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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Empire of Plagues vs Imperial Droid Division


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Alright folks the space scenario has finally arrived. I decided to opt for Sel's approach but it ended up being a bit lengthy, so I apologise for the wait. Hopefully it paid off. And as always remember that the scenario is merely a visual representation of what happened, and one of many scenarios that could have occured.


But without further ado, behold!

“How long before we arrive?”


“Minutes, sir.”


“Good.” Trench replied, reclined in his command chair, all six of eyes fixated on the rushing blue void of hyperspace before him. He was even more grotesque than was normal for his species, his entire upper half replaced by cybernetics – lost during the Clone Wars.


Let’s hope I survive this battle with the other half intact, he mused to himself.


He knew little about his opponent, only that he was up against a fleet of bio-engineered warships with a terrifying reputation, entirely organic, and with technology completely alien to the known galaxy. Victory would not be easy, and he would require all his powers of observation to achieve it.


Moments later Trench’s fleet dropped out of hyperspace. His opponents materialising before him as the void was violently pulled away and replaced with the vast expanse of space.


“Captain!” he barked. “What are we dealing with?” Each word seemed to crawl out tiny arachnid mouth, which rattled and clicked as his spoke. It was enough to make the skin crawl, but the captain had grown used to it.


“Four Star Destroyer analogues, sir.” He reported from the crew pit. “10 carriers and what looks like some kind of space station, a grand cruiser - its the Legacy of Torment.”


Trench pondered over this for a moment, raising one of his six appendages to stroke his remaining mouthpart. “Launch the first wave of fighters, captain. Let’s see what these battleships can do.”


A black swarm of automated fighter craft flooded towards the enemy, rushing over the vast plain between them to engage their opponent in perfect formation. And with every kilometer they crossed Trench’s beady red eyes grew narrower, and narrower, and narrower...


Until the fighters were on top of them, dogfights erupted in front of Lomi Plo’s fleet as she launched her own organic attack craft. And the Yaret-kors bellowed and thundered as they bombarded the swarm with chunks of superheated rock. Several craft managed to break through the screen, weaving their way across the studded hide of the enemy cruisers, but an invisible energy force seemed to grip hold of them, constricted the fighters and obliterating them.


Trench’s incisors snickered and clacked aggressively “Pull the fighters back.” he ordered. The initial wave had failed, but he had gained something valuable. Information. He knew the enemies capabilities now, they possessed invisible energy fields that could disrupt fighter movements, and yet their belching volcanoes were useless as point defense.


“Move the fleet into range, captain. And open fire.”


The captain complied, black and white streaks trudged across the dark canvas and before long it was painted in flashes of red and blue, only to dissipate harmlessly against that invisible energy field. Then Lomi responded in kind with great orange streaks, but soon reduced to tiny yellow flecks as Trench’s point defence cannons blasted the projectiles into dust, the scattered shards doing minimal damage to the fleet’s particle shielded hulls.


The first round had ended in stalemate. Lomi made the next move.


The hulking fleshy masses lurched into action, quickly picking up speed as they bore down on the Droid Division's fleet, a great green haze of coralskippers, dartships and tear drop globs with great toothy maws flying forward with them. The engage of firepower quickly more intense as Trenches’ point defence cannons had less and less time to dismantle the asteroids.


With a swipe of his cane he ordered the fleet to scatter, and they did, in all directions. Dispersing as the plague of warships bore down on them, the ships tried to pursue but they’re movements were too sluggish.


“So,” Trench mused. “These fleshy brutes are as unwieldy as they are strong. Interesting...” he snapped his teeth together. “Bring the fleet about immediately. Have the heavy cruisers flank those destroyers.”


Peeling away from their course the fleet turned on pursuers, and as just as Trench anticipated the enemy destroyers almost flew right past them as they crew tried in vain to bring the hulking shapes to a stop, inadvertently piloting them right between the enemy vessels.


The Droid Division open fired, tearing into opponent, pummeling them from both sides and rebounding their asteroids with point defense. The Strike-classes moved in to back them up, offloading their payloads as they strafed the destroyers. Within moments several of the Miid Roiks are crippled and their fighters are rapidly torn apart by the Tartans.


