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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Empire of Plagues vs Imperial Droid Division


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“No game of dejarik can be won without pawns...”


Round 2: The Empire of Plagues vs The Imperial Droid Division


Welcome to the second round of Kaggath Battlegrounds! Where instead of the entire galaxy, combatants will compete in planetary arena, where every soldier, stronghold and ship counts.


For all those of you aren’t aware, the Kaggath is an ancient rite of the Sith, ‘one part duel, one part large-scale dejarik-match’. The two combatants have full use of their power bases, be it armies, strongholds or fleets, in order to outwit and outmanoeuvre their opponent. But the Kaggath is no simple lightsaber duel, although it can come down to one, and the arena can be anywhere: a planet, star system or the entire galaxy.


Before we begin, let’s set out the ground rules:



  • The arena: Taris – see the faction rundowns for BOEs.
  • #1 The Kaggath is won or lost when the leader of either faction is killed.
  • #2 No outside help of any kind, the combatants cannot call upon assets outside their power base or influence.
  • #3 No outside involvement, other powers will not and cannot interrupt or affect the battle, for the purpose of argument they are non-existent.
  • #4 No surrender, fight to the death!
  • #5 Apathy is death. Factions are not allowed to hide or wait. They must act.
  • #6 Technology level is universal (unless considered archaic or advanced at the time): blaster fire, armouring, lightsabers etc. are all the same regardless of period, all that matters is size, quantity and power.
  • #7 Factions are autonomous – players have no control over their faction’s decisions, this is instead determined by the nature of their leadership.


Full Rulebook.


So, the combatants: Warren-Stride’s Empire of Plagues, otherwise known as Aeuso iv Rykste in the ancient Sith tongue, has infested the depths of Taris’ vast cityscape with a swarm of insectoids and monsters engineered by the great Karness Muur. Yet word of the coming plague as spread across the galaxy, and Silenceo’s Imperial Droid Division, an army of automatons, has answered the call – under the command of the ambitions Inquisitor Jerec they will do anything to exterminate the infestation. Yet first their Imperial fleet must break the Vong armada.


Behold the factions!


The Empire of Plagues

Base of Operations: The Undercity




Head of State: Karness Muur

Second-in-Command: Lomi Plo

Allies: Eckard Lokin & Borborygmus Gog

Supplier: Yuuzhan Vong Shapers [Wayland]

Organisation: Imperial Biological Weapons Division [byss]


Ground Forces


Major Ground Force: Killik Warriors [3,900]

Minor Ground Force: Nekghouls [100]


Light Vehicle: Voxyn [50]

Heavy Vehicle: Leviathan [6]


Naval Forces


Fighter Class: Coralskipper

Bomber Class: Dartship

Elite Class: Yorik-vec assault cruiser


Light Capital Ship: A-vek liluunu [10]

Heavy Capital Ship: Miid Ro’ik [4]

Flagship: Legacy of Torment [Kor Chokk Grand Cruiser]


Naval Officers/Marines: Killiks




The Imperial Droid Division

Base of Operations: The Upper City




Head of State: Inquisitor Jerec

Second-in-Command: Admiral Trench

Allies: Desann & IG-88

Supplier: Arakyd Industries [Mechis III]

Organisation: Commerce Guild [Felucia]


Ground Forces


Major Ground Force: Phase I Dark Troopers [768]

Minor Ground Force: Phase II Dark Troopers [128]


Light Vehicle: Phase III Dark Trooper [21]

2nd Light Vehicle: Persuader-class droid enforcer [43]

Heavy Vehicle: OG-9 homing spider droid [21]


Naval Forces


Fighter Classes: TIE/D automated fighter

Bomber Class: GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat

Elite Class: Shadow Droids


Light Capital Ship: Strike-class medium cruiser [9]

2nd Light Capital Ship: Tartan-class corvette [15]

Heavy Capital Ship: Vindicator-class heavy cruiser [20]

Flagship: Allegiance-class battlecruiser [Vengeance]


Naval Officers/Marines: Galactic Empire


The Droid Division have issued the challenge, and their call has been answered. Only one will leave this world victorious. Will Taris be purged of Muur’s forces? Or will it be consumed and succumb to contagion? Its droids vs meatbags, but who will win? The battle lines have been drawn...


Let the Kaggath begin!

Edited by Beniboybling
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~~Aeuso iv Rykste~~

Empire of Plagues



I don't expect everyone to read this whole thing, but as arguments come up, it would be worthwhile to check my information on those topics in this write-up. I'm really proud of this faction. This explains why.


A Note from the Creator:


As you will quickly discover, this faction is the polar opposite of the Droid Supremacy. Its name, which translates from ancient Sith to mean “Empire of Plagues” sums up its true nature very well. The general concept is a faction made up totally of biological beings, parts, and weapons. Unfortunately, this did limit my options in some areas, particularly in vehicles and spaceships, so if the choices that I made seem questionable, believe me when I say I had no other choice. Not if I wanted to stand a fighting chance.


In a sentence, AiR is a faction of rakghouls, killiks, monsters, diseases, plagues, and crazy people. Its goals are not assimilation or victory through precise attacks, but rather outright destruction. Read below to find out more.


