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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Empire of Plagues vs Imperial Droid Division


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I guess not, considering the rule and all. But what did people think he was?


uhm.. Hmm... You know, I would have to check what exactly. Though, he was known for his political skills in the Imperial Palace.


Snippet from the Wiki that should explain it. Apparently all knew he was a High Inquisitor, yet didn't know he was a force user. Though, since the Inquisitors was basically a branch of Imperial Intelligence, or "Truth Officers" and their dark side nature was only known to a few, it isn't that far of a stretch to assume he managed to appear as if he was basically a high ranking imperial operative.


"Jerec, though, was not content merely with semi-loyal agents. He also sought out patrons and backers. One of these patrons was Cronal, who provided him with dark side knowledge and subordinates. However, Jerec also needed financial support to fund his ambitions. To this end, he abused his position as a High Inquisitor, granting exemptions from audits made by the Inquisitorius in exchange for credits. Jerec swiftly became a billionaire due to these quiet patrons, both corporate and private. Government figures were not excepted; Grand Moff Ardus Kaine was at least one high-ranking funder of Jerec's ambitions.[3][2]


While Jerec wielded great power and influence as a High Inquisitor, he kept his ability to use the Force hidden from the general public. While his status as a Dark Jedi was well-known in higher circles, most of the military and lower bureaucracy was unaware of Jerec's true nature.[15] Jerec preferred to cultivate an aura of mystery, wowing subordinates with seeming omniscience and convincing numerous individuals that, despite his obvious lack of eyes, he could in fact see.[15][17] Even the crew of his personal Star Destroyer, Vengeance, remained unaware, though he allowed occasional glimpses of his powers. Whether this aura of mystery was part of his grand strategy or simply pleased him personally, it was a notable achievement for such a prominent Dark Jedi to keep his powers hidden"


So basically the higher circles knew of the Inquisitors dark side usage, but bellow that many assumed them to just be the guys who searched out the rebellion as high level operatives.

Edited by Silenceo
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You can disagree with my assessment all you want, but I used the information found on the wiki. It is not my fault that the dark trooper, and the droids, has more information available. I dislike making baseless guesses, so i simply recite the information I uncover and interpret how it might influence the fight. I'll admit I'm a little insulted at the insinuation, but that would also be par for the course.


I never compared each unit to the other. I simply said, using your stunningly insightful Strawman, "Dog Is big, has sharp teeth. Runs in packs and loves bacon. Cat is vague. Most wiki articles relating to cat are only stubs. Without guessing, Cat has fur, has claws and likes milk." Again, insulting comment is insulting.

This isn't anything do with information, I just felt like it was cherry picking.


If you took offense I apologise, that was not my intention.

Edited by Beniboybling
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The rule allows for support troops and other troops needed to for the average unit to function in any situation. The Average Nest does not have access to the specialized units of other Nests, as they were not necessary for that Nest's warriors to function.
They are: Kosolok are the equivalent of heavy weapons specialists, Rekker, Aebea and Qeeq are the equivalent of jump/rocket troopers, Wuluw are scout troopers, Gorog are standard infantry.


Together they made up the Great Swarm, or rather the Killik Army - they needed every unit to function properly. Stripping them down to just the basic killer warrior with a gun and/or staff would IMO be the equivalent of stripping the Clone Army down to just the standard trooper, with no jump troopers, heavy troopers, snipers, scouts etc.


Its important that all armies have versatility, and in this case Killik versatility comes in a biological form. Think of it in terms of Battlefront, with each Killik warrior being a class you can select.


And yes, yet another attempt to nerf Warren's faction would certainly be par for the course. :jawa_wink:

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Well that's going to prove an issue for the Voxyn, in terms of dispatching them, if they are dispatched they will quickly sniff Jerec out. But I doubt Muur will be dropping pods through his window. :p Well, he might for lols.