“Sir, we’re receiving an emergency communication from one our heavy cruisers.” The captain interrupted as Trench savored his success.


“Patch them through.” A flickering hologram appeared in front of them. Sounds of blaster fire could be heard in the background.


“What is going on commander!”


“Where being overrun! Killik scum infiltrated the ship with some kind of giant worms... there infecting the crew with a-”


The commander never finished his sentence, as a decomposing blur leaped on top of him. Sinking desiccated teeth into his throat despite gurgled protests. The communication cut out. Several of Trench’s cruisers had been overrun, infected the Blackwing virus. Zombified crew members had took control of the bridges and before control could be regained the Vindicators were blasted out of the sky.


“Our offense has been broken!” Trench barked “Pull the ships back now!” The fleet broke of the assault, weaving away from their attackers and quickly making distance, but loosing several of his smaller craft in the process. It had become obvious to Trench that the battle would not be won with a single decisive attack, this would be a war of attrition - and one planned to win. What ensued was akin to a game of cat and mouse, with Trench’s fleet launching a series of swift strikes before rapidly retreating, bobbing and weaving their way across the battlefield as the enemy attempted to intercept them. But Trench was too cunning and his fleet to quick. Both sides suffered casualties, but Trench had the advantage, and soon enough their forces reduced to but a fraction of their strength. Realising the fleet had failed Lomi attempted to pull her forces back to protect the mothership, but Trench would not let them escape.


“Move the fleet to intercept, captain! Don’t let those ships get away!”


“Yes, admiral!” he barked back as the remainder of his fleets sped off in pursuit, blasting the

rear of the enemy with all the firepower they could muster.


“Focus fire on the nearest cruiser!”


They did, triggering a great explosion that tore a hole in its rear and left the vessel plummeting away. The remaining vessels began to slow, Trench mused that whatever was propelling them must be have exhausted its energies.


“Now, divert all power to the engines!” The fleet burst forward, blowing past the cruiser and blowing it to pieces. But the battle was far from over. There was still the Legacy of Terror to deal with.


The great hulking warship that sat in the center of its all, it’s quiet yet massive presence had been unable to pursue, and so instead watched and waited. Trench knew he would have to engage it at some point, Lomi Plo knew it too. Finally that time had come.


“The Legacy is our target now captain, maintain speed and prepare for attack.”


Trench’s fleet bore down on the mobile weapons platform in a dagger formation – with his flagship in the center. They would tear right into the grand cruiser, and without the support of the fleet it would be destroyed.


Or so Trench thought.


Before they even began firing the Legacy’s massive cannons thundered to life, launching a slew of massive chunks of rock the size of small tanks. Trench’s six eyes widened in horror the asteroids began colliding with his fleet. One hit the bridge of a Vindicator, crippling in instantly, others collided with the smaller cruisers, blowing them to pieces, and another fell just short of Trench’s own bridge – it shook violently with the impact.


The blast knocked him out of his stupor, “Open fire! Concentrate on those cannons! And have the smaller cruisers perform evasive action! Launch all fighters!”


The bridge became a flurry of activity as Trench’s orders were carried out, his cane sweeping about him with the erraticism of a madman. The view port in front of him even more chaotic, ablaze with exploding asteroids, a haze of turbolaser fire and a flurry of fighters as they rushed to engage the massive cruiser. The fighters dodged the asteroids easily and began weaving their way across the hull, bombers off-loaded proton torpedoes and the automated craft rattled away with laser cannons, blowing off fleshy chunks off mass and blowing open its volcanic protrusions. Their combined firepower seemed to be overwhelming the invisible energy fields, allowing the fighters to do damage. But it wasn't happening fast enough. The cannons were taking out their ships faster than Trench could destroy them as more and more Vindicator’s had their bridges reduced to slag.


Trench growled with rage. “No vessel should have this kind of firepower!” He screeched. But it did, and that firepower was tearing his fleet apart. There was only one option left.


“Retreat! All forces pull back, pull back! Full retreat!” Another asteroid impacted on The Vengeance, as it attempted to come about, this time it struck the bridge, blowing apart one the shield generator domes.