The Plagues


I’m starting this rundown with the plagues, because the leadership that I chose are valuable more for their knowledge of the plagues than anything else. Though each leader has their uses as well. The plagues are the backbone of this faction’s concept. To be clear, these are the plagues available to be used. Not all of them will be used during each Kaggath, as the faction will decide which plagues would be best for each Kaggath. All or none or somewhere in between could be used.


1. Rakghoul Plague


The Rakghoul Plague was created by Karness Muur, the Head of State in the AiR. Karness Muur harnessed this power through the Muur Talisman. The talisman could “almost instantaneously turn any nearby sentient being into a mindless rakghoul, a Sith Spawned mutant subservient to Muur’s will.” Even “protective suits designed to shield a wearer from harmful germs or chemicals could hold off the effects of the Sith Magic.” However, this effect does not work against Force Sensitives.


Thus Muur created the rakghoul plague, which is carried in every rakghoul and needs only a bite or a scratch to be transmitted directly into any being, Force Sensitive or not. Once infected, the disease would incubate for six to forty-eight hours before transforming the host into a rakghoul. Once this happens the being’s personality is lost forever. However, “only the personality is infected, leaving behind the being’s knowledge and skills they had accumulated.” This essentially means that rakghouls can apply skills and knowledge once they are turned. “If a being skilled in the powers of the Force were to wield the Muur’s Talisman, the rakghouls would be able to draw upon those latent skills and abilities to be used in service to the talisman’s possessor, even utilizing weapons and operating equipment.” Once the personality is destroyed in the transformation, it cannot be regained.


Additionally, Doctor Eckard Lokin studied the rakghoul plague extensively, and was able to create a strain using a particular person’s DNA that allowed them to transform between rakghoul and person at will.


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. Strike teams with non-Force sensitive members will be disastrous against Karness Muur

B. The Rakghoul Plague will quickly spread through the planet’s population, essentially turning the civilians into AiR troops

C. Infected enemy troops will defect to AiR when turned and will maintain their skillset and aptitude as soldiers

D. Rakghouls will inspire fear in even the most valiant of soldiers and rapidly decrease moral as infected are either killed by their own before turning or transform before their eyes

E. Any leadership member who is infected by the Rakghoul plague is basically dead within the next forty-eight hours



2. Killik Pheremones


Killiks assimilate other beings into their Hive Mind by exposing them to large amounts of pheromones. Pheromones are microscopic, odorless, tasteless chemicals. These pheromones change the brain structure of the host, altering the basic structure of the corpus callosum, which means “huge body”, as it is a large fleshy part of the brain that connects the two hemispheres. “This change allowed a Joiner to receive impulses directly from the brains of a killik.” This communication could happen through basically all mediums, including heat, electricity, magnetic fields, and chemical interaction. Exposure to these pheromones could happen with any interaction with killiks, including during a battle.


Once a Joiner is exposed to these pheromones, they are connected to the killik Hive Mind. Although Joiners usually retain their personality at first, they are almost always unwilling to consider leaving the Hive Mind, feeling as if the relationship is beneficial to them. Eventually, their personalities become more subdued until they are truly part of the Hive Mind. During this process, the Hive Mind absorbs the knowledge, skills, and personality traits of the Joiner. Note, however, that one Joiner rarely changes the Hive Mind in any significant way.


It is possible to reverse the Joining process. “However, most Joiners – even those experiencing the initial transformation – refuse to willingly submit to the procedure.”


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. Exposure to killik pheromones will cause enemy soldier/civilians to join the killik Hive Mind, defecting to join AiR

B. The Hive Mind will absorb the knowledge and skills of the Joiners, and if the Joiner is an enemy soldier, learn lots of valuable information about troop movements, strategies, and orders

C. Killik Joiners do not want to become unjoined, and will resist, with force if necessary, to avoid the procedure

D. The Hive Mind, according to Joiners, is very appealing, and could potentially encourage defection among the enemy, who would rather live in harmony with the Hive Mind than be killed by rakghouls



3. Gobindi Virus


The Gobindi Virus was developed by Borborygmus Gog and the Imperial Biological Weapons Division. It thrives in hot and humid environments, and also feeds on body heat from infected hosts. The virus is spread through touch and infects any being with body heat. Once infected, the victim would quickly become covered in green slime. The virus would then control the movements of the infected, making them lurch about and infect others through tactile contact. While in the later stages of infection, the victim could not control their actions or otherwise break free. If the virus remained on the host for an extended period of time, it would dissolve their body and the host would become a blob-like creature.


The virus also fed on negative emotions. The more a victim resisted the virus, the faster it grew, and panic, anger, or revenge the victim felt would also increase the rate of growth. The only way to truly rid yourself of the virus was to become calm and not resist. It would then fall off the body. Blob-creatures, or people fully absorbed by the virus, move about independently to spread the virus by touching others and were impervious to blaster fire.