Don't try to troll Jerec...He will react in kind! :p


Perhaps by putting all of the killed enemies heads on spikes, or dropping a box full of bug spray down a trash chute which would end up near the EoP base. :p

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They would likely sniff out Desann long before Jerec. And something tells me that dark jedi can handle a good amount of Voxyn... He ain't easy to kill. Desann Iz STRONG! Edited by Silenceo
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They would likely sniff out Desann long before Jerec. And something tells me that dark jedi can handle a good amount of Voxyn... He ain't easy to kill. Desann Iz STRONG!
The genetically-created creatures were remarkably durable and difficult to kill, due in part to their ability to heal quickly. Voxyn could survive being pinned beneath a metal bulkhead, even if their torso was crushed almost flat. Additionally, they could survive the blast caused by thermal detonators and could function well even with the loss of limbs and chunks of flesh. A Jedi's lightsaber, which could typically cut through most things, had trouble cutting through a voxyn's foot, though a lightsaber could still kill a voxyn. The creatures' scales could also occasionally deflect a blaster bolt. When exposed to decompression, voxyn were able to make scale cocoons that allowed the creatures to survive for a time in vacuum, as long as they went into a deep hibernation. However, if voxyn remained in a vacuum too long, they would freeze to death, with every cell in their bodies bursting.


So are Voxyn. :p

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Here's part 1 of my analysis. Would be longer but I had some technical difficulties while writing it.




I am treating this army of Killiks to be of the same nest that fit these characteristics since they seem to be the most common.


I’m taking this stance in that it would be the most beneficial for the EoP since having different nests present would be harmful rather than helpful due to the fact that the Killik’s hive mind if limited to one nest.


This can potentially limit the uses of the other nests, that and Lomi Plo cannot be directly Joined to more than one nests. The Killiks from different nests will not be able to communicate via telepathic means, instead relying on vocal communication like any other force. Although within nests as long as they remain close to each other’s auras they should be fine. The issue is then that if the EoP splits the Killik nests between Upper City and Under City they could potentially cut Killiks off from their nests, since the hive mind telepathy required Killiks to be in the aura of other Killiks, and it had to be an unbroken chain for the nests to be fully connected.


AS a fighting force the Killiks will work together to survive. They can be a formidable fighting machine, but show no regard for the lives of their individual nests. If a Killik is wounded it is not going to be saved by others, it will be left behind. Which means that any injury taken could lead to a fatality for the EoP.


An important fact to note about the Killiks is that they can turn other beings into Joiners through a process where an individual has extended contact with Killik pheromones. Yet turning other sentient beings into Joiners was not the normal thing in Killik society, usually only beings that would benefit the Nest in some way were Joined.


Overall I do not see the Killiks using some sort of conscription style Joining for the continual growth of an ever expanding army. Some beings might be worth adding to the Nest, but most will not be worth the time.


One thing that could end up hurting the EoP’s Killiks troops the most though is their lack of understanding of droids, since they cannot be Joined.


Overall the Killiks are a force to be reckoned with. They are naturally primitive gaining knowledge from Joiners about technology. Each nest operates on a different hive mind requiring verbal communication to communicate. They lack understanding of the individual instead focusing on what is best for the Nest, meaning that their wounded would be left behind on the battlefield. The fact that they have the ability to Join others to their mind could be useful, but unfortunately the Rakghoul Plague could make Joining a very difficult thing to achieve or last long. Something else that the Killiks would need to look out for is bug poisons which can be released from grenades or into the air.



Rakghouls and the Muur Talsiman



The rakghouls will be the easiest troops to produce for the EoP, although the process will require Muur to initially leave his base to use the talisman. The talisman as well is limited in its use meaning that only beings with human like, or just near-human, will be affected by it. Rakghouls influenced by the talisman were able to use skills they had in life, notably combat skills in this case, although right after transformation they seem to be just like wild rakghouls for a time.


In the case of Taris, swoop gangs and lower city security personal would be the most beneficial to the EoP when the talisman is used. Unfortunately the range on the talisman seems to be limited, in both infection and control. This would require Muur to travel with his ghoul army to infect other beings. While it is beneficial to try and control his army this will require Muur to travel near it, although the range is somewhat substantial on the control aspect of it.


The rakghouls have the potential to play a large part in any EoP offensives, but they will never be as strong as the Killiks in combat situations. Their potential lies with their numbers, but to even have a chance at gaining those numbers Muur will have to risk himself by leaving his base. The question then becomes will he take the risk, if he does he has the potential of a second army. If he does not he will only have the Killiks.



P1 Dark trooper.