“Sir, our forward deflector shields are down!”


Trench’s teeth clenched. “Pull the ship onto its side! Don’t leave the bridge exposed!” The Vengeance lurched into action, dipping its starboard side down as another flurry of asteroids impacted on its flank. Then the fleet was in full retreat, the remaining point defense cannons deflecting as many asteroids as they could. Trench’s ship greedily sped ahead but many of the remaining cruisers were not so lucky, their engines blasted apart.


But the Legacy could not pursue, and as soon as they out of range the crippled remainder of their forces jumped to hyperspace.


The Empire of Plagues is victorious.




Empire of Plagues: 42

Imperial Droid Division: 41

And considering that it seems to be the vogue, here are my after thoughts.

I thought overall that the IDD had the advantage, but as Tune righly pointed out the Legacy of Terror tipped the scales completely. The problem with Torment though was that it was incapable of properly engaging the enemy right until the end, and this is what allowed the IDD to "win". But they grossly underestimated the Legacy, and it was that full frontal assault that doomed them.


However they still have a few ships left, and with the advantage of hindsight the Legacy can still be taken down.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Still no update?


:d_frown::D_frown: :d_frown::D_frown: :d_frown::D_frown:


Side Note: Posted at the same time as the update, wow...


Clarification: So...all that is left of the EoP fleet is a Crippled Legacy of Terror?


After Thought: If Trench knew and had already used the flanking strategy, why did he not do so at the end? My only question regarding the scenario. :d_grin:


Question: So now with the first battle over, is there any way for the IDD fleet to make repairs? *even if they are relatively slow due to no shipyards*


Recap: What is left of the IDD fleet?

Edited by Silenceo
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Moving forward, I would very much like to remind everyone that this Kaggath is at its heart supposed to be fun. I've noticed that pretty much everyone is putting themselves against Warren's faction here and taking a "she must lose!" attitude in general. And that is fine, but considering recent developments I feel it important to remind everyone to ensure this does not reach a personal level, towards me but more importantly towards Warren.


Remember she has put a lot of time and effort into this faction and so while you may have grievances, it is unfair to direct these grievances towards her. And as I said, the Kaggath is at is heart a game. Just keep that in mind.


P.S. This isn't anything to do with the current result, I mean to say this long before I had reached a decision.

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Still no update?


:d_frown::D_frown: :d_frown::D_frown: :d_frown::D_frown:


Side Note: Posted at the same time as the update, wow...


Clarification: So...all that is left of the EoP fleet is a Crippled Legacy of Terror?


After Thought: If Trench knew and had already used the flanking strategy, why did he not do so at the end? My only question regarding the scenario. :d_grin:


Question: So now with the first battle over, is there any way for the IDD fleet to make repairs? *even if they are relatively slow due to no shipyards*

The Legacy of Terror definitely suffered damage, but I would not say it was crippled.


I better tactic I felt he was opt for is directing the assault all one one point and burrowing a hole through. They just didn't possess the necessary firepower to split their forces and attack from multiple angles.


If you have no shipyards I'm afraid you can't make repairs. :o


...Unless there is some other means, I'm not well versed.

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“No vessel should have this kind of firepower!” He screeched.


Great minds think alike.


Also, I'm trying to find that post where you basically told me to suck it up, because my faction had OP Traya and taking her was sacrificing supporters basically. 'Cause that seems to really apply here.


I love Warrens faction, but the fact that she kept her Bio weapons even though you got Nuvo Vindi taken off you (Which to be honest, we should let you take back now that she has the 171A virus) and the Vong fleet just makes me want to debate against her, sorry Beni, but it's no fun playing for the winning side.


I do wish Warren all the best though. I know how it feels to have no support :(

Edited by Selenial
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Moving forward, I would very much like to remind everyone that this Kaggath is at its heart supposed to be fun. I've noticed that pretty much everyone is putting themselves against Warren's faction here and taking a "she must lose!" attitude in general. And that is fine, but considering recent developments I feel it important to remind everyone to ensure this does not reach a personal level, towards me but more importantly towards Warren.