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. This virus thrives in hot environments, so planets with warm climates will make enemy soldiers more susceptible to the disease

B. Members of Dark Side-oriented factions are more likely to be completely infected, as they draw on emotions that the virus feeds on

C. Once some people have been completely absorbed into blob-creatures, they will roam the planet and infect whoever they can, impervious to blaster bolts

D. The virus spreads though touch, and leaves trails of slime and infectious blobs of green goo in its wake that can also infect unsuspecting victims



4. Project I71A


A zombie-like virus developed by the Imperial Biological Weapons Division, Project I71A is highly infectious. It can spread in one of three ways: a bite, contact with infected bodily fluids, or airborne contagion. A bite would cause immediate effects while the other transmission options would take a couple hours to incubate. Bites would induce immediate madness and loss of cognitive function, while less direct transmission would result in fever, hallucinations, internal bleeding, seizure, and coma. Eventually, all transmission types would lead to necrosis of flesh, death of the host, and reanimation of the corpse as an undead cannibal.


Once reanimated, the infected were mindless monstrosities, but the virus itself was self-aware. It would work to spread the virus with almost a mind of its own, able to communicate amongst the infected. The virus was also capable of learning from its experiences, quickly developing from primitive stalkers upon first being released to avoiding danger and traps and learning how to use machines and technology. The victims have a collective sentience, and are able to react as a single organism to their environment and adapt accordingly.


Project I71A is extremely difficult to cure, and is very infectious, even able to penetrate biohazard gear. An anti-virus was created for the airborne transmission, but only by the Imperial Biological Weapons Division, so the odds of an enemy getting this vaccine are low, and being bitten would still override the vaccine. Additionally, infected undead were difficult to kill, though several methods did work. Grinding up the body, lightsabers, crushing, flamethrowers, explosives, vaporization, Force Lightning, and destroying the brain are the only know effective ways to defeat them.


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. Airborne I71A virus could be released in enemy territory, creating a third faction, a horde of independent zombies, for them to deal with

B. One method of preventing infection is immediate amputation of the infected limb, meaning that many enemy soldiers would become ineffective due to loss of limbs

C. The virus can infect local wildlife as well, adding the planet’s deadly creatures to its undead arsenal

D. The zombie outbreak is extremely hard to put down and those who attempt to fight it often become zombies themselves

E. Fear factor plays in again, as no one wants to fight zombie cannibals



The Leadership


As I mentioned, the leadership is mostly geared towards allowing the above plagues to be utilized. However, each one has specific qualities that will boost the plagues, the faction, and/or AiR’s chances of victory.



Karness Muur (Head of State)



Not only did Muur create the rakghouls, but he is also capable of creating other Sithspawn as well, most notable of which are the leviathans. Muur is able to command the rakghouls and leviathans, along with other Sithspawn.



Muur was an extremely talented Dark Side healer, and was able to use the Force to twist, prolong, and preserve life.


Raw Power

When Muur encountered Darth Krayt, during his time as a spirit, he viewed the other Sith’s power as insignificant. He is able to summon very powerful Force Lightning and Force Storms.



Although Muur’s strengths lie in the Force, rather than in lightsaber combat, he uses a curved hilt with a red blade, a signature makashi weapon.



Lomi Plo (Second in Command)


Unseen Queen

As a killik Joiner and Queen of the Gorog Nest, Lomi Plo has complete control over the killik warriors of AiR. She also has two extra killik arms, a replacement killik leg, killik mandibles, and killik eyes. As Queen of the nest, her commands are followed without question.


Energy Web

One of Lomi Plo’s signature powers was an energy web of Dark Side energy that could dice her opponents to pieces.


Powerful Mind

Lomi Plo is an expert of the Mind Trick, using in on Anakin Solo successfully. She is also able to hide her presence from others by manipulating the doubt in their minds.


Power Drain

Lomi Plo is able to drain energy from any power cell, including lightsabers and entire spaceships.



Lomi Plo used Jak’Kai against Luke Skywalker multiple times during their duels. She was able to duel Grand Master Luke Skywalker, the REAL Best Lightsaber Duelist, and hold her own on multiple occasions, a testament to her skill. She has also won battles against Mara Jade and Jacen Solo.



Borborygmus Gog (Ally)


Mad Scientist

Gog is an expert at biological weaponry and a skilled scientist, allowing him to manipulate and utilize the plagues at AiR’s disposal and weaponize them further.



As a member of one of the coolest races in the Star Wars galaxy, Gog can shapeshift into anything and anyone with ease. He can perfectly mimic the looks of another person or even transform into any animal of any size.


Project Starscream

A series of experiments to create supersoldiers for the Empire, Project Starscream’s data could be used to enhance AiR’s troops.



Eckard Lokin (Ally)


Mad Scientist

Lokin is an expert at biological weaponry and a skilled scientist, allowing him to manipulate and utilize the plagues at AiR’s disposal and weaponize them further.


Rakghoul Symbiosis

Lokin is an expert on the rakghoul plague, and was able to manufacture a custom strain that allows him to transform from rakghoul to human at will.


Project Protean

Using alien biology to research the potential of genetic engineering, Project Protean’s research, coupled with the minds of Gog and Lokin, could become applicable. Lokin also worked extensively with killik pheromones and knows how to create and cure killik Joiners.



