smoke of charred flesh. A man garbed in blood red with his hand outstretched and a half human have Killik creature from whose hands sprung the dark tendrils, tendrils which quickly proceeded to dice the constricted dark troopers to pieces. Just as Muur tightened his grip, and crushed IG-88 and the remaining droids. Leaving them in a crumpled heap on the floor.


Two snarling creatures accompanied them, and with his free hand Muur stroked the one of the beast’s heads with a wide smile on his face.


Jerec snarled, staggering to his feet, a hand still clutching his skull as he struggled to keep the screams of the Leviathans at bay. As he did so more Rakghouls spilled into the room around Muur and Lomi. Snarling and gnashing their teeth in anticipation of blood.


His odds did not look good.


“So,” Muur began. “You must be Jerec... Are you ready to die?”


Jerec gritted his teeth, was this the end? Was this how the great Inquisitor Jerec would die? His head twitched, as if distracted by a presence elsewhere. Then he smiled.


“Not yet.”


A puzzled expression crossed Muur’s face, but it did not last long. As with a great thunder the wall opposite to him burst apart, showering him and his monsters in shards of rock. And from it emerged the hulking black form of a Phase III Dark Trooper.


“What!” Muur cried as the Dark Trooper swung its oversized gun like a club, striking Muur and flinging him across the room to collide with the opposite wall.


Jerec seized the opportunity, reaching out with his hand he focused all his energies on the Muur Talisman in a powerful burst of destructive energy. Muur howled in anguish as the talisman exploded into a dozen tiny pieces.


“No!” he cried. As Lomi Plo ignited her lightsaber and decapitated the droid.


But it was too late. Muur desperately scraped around the floor in an attempt to gather the pieces of the amulet together.


“Are you ready to die Karness Muur?” Jerec spat, he knew what would happen next.


Muur looked up at him in horror, as the Rakghouls around him started to snarl and twitch, their attention turned away from Jerec and towards their master.


Former master.


With slow, almost tentative movements, as if trying out their new freedom, they began creeping towards Muur and Plo, who slowly backed away.


“Wait, no! I am your master! You must do as I say! No, no n-“ The first rakghoul pounced, latching on to Muur’s arm. He threw it off but not before another leapt on to his back, and another and another, he and Plo flailed helplessly and the rakghouls poured in and their screams were soon silenced by the sound of tearing fleshing and gorging mouths. Then silenced altogether as reinforcements poured in and gunned them down.


The Imperial Droid Division is victorious.

My thoughts:

It was a very close engagement, much more than the IDD's supporters let on. For while the IDD had the advantage in terms of 1 v 1 comparison. The EoP had the advantage of sheer numbers, and the paired with divide and conquer were able to push the IDD to their limits.


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Congrats on winning your first Kaggath debate Silenceo! You have an awesome faction. Yay droids! It would be awesome to have another droid faction win this tournament. Good luck in your next round(s)!


I very much enjoyed Beni's scenario. I honestly believed that the IDD would win in a Kaggath like this, but that scenario convinced me that some of the arguments that I was making were actually good ones that made sense and allowed for this to be much closer than probably anyone thought it would be.


Sorry again for being a downer for most of this Kaggath, I'm having a lot of stress in real life and for whatever reason I wasn't feeling the love here either and that was hard. But no worries! I'm ready to move on and do what I like doing in these tournaments: diving deep into the essence of other peoples factions. Can't wait for the next round!

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Unfortunately, I do not have access to a computer, and doing a huge final argument is implausible on my phone. But, it was nice debating you too Silenceo. I apologize for being frustrated throughout this Kaggath, I know that sometimes we're dealt bad hands and just have to play them out as best we can. That being said, I definitely have sympathy for those that get little support from other posters, and I will do my best to play devils advocate in the coming Kaggaths.


I know it's a little early (like a lot early) but my next faction concept is so kick-butt. :D


I'm sorry you didn't have many supporters Warren, you know I of all people feel your pain.


I just, as I said, didn't like the handling of the fleets and had a personal interest in Silenceo's faction due to pre-Kaggath PM's.