The P1 dark trooper serves as the ground force of the IDD as strong built model that is made out of a phrik frame with wires sticking out. These wires could be a weak point in the design. They are probably fairly tough, although how tough cannot be known. They are a melee orientated unit with a vibrosword on one arm and a shield on the other. This shield is technically a deflector shield, or that’s where the link took me to so it is able to deflect blaster bolts.


Being a melee focused machine comes with strengths and weaknesses. In wide open areas it would be highly ineffective, but in close quarters, like in apartment complexes or winding alleys, it could prove a devastating advantage.



Misc. Taris security, gangs, and conscripts.


These folk will give the IDD so many varying levels of skill that doing a thorough analysis is next to impossible.


Security would know how to lockdown areas, deal with riots, and things along those lines. They can also serve as soldiers if the need were to arise, although effectiveness would be a variable relying on the quality of the individuals and their officers. Meaning it can range from ineffective to highly effective.


Gangs know the Lower City better than anyone, shady deals and running from the law would definitely help. If hired they could prove invaluable resistance in the Lower City.


Conscripts can come in many different varieties. They can be willing to fight or hate the prospect of it completely. They could be courageous or cowardly, so they could come in any fashion on the effectiveness spectrum. And all shades would show their colors in this situation.


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Just note one thing Karadron, the Killik Hives worked just fine together during the Swarm War, forming one big army. How they communicate I do not know, but I expect they have some kind of mental go between to coordinate effectively.


But other than that, great analysis. :D

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Just note one thing Karadron, the Killik Hives worked just fine together during the Swarm War, forming one big army. How they communicate I do not know, but I expect they have some kind of mental go between to coordinate effectively.


But other than that, great analysis. :D


Yeah the Killiks have a verbal language as well that's how they communicate between Nests.

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These days everybody wants to do their own analysis of something...


I prefer to do that for space, I am not so great with the ground.


Though, most of what others have mentioned in regards to the terrain and the IDD seem to be pretty accurate as far as I am concerned with the IDD forces. That, and lots of the EoP forces do not have much information on them.

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Stop encroaching on Aurbere's territory folks, there can only be one historian on these forums. :p


For myself, it is mostly just a good way for me to compare the forces before the variables of the battle field, which often get their own section of the Analysis. Instead of merely keeping to myself though I figure I should post it on what is being debated so others can see the thoughts as well. *perhaps some points as well. :D *

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Stop encroaching on Aurbere's territory folks, there can only be one historian on these forums. :p


It's fine, it's just surprising is all. I remember when I was the only one who did that, and it was usually not something I always did.

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OK, so I was doing some research on Dark Troopers (because they're awesome), and I found something interesting that I don't recall being posted. I don't have the source on me right now, but the New Essential Guide to Droids notes that the Phase III's missiles packed enough detonite to obliterate even the strongest of personal shielding.


Given that, I believe that the Phase III's, given sufficient numbers, should be able to take out a Leviathan.

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OK, so I was doing some research on Dark Troopers (because they're awesome), and I found something interesting that I don't recall being posted. I don't have the source on me right now, but the New Essential Guide to Droids notes that the Phase III's missiles packed enough detonite to obliterate even the strongest of personal shielding.


Given that, I believe that the Phase III's, given sufficient numbers, should be able to take out a Leviathan.


They also had the capability to switch out the missile tubes in their shoulders for other types if it was needed. What this means is that they could carry different payloads depending on the environment they were sent into, to maximize their effectiveness.

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They also had the capability to switch out the missile tubes in their shoulders for other types if it was needed. What this means is that they could carry different payloads depending on the environment they were sent into, to maximize their effectiveness.


Yes they can. And that's yet another reason Dark Troopers are so awesome! :D

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Yes they can. And that's yet another reason Dark Troopers are so awesome! :D


Who needs rocket troopers, when you can have rocket shoulders? Dark Troopers were not known for being the deadliest infantry in the universe for nothing!

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Who needs rocket troopers, when you can have rocket shoulders? Dark Troopers were not known for being the deadliest infantry in the universe for nothing!


You don't need to intensify the forward firepower, it's always at max with these guys! :p

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You don't need to intensify the forward firepower, it's always at max with these guys! :p


They do not even need vibroblades for close quarters, as was referenced earlier. Zombie skull, meet crushing droid hand.

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