Imperial Biological Weapons Division (Organization)


Research Labs

The IBWD is one of the galaxy’s most advanced organizations for biological weapons research. With their hands on the rakghoul, killik, and Gobindi plagues, and well as their own Project I71A, IBWD is capable of further enhancing these plagues’ abilities. Experimentation could reveal new methods of weaponization or utilization previously unheard of.


Project I71A

Assuming they’ve learned from their mistakes, the IBWD will be in complete control of the virus, and by that I mean they will know what it does, how it does it, and when it might be useful.



Vong Shapers (Suppliers)


Vong Tech

The supplier for AiR’s Vong fleet and Voxyn, the Vong Shapers can manufacture Vong tech to assist AiR in their conquest.



As a note, to emphasize that AiR is not ignorant about the plagues they have the ability to release, the leaders are extremely knowledgeable about their natures. AiR has two specialists in rakghouls (Muur and Lokin), two specialists in killiks (Plo and Lokin), and two specialists in the Gobindi virus (Gog and IBWD). Knowledge about these plagues will help AiR to use them effectively.



Ground Forces


Sticking with the theme of biological things, all ground forces are living, including vehicles. Although this makes AiR firmly a close-range ground military faction, its non-vehicle ground forces are capable of wielding blasters, if they so wish. However, swarm tactics may be the best course of action.



Killik Warriors (Major Ground Force) – 2,304


Killik warriors are a vastly assorted and specialized ground force. Below are the types of killiks employed by AiR. Prolonged combat with killik warriors would expose enemies to enough pheromones to begin the Joining process.



These killiks are gigantic, over fifty meters long by ten meters tall. They are capable of taking massiave amounts of damage due to their size and heavy armoring. They are especially adept at breaking through enemy fortifications.



These killiks are highly energetic and well armored. They are particularly skilled at jumping long distances. They jump up walls and close long distances between armies.



These killiks are only a meter long, making them small targets. They are flying warriors, able to cross long distances quickly with their wings.



These killiks are only the size of a human fist, making them small targets. They are flying warriors, able to cross long distances quickly with their wings.



The Gorog Nest is the most warlike killik nest ever known and their soldiers are skilled fighters. Their signature strategy was to piece the skin or armor of their opponents and spit a highly corrosive brown acid into the wound.



These killiks are skilled at tunneling and are often used to dig tunnels underneath enemy positions or to make secret passageways across battlegrounds.



These killiks are less than an inch long, and would create swarms of millions. They are used as a weapon by the killiks, having them crawl under enemy armor and kill enemy soldiers via blood sucking.



These killiks are rather small and are used as long distance communications relays for killiks on the battlefield.



Nekghouls (Minor Ground Force) - 100


Nekghouls, unlike rakghouls, are sentient, larger, stand upright, and are Force Sensitive. Under the training of Muur, the nekghouls could quickly learn to harness their inherited Dark Side tendencies. Additionally, exposure to the Muur Talisman would increase their power exponentially. Skilled and fierce warriors, both for their natural endurance and their ferocity, nekghouls are intimidating warriors. Strangely enough, they cannot infect others with the rakghoul plague.



Voxyn (Light Vehicle) - 50


Voxyn were genetically engineered by the Vong to hunt down Jedi in the galaxy. Voxyn can sense Force Sensitives through the Force and have many offensive abilities: sonic blasts (their signature opening attack), flesh-melting acid, disease-coated claws, and a poisonous barbed tail. Fast and agile, they are perfect Jedi killers. They are also trained to adapt to any array of environments. They were extremely durable, able to heal quickly, resistant to explosives, and have the ability to function normally even when severely injured. They also learn from their hunts and know to avoid traps. During the New Republic era, Voxyn killed many Jedi across the galaxy, including Jedi Chironian Luca and Eelysa.



Leviathans (Heavy Vehicle) - 6


Leviathans could be summoned by Muur as part of his Sith sorcery. Large reptile creatures, their main attribute was their ability to draw the life force of enemy soldiers into “blister traps” on their backs. When a Leviathan killed a being, it absorbed all of its life force and knowledge. This knowledge absorbed from their prey could be accessed by a Leviathans controller. Leviathans also interfered with the sense abilities of Force Users, causing them to hear screams, develop headaches, and become obsessed with making the mental pain stop. The Leviathan’s main method of attack is with the tentacles and maw at the front of its long body. The hide of a Leviathan was incredibly thick, able to withstand prolonged exposure to lava. Leviathans, despite their size, were incredibly fast.



Space Forces


I’m not going to go into this extensively, because honestly I know little about Vong tech and I’m sure it will be heavily debated anyways. I do apologize for using Vong tech, but they are the only faction that has truly biological spaceships, and I wanted to stick with the theme. Here’s some of the math to start us off:


A-vek liluunu (Light Capital Ship) - 10

Individual Armament: 20 Yaret-Kors

Individual Fighter Capacity: 144

Total Armament: 200 Yaret-Kors

Total Fighter Capacity: 1440


Miid Ro’ik (Heavy Capital Ship) - 4

Armament: 60 Yaret-Kors

Fighter Capacity: Unknown (Probably 60)

Total Armament: 240 Yaret-Kors

Total Fighter Capacity: Unknown (Probably 240)


Legacy of Torment (Flagship) - 1

Armament: 120 Yaret-Kors

Fighter Capacity: 216


Total Fleet Armament: 560 Yaret-Kors

Total Fleet Fighter Capacity: 1896 Fighters



Things to Consider


With all that said, there are a few general things that I think should be heavily considered when debating AiR and its chances of winning pretty much any Kaggath.