Remember she has put a lot of time and effort into this faction and so while you may have grievances, it is unfair to direct these grievances towards her. And as I said, the Kaggath is at is heart a game. Just keep that in mind.


P.S. This isn't anything to do with the current result, I mean to say this long before I had reached a decision.


I am perfectly happy with the results honestly, it fits my assessment of their abilities. I think its fewer cannons DOES make it more vulnerable to fighters, but it still extremely hard for any Capital ship to fight it.


ALso for every one, dont think the Legacy cant be healed... its got plenty of wreckage to form into its body AND being biological it heals, naturally. So enjoy that lol


My fear is some of the Diseases not having counters. We did disallow the Blue shadow virus because it was considered a Biological super weapon..


I will never argue the Rackghoul or the kilik diseases are super weapons... they arent they are biological weapons, but not being airborne and having some way around them, I dont call them super weapons...


I worry more about the others, which seem may spread to easy and what have you.... but thats up to every one else. After all the fun is in the debate, and if every one looks at it and goes Warren win /thread there is no fun in that.


I will say good faction put together Warren, and I in no way blame her for any of this.

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Great minds think alike.


Also, I'm trying to find that post where you basically told me to suck it up, because my faction had OP Traya and taking her was sacrificing supporters basically. 'Cause that seems to really apply here.


I love Warrens faction, but the fact that she kept her Bio weapons even though you got Nuvo Vindi taken off you (Which to be honest, we should let you take back now that she has the 171A virus) and the Vong fleet just makes me want to debate against her, sorry Beni, but it's no fun playing for the winning side.


I do wish Warren all the best though. I know how it feels to have no support :(



As I said, everyone opposing her faction is not something I have issue with, I just don't want this to turn into everyone opposing her. And bioweapons are an integral part of Warren's faction, I saw no issue with touch transmitted diseases.

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As I said, everyone opposing her faction is not something I have issue with, I just don't want this to turn into everyone opposing her. And bioweapons are an integral part of Warren's faction, I saw no issue with touch transmitted diseases.


171A is airbourne.




Take Nuvo Vindi back, unless you're facing me... then don't. :p

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As I said, everyone opposing her faction is not something I have issue with, I just don't want this to turn into everyone opposing her. And bioweapons are an integral part of Warren's faction, I saw no issue with touch transmitted diseases.


I agree I see no issue with touch transimitted the I71A... is airborne, and supposedly gets passed bio suites....



Truth No issue with Rakghoul plague, No issue with Kilik, no issue wtih Gobi they all require touch and have reasonable means to counter.. while still not having 0 affect if you can counter them.... All bio weapons do not need to be banned only bio "super weapons".

Edited by tunewalker
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I agree I see no issue with touch transimitted the I71A... is airborne, and supposedly gets passed bio suites....




Lucky that Silenceo's faction is mainly droids, but yeh, even Bio Hazard suits did nothing against 171A's airbourne strain.






Warren, you can't innoculate your Killiks, the Vaccine only works on the Airbourne transmission, bites or scratches or Fluid contamination still infects people.

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My fear is some of the Diseases not having counters. We did disallow the Blue shadow virus because it was considered a Biological super weapon..


I will never argue the Rackghoul or the kilik diseases are super weapons... they arent they are biological weapons, but not being airborne and having some way around them, I dont call them super weapons...


I worry more about the others, which seem may spread to easy and what have you.... but thats up to every one else. After all the fun is in the debate, and if every one looks at it and goes Warren win /thread there is no fun in that.


I will say good faction put together Warren, and I in no way blame her for any of this.

None of them are airborne, they are all touch transmitted. So yeah it that respect I don't see it as any different as a blaster of any other weapon, it can be defended against by a. avoid being touched b. kill what is attempting to touch you. So yeah, unlike the Blue Shadow Virus it can be stopped as assuredly as a bullet can.
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None of them are airborne, they are all touch transmitted. So yeah it that respect I don't see it as any different as a blaster of any other weapon, it can be defended against by a. avoid being touched b. kill what is attempting to touch you. So yeah, unlike the Blue Shadow Virus it can be stopped as assuredly as a bullet can.