I'll try support you however I can in the losers bracket, I'm sorry for whatever little damage I managed to do to your faction this round (wasn't that active though)


Can't wait to see your new faction, I know I'm submitting my original faction (The one I made before I realised that we needed more light side) and ****, it's a kick *** faction too :p

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Congrats on winning your first Kaggath debate Silenceo! You have an awesome faction. Yay droids! It would be awesome to have another droid faction win this tournament. Good luck in your next round(s)!


I very much enjoyed Beni's scenario. I honestly believed that the IDD would win in a Kaggath like this, but that scenario convinced me that some of the arguments that I was making were actually good ones that made sense and allowed for this to be much closer than probably anyone thought it would be.


Sorry again for being a downer for most of this Kaggath, I'm having a lot of stress in real life and for whatever reason I wasn't feeling the love here either and that was hard. But no worries! I'm ready to move on and do what I like doing in these tournaments: diving deep into the essence of other peoples factions. Can't wait for the next round!

Her majesty is the ever gracious loser. :p
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Congrats on winning your first Kaggath debate Silenceo! You have an awesome faction. Yay droids! It would be awesome to have another droid faction win this tournament. Good luck in your next round(s)!


I very much enjoyed Beni's scenario. I honestly believed that the IDD would win in a Kaggath like this, but that scenario convinced me that some of the arguments that I was making were actually good ones that made sense and allowed for this to be much closer than probably anyone thought it would be.


Sorry again for being a downer for most of this Kaggath, I'm having a lot of stress in real life and for whatever reason I wasn't feeling the love here either and that was hard. But no worries! I'm ready to move on and do what I like doing in these tournaments: diving deep into the essence of other peoples factions. Can't wait for the next round!


Thank you Warren, remember, the IDD was greatly inspired by the DS you formed last round, so in a way, this is a continuation of what you started before. I really enjoyed the debate, and I hope I wasn't too hostile in some of the portions of the debate. :D


Up until the end I was convinced it was leading to Jerec's death, but using Force Destruction on the Amulet...genius. And while I was against your faction I tried to respect it, though Dark Troopers are just so harsh to compare against! ;) I hope that the stress goes away soon so that you can enjoy your time on the forums again.


As for it being closer than the IDD was letting on...Yes, I knew it would be. I was trying to portray an aura of confidence that I had hoped would discourage certain arguments from being made. Though, where was Desann in all of this? :(


Overall a very enjoyable Scenario as well as an enjoyable Debate. With the largest swarm faction already overcome by the IDD, I have a good feeling about how it will contend with the others. :d_cool:

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The Republic Reborn is coming for you, Imperial Scum! :hope_03:


On the contrary, we are coming for you. :csw_guard:


Jerec: "Admiral Trench, make the jump to hyperspace."


Trench: "Very well,*clicks his mandibles* my lord."


*The Vengeance leaps into Hyperspace, its newly resupplied fleet following suit*

Edited by Silenceo
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On the contrary, we are coming for you. :csw_guard:


Jerec: "Admiral Trench, make the jump to hyperspace."


Trench: "Very well,*clicks his mandibles* my lord."


*The Vengeance leaps into Hyperspace, its newly resupplied fleet following suit*


I wish I could reveal my faction leadership :(


I already gave one amazingly large hint, but I'm not going to draw attention to it....

Edit: Wait, I gave 2 hints.

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I wish I could reveal my faction leadership :(


I already gave one amazingly large hint, but I'm not going to draw attention to it....

Edit: Wait, I gave 2 hints.


Oh don't worry, Jerec already has their Holographic data files in front of him... *whisper* he is pretending he can see them, but everyone knows Mirulaki can't see holograms...


Edited by Silenceo
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And I will enjoy crushing you both. :jawa_evil:


IG-88's hacking abilities says hello Beni. :D


If you have what I think you have...that should throw a wrench into a few of your plans...


Side Note: I am unsure if I am remembering right, but did someone else take the Inquisitorious? If so, pray they never face off against the IDD...

Edited by Silenceo
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Oh, you'll see. Trust me, I have so many plans for leadership battles. The sheer volume of which is enough to crush your leader.




Beni, can these two get a room yet? They just can't seem to control themselves! :p


I know you possess the room keys...

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