People, no matter their discipline or allegiance or training, are still people. Fighting undead, green blobs, brainwashers, and mutations would and should terrify anyone with an amygdala. Fighting AiR is going to be emotionally and mentally taxing, and it’s going to take an obscene amount of bravery to put up a fight against nightmarish forces like these. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but I think evaluating the physiological impact of fighting monsters that could turn you and your friends into monsters if you get too close is a valid argument.


Local Population

The local population of the planet is almost certain to fall victim to one or more of AiR’s plagues. Depending on the population of the planet, this could provide a substantial numbers boost to AiR’s forces. At the very least, the local population will serve as enhanced cannon fodder.


Infection of Leaders

It’s reasonable to argue that the leadership of the opposing faction could be infected by the plagues, and killed or turned into a monstrosity. A very real potential ending to AiR Kaggath’s is the assimilation of the other faction’s leaders into a rakghoul pack, zombie horde, or killik Hive Mind. How they are exposed is circumstantial.


Swarm Tactics

The nature of AiR is not to be organized in their attacks, although Muur and Plo both act as commanders of the ground forces. Instead, swarm tactics are most likely to be used, with the objective of overwhelming and potentially turning enemy soldiers, rather than making strategic strikes.



A planet with the AiR on it is a planet in chaos. Leviathans will roam the landscape, Voxyn will stalk the streets, zombies will lurk, rakghouls will infect all they can, and green blobs will slurp around. The planet will be in constant chaos, and the opposing faction will have to adapt to the constant state of fear and uncertainty that comes with such a disorganized landscape.


Edited by Warren-Stride
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Beni, you know I love you, but I also really, really hate you at the same time. :p


So this is Taris pre-bombardment, correct?



But it had to be done, it was just too perfect. But I compensated by giving you the arena advantage.


And yes it is. All intact.

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But it had to be done, it was just too perfect. But I compensated by giving you the arena advantage.


I'm not too sure about that. Good and bad things come with what you've given me planet-wise.


I do have to say that I like the premise of the debate though. The whole thing about AiR coming up from the undercity and the IDD swooping in to stop it. Cool concept for the battle.

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Alright folks another thing I wanted to put here is some factoids about the planet. I'll be doing this for each round (I refrained from doing so in the last round because there wasn't much to comment on) in order to ensure each faction makes full use of the resources available to them. You don't have to use everything I mention but its worth a look:


Points of Interest



  • Kebla Yurt’s Equipment Emporium and likely various other shops located within the Upper City traded in heavy weaponry and speeders prior to the Imperial occupation.
  • The Tarisian military base is situated in the Upper City, established by Revan’s Sith Empire the base is equipped with a barracks, detention facility, repair facilities and heavy security.
  • The famous Taris duelling ring located in the Upper City attracted many fierce combatants such as Bendak Starkiller, Ice, Twitch and the Mysterious Stranger.
  • Zelka Forn’s medical facility run by Doctor Zelka Forn was a key proponent in the mass production of the Rakghoul serum after it was wrested from the hands of the Sith.
  • Javyar’s Cantina in the Lower City was a frequent hangout for smugglers and bounty hunters.
  • The Undercity sewers down to a lack of proper maintenance have become infested with rakghouls, and occupied by the criminal elements from the Tarisian lower levels.

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I'm not too sure about that. Good and bad things come with what you've given me planet-wise.


I do have to say that I like the premise of the debate though. The whole thing about AiR coming up from the undercity and the IDD swooping in to stop it. Cool concept for the battle.

The main advantage though is that you have a large population to work with, as a substitute for a non-organic army.


And yeah, again I just couldn't pass it up. :p

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~~Aeuso iv Rykste~~

Empire of Plagues



I don't expect everyone to read this whole thing, but as arguments come up, it would be worthwhile to check my information on those topics in this write-up. I'm really proud of this faction. This explains why.


A Note from the Creator:


As you will quickly discover, this faction is the polar opposite of the Droid Supremacy. Its name, which translates from ancient Sith to mean “Empire of Plagues” sums up its true nature very well. The general concept is a faction made up totally of biological beings, parts, and weapons. Unfortunately, this did limit my options in some areas, particularly in vehicles and spaceships, so if the choices that I made seem questionable, believe me when I say I had no other choice. Not if I wanted to stand a fighting chance.


In a sentence, AiR is a faction of rakghouls, killiks, monsters, diseases, plagues, and crazy people. Its goals are not assimilation or victory through precise attacks, but rather outright destruction. Read below to find out more.