171A (the Zombie one) Is Airborne, but seeing as Silenceo's a droid faction, it'd do more damage to Warren's so I'm happy :p


No but seriously, I don't think they'd actually release 171A given the risk and minimal gain.

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None of them are airborne, they are all touch transmitted. So yeah it that respect I don't see it as any different as a blaster of any other weapon, it can be defended against by a. avoid being touched b. kill what is attempting to touch you. So yeah, unlike the Blue Shadow Virus it can be stopped as assuredly as a bullet can.


4. Project I71A


A zombie-like virus developed by the Imperial Biological Weapons Division, Project I71A is highly infectious. It can spread in one of three ways: a bite, contact with infected bodily fluids, or airborne contagion. A bite would cause immediate effects while the other transmission options would take a couple hours to incubate. Bites would induce immediate madness and loss of cognitive function, while less direct transmission would result in fever, hallucinations, internal bleeding, seizure, and coma. Eventually, all transmission types would lead to necrosis of flesh, death of the host, and reanimation of the corpse as an undead cannibal.


Once reanimated, the infected were mindless monstrosities, but the virus itself was self-aware. It would work to spread the virus with almost a mind of its own, able to communicate amongst the infected. The virus was also capable of learning from its experiences, quickly developing from primitive stalkers upon first being released to avoiding danger and traps and learning how to use machines and technology. The victims have a collective sentience, and are able to react as a single organism to their environment and adapt accordingly.


Project I71A is extremely difficult to cure, and is very infectious, even able to penetrate biohazard gear. An anti-virus was created for the airborne transmission, but only by the Imperial Biological Weapons Division, so the odds of an enemy getting this vaccine are low, and being bitten would still override the vaccine. Additionally, infected undead were difficult to kill, though several methods did work. Grinding up the body, lightsabers, crushing, flamethrowers, explosives, vaporization, Force Lightning, and destroying the brain are the only know effective ways to defeat them.


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. Airborne I71A virus could be released in enemy territory, creating a third faction, a horde of independent zombies, for them to deal with

B. One method of preventing infection is immediate amputation of the infected limb, meaning that many enemy soldiers would become ineffective due to loss of limbs

C. The virus can infect local wildlife as well, adding the planet’s deadly creatures to its undead arsenal

D. The zombie outbreak is extremely hard to put down and those who attempt to fight it often become zombies themselves

E. Fear factor plays in again, as no one wants to fight zombie cannibals



Some one needs to re-read that... this is the virus we are argueing against, none of the others... this one is airborne.

Edited by tunewalker
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Alright concerning the airborne version of the zombie virus (which I was not aware of) that seems to be something exclusive to the weaponised version (much like the Blue Shadow Virus) so I'll disallow access to that.


But the fluid version is still game.


Might introduce a rule in general that prevents use of airborne viruses.

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171A (the Zombie one) Is Airborne, but seeing as Silenceo's a droid faction, it'd do more damage to Warren's so I'm happy :p


No but seriously, I don't think they'd actually release 171A given the risk and minimal gain.


But I will... :d_evil: I think I have a plan, and Rule #93 shall be my salvation...


*Turns to Trench* You know what to do... Once you are fully operable again... Either convince the traitors to join us, or exterminate them...

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Alright concerning the airborne version of the zombie virus (which I was not aware of) that seems to be something exclusive to the weaponised version (much like the Blue Shadow Virus) so I'll disallow access to that.


But the fluid version is still game.


Might introduce a rule in general that prevents use of airborne viruses.


I dont know if that would be enough, infecting water supplies is just as unfightable as infecting the air. Water must be drunk.


I have no issue with the other 3, dont get touched, or in one case calm the hell down... and its done

Edited by tunewalker
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I dont know if that would be enough, infecting water supplies is just as unfightable as infecting the air. Water must be drunk.


I have no issue with the other 3, dont get touched, or in one case calm the hell down... and its done

Infecting water suppliers is nowhere near as easy as infecting the air.


So I don't think I could take this ban to any higher levels.


We did after all allow Isard's virus.

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