The Plagues


I’m starting this rundown with the plagues, because the leadership that I chose are valuable more for their knowledge of the plagues than anything else. Though each leader has their uses as well. The plagues are the backbone of this faction’s concept. To be clear, these are the plagues available to be used. Not all of them will be used during each Kaggath, as the faction will decide which plagues would be best for each Kaggath. All or none or somewhere in between could be used.


1. Rakghoul Plague


The Rakghoul Plague was created by Karness Muur, the Head of State in the AiR. Karness Muur harnessed this power through the Muur Talisman. The talisman could “almost instantaneously turn any nearby sentient being into a mindless rakghoul, a Sith Spawned mutant subservient to Muur’s will.” Even “protective suits designed to shield a wearer from harmful germs or chemicals could hold off the effects of the Sith Magic.” However, this effect does not work against Force Sensitives.


Thus Muur created the rakghoul plague, which is carried in every rakghoul and needs only a bite or a scratch to be transmitted directly into any being, Force Sensitive or not. Once infected, the disease would incubate for six to forty-eight hours before transforming the host into a rakghoul. Once this happens the being’s personality is lost forever. However, “only the personality is infected, leaving behind the being’s knowledge and skills they had accumulated.” This essentially means that rakghouls can apply skills and knowledge once they are turned. “If a being skilled in the powers of the Force were to wield the Muur’s Talisman, the rakghouls would be able to draw upon those latent skills and abilities to be used in service to the talisman’s possessor, even utilizing weapons and operating equipment.” Once the personality is destroyed in the transformation, it cannot be regained.


Additionally, Doctor Eckard Lokin studied the rakghoul plague extensively, and was able to create a strain using a particular person’s DNA that allowed them to transform between rakghoul and person at will.


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. Strike teams with non-Force sensitive members will be disastrous against Karness Muur

B. The Rakghoul Plague will quickly spread through the planet’s population, essentially turning the civilians into AiR troops

C. Infected enemy troops will defect to AiR when turned and will maintain their skillset and aptitude as soldiers

D. Rakghouls will inspire fear in even the most valiant of soldiers and rapidly decrease moral as infected are either killed by their own before turning or transform before their eyes

E. Any leadership member who is infected by the Rakghoul plague is basically dead within the next forty-eight hours



2. Killik Pheremones


Killiks assimilate other beings into their Hive Mind by exposing them to large amounts of pheromones. Pheromones are microscopic, odorless, tasteless chemicals. These pheromones change the brain structure of the host, altering the basic structure of the corpus callosum, which means “huge body”, as it is a large fleshy part of the brain that connects the two hemispheres. “This change allowed a Joiner to receive impulses directly from the brains of a killik.” This communication could happen through basically all mediums, including heat, electricity, magnetic fields, and chemical interaction. Exposure to these pheromones could happen with any interaction with killiks, including during a battle.


Once a Joiner is exposed to these pheromones, they are connected to the killik Hive Mind. Although Joiners usually retain their personality at first, they are almost always unwilling to consider leaving the Hive Mind, feeling as if the relationship is beneficial to them. Eventually, their personalities become more subdued until they are truly part of the Hive Mind. During this process, the Hive Mind absorbs the knowledge, skills, and personality traits of the Joiner. Note, however, that one Joiner rarely changes the Hive Mind in any significant way.


It is possible to reverse the Joining process. “However, most Joiners – even those experiencing the initial transformation – refuse to willingly submit to the procedure.”


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. Exposure to killik pheromones will cause enemy soldier/civilians to join the killik Hive Mind, defecting to join AiR

B. The Hive Mind will absorb the knowledge and skills of the Joiners, and if the Joiner is an enemy soldier, learn lots of valuable information about troop movements, strategies, and orders

C. Killik Joiners do not want to become unjoined, and will resist, with force if necessary, to avoid the procedure

D. The Hive Mind, according to Joiners, is very appealing, and could potentially encourage defection among the enemy, who would rather live in harmony with the Hive Mind than be killed by rakghouls



3. Gobindi Virus


The Gobindi Virus was developed by Borborygmus Gog and the Imperial Biological Weapons Division. It thrives in hot and humid environments, and also feeds on body heat from infected hosts. The virus is spread through touch and infects any being with body heat. Once infected, the victim would quickly become covered in green slime. The virus would then control the movements of the infected, making them lurch about and infect others through tactile contact. While in the later stages of infection, the victim could not control their actions or otherwise break free. If the virus remained on the host for an extended period of time, it would dissolve their body and the host would become a blob-like creature.


The virus also fed on negative emotions. The more a victim resisted the virus, the faster it grew, and panic, anger, or revenge the victim felt would also increase the rate of growth. The only way to truly rid yourself of the virus was to become calm and not resist. It would then fall off the body. Blob-creatures, or people fully absorbed by the virus, move about independently to spread the virus by touching others and were impervious to blaster fire.


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. This virus thrives in hot environments, so planets with warm climates will make enemy soldiers more susceptible to the disease

B. Members of Dark Side-oriented factions are more likely to be completely infected, as they draw on emotions that the virus feeds on

C. Once some people have been completely absorbed into blob-creatures, they will roam the planet and infect whoever they can, impervious to blaster bolts

D. The virus spreads though touch, and leaves trails of slime and infectious blobs of green goo in its wake that can also infect unsuspecting victims



4. Project I71A


A zombie-like virus developed by the Imperial Biological Weapons Division, Project I71A is highly infectious. It can spread in one of three ways: a bite, contact with infected bodily fluids, or airborne contagion. A bite would cause immediate effects while the other transmission options would take a couple hours to incubate. Bites would induce immediate madness and loss of cognitive function, while less direct transmission would result in fever, hallucinations, internal bleeding, seizure, and coma. Eventually, all transmission types would lead to necrosis of flesh, death of the host, and reanimation of the corpse as an undead cannibal.


Once reanimated, the infected were mindless monstrosities, but the virus itself was self-aware. It would work to spread the virus with almost a mind of its own, able to communicate amongst the infected. The virus was also capable of learning from its experiences, quickly developing from primitive stalkers upon first being released to avoiding danger and traps and learning how to use machines and technology. The victims have a collective sentience, and are able to react as a single organism to their environment and adapt accordingly.


Project I71A is extremely difficult to cure, and is very infectious, even able to penetrate biohazard gear. An anti-virus was created for the airborne transmission, but only by the Imperial Biological Weapons Division, so the odds of an enemy getting this vaccine are low, and being bitten would still override the vaccine. Additionally, infected undead were difficult to kill, though several methods did work. Grinding up the body, lightsabers, crushing, flamethrowers, explosives, vaporization, Force Lightning, and destroying the brain are the only know effective ways to defeat them.


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. Airborne I71A virus could be released in enemy territory, creating a third faction, a horde of independent zombies, for them to deal with

B. One method of preventing infection is immediate amputation of the infected limb, meaning that many enemy soldiers would become ineffective due to loss of limbs

C. The virus can infect local wildlife as well, adding the planet’s deadly creatures to its undead arsenal

D. The zombie outbreak is extremely hard to put down and those who attempt to fight it often become zombies themselves

E. Fear factor plays in again, as no one wants to fight zombie cannibals



The Leadership


As I mentioned, the leadership is mostly geared towards allowing the above plagues to be utilized. However, each one has specific qualities that will boost the plagues, the faction, and/or AiR’s chances of victory.



Karness Muur (Head of State)



Not only did Muur create the rakghouls, but he is also capable of creating other Sithspawn as well, most notable of which are the leviathans. Muur is able to command the rakghouls and leviathans, along with other Sithspawn.



Muur was an extremely talented Dark Side healer, and was able to use the Force to twist, prolong, and preserve life.


Raw Power

When Muur encountered Darth Krayt, during his time as a spirit, he viewed the other Sith’s power as insignificant. He is able to summon very powerful Force Lightning and Force Stroms.



Although Muur’s strengths lie in the Force, rather than in lightsaber combat, he uses a curved hilt with a red blade, a signature makashi weapon.



Lomi Plo (Second in Command)


Unseen Queen

As a killik Joiner and Queen of the Gorog Nest, Lomi Plo has complete control over the killik warriors of AiR. She also has two extra killik arms, a replacement killik leg, killik mandibles, and killik eyes. As Queen of the nest, her commands are followed without question.


Energy Web

One of Lomi Plo’s signature powers was an energy web of Dark Side energy that could dice her opponents to pieces.


Powerful Mind

Lomi Plo is an expert of the Mind Trick, using in on Anakin Solo successfully. She is also able to hide her presence from others by manipulating the doubt in their minds.


Power Drain

Lomi Plo is able to drain energy from any power cell, including lightsabers and entire spaceships.



Lomi Plo used Jak’Kai against Luke Skywalker multiple times during their duels. She was able to duel Grand Master Luke Skywalker, the REAL Best Lightsaber Duelist, and hold her own on multiple occasions, a testament to her skill. She has also won battles against Mara Jade and Jacen Solo.



Borborygmus Gog (Ally)


Mad Scientist

Gog is an expert at biological weaponry and a skilled scientist, allowing him to manipulate and utilize the plagues at AiR’s disposal and weaponize them further.



As a member of one of the coolest races in the Star Wars galaxy, Gog can shapeshift into anything and anyone with ease. He can perfectly mimic the looks of another person or even transform into any animal of any size.


Project Starscream

A series of experiments to create supersoldiers for the Empire, Project Starscream’s data could be used to enhance AiR’s troops.



Eckard Lokin (Ally)


Mad Scientist

Lokin is an expert at biological weaponry and a skilled scientist, allowing him to manipulate and utilize the plagues at AiR’s disposal and weaponize them further.


Rakghoul Symbiosis

Lokin is an expert on the rakghoul plague, and was able to manufacture a custom strain that allows him to transform from rakghoul to human at will.


Project Protean

Using alien biology to research the potential of genetic engineering, Project Protean’s research, coupled with the minds of Gog and Lokin, could become applicable. Lokin also worked extensively with killik pheromones and knows how to create and cure killik Joiners.



Imperial Biological Weapons Division (Organization)


Research Labs

The IBWD is one of the galaxy’s most advanced organizations for biological weapons research. With their hands on the rakghoul, killik, and Gobindi plagues, and well as their own Project I71A, IBWD is capable of further enhancing these plagues’ abilities. Experimentation could reveal new methods of weaponization or utilization previously unheard of.


Project I71A

Assuming they’ve learned from their mistakes, the IBWD will be in complete control of the virus, and by that I mean they will know what it does, how it does it, and when it might be useful.



Vong Shapers (Suppliers)


Vong Tech

The supplier for AiR’s Vong fleet and Voxyn, the Vong Shapers can manufacture Vong tech to assist AiR in their conquest.



As a note, to emphasize that AiR is not ignorant about the plagues they have the ability to release, the leaders are extremely knowledgeable about their natures. AiR has two specialists in rakghouls (Muur and Lokin), two specialists in killiks (Plo and Lokin), and two specialists in the Gobindi virus (Gog and IBWD). Knowledge about these plagues will help AiR to use them effectively.



Ground Forces


Sticking with the theme of biological things, all ground forces are living, including vehicles. Although this makes AiR firmly a close-range ground military faction, its non-vehicle ground forces are capable of wielding blasters, if they so wish. However, swarm tactics may be the best course of action.



Killik Warriors (Major Ground Force) – 2,304


Killik warriors are a vastly assorted and specialized ground force. Below are the types of killiks employed by AiR. Prolonged combat with killik warriors would expose enemies to enough pheromones to begin the Joining process.



These killiks are gigantic, over fifty meters long by ten meters tall. They are capable of taking massiave amounts of damage due to their size and heavy armoring. They are especially adept at breaking through enemy fortifications.



These killiks are highly energetic and well armored. They are particularly skilled at jumping long distances. They jump up walls and close long distances between armies.



These killiks are only a meter long, making them small targets. They are flying warriors, able to cross long distances quickly with their wings.



These killiks are only the size of a human fist, making them small targets. They are flying warriors, able to cross long distances quickly with their wings.



The Gorog Nest is the most warlike killik nest ever known and their soldiers are skilled fighters. Their signature strategy was to piece the skin or armor of their opponents and spit a highly corrosive brown acid into the wound.



These killiks are skilled at tunneling and are often used to dig tunnels underneath enemy positions or to make secret passageways across battlegrounds.



These killiks are less than an inch long, and would create swarms of millions. They are used as a weapon by the killiks, having them crawl under enemy armor and kill enemy soldiers via blood sucking.



These killiks are rather small and are used as long distance communications relays for killiks on the battlefield.



Nekghouls (Minor Ground Force) - 100


Nekghouls, unlike rakghouls, are sentient, larger, stand upright, and are Force Sensitive. Under the training of Muur, the nekghouls could quickly learn to harness their inherited Dark Side tendencies. Additionally, exposure to the Muur Talisman would increase their power exponentially. Skilled and fierce warriors, both for their natural endurance and their ferocity, nekghouls are intimidating warriors. Strangely enough, they cannot infect others with the rakghoul plague.



Voxyn (Light Vehicle) - 50


Voxyn were genetically engineered by the Vong to hunt down Jedi in the galaxy. Voxyn can sense Force Sensitives through the Force and have many offensive abilities: sonic blasts (their signature opening attack), flesh-melting acid, disease-coated claws, and a poisonous barbed tail. Fast and agile, they are perfect Jedi killers. They are also trained to adapt to any array of environments. They were extremely durable, able to heal quickly, resistant to explosives, and have the ability to function normally even when severely injured. They also learn from their hunts and know to avoid traps. During the New Republic era, Voxyn killed many Jedi across the galaxy, including Jedi Chironian Luca and Eelysa.



Leviathans (Heavy Vehicle) - 6


Leviathans could be summoned by Muur as part of his Sith sorcery. Large reptile creatures, their main attribute was their ability to draw the life force of enemy soldiers into “blister traps” on their backs. When a Leviathan killed a being, it absorbed all of its life force and knowledge. This knowledge absorbed from their prey could be accessed by a Leviathans controller. Leviathans also interfered with the sense abilities of Force Users, causing them to hear screams, develop headaches, and become obsessed with making the mental pain stop. The Leviathan’s main method of attack is with the tentacles and maw at the front of its long body. The hide of a Leviathan was incredibly thick, able to withstand prolonged exposure to lava. Leviathans, despite their size, were incredibly fast.



Space Forces


I’m not going to go into this extensively, because honestly I know little about Vong tech and I’m sure it will be heavily debated anyways. I do apologize for using Vong tech, but they are the only faction that has truly biological spaceships, and I wanted to stick with the theme. Here’s some of the math to start us off:


A-vek liluunu (Light Capital Ship) - 10

Individual Armament: 20 Yaret-Kors

Individual Fighter Capacity: 144

Total Armament: 200 Yaret-Kors

Total Fighter Capacity: 1440


Miid Ro’ik (Heavy Capital Ship) - 4

Armament: 60 Yaret-Kors

Fighter Capacity: Unknown (Probably 60)

Total Armament: 240 Yaret-Kors

Total Fighter Capacity: Unknown (Probably 240)


Legacy of Torment (Flagship) - 1

Armament: 120 Yaret-Kors

Fighter Capacity: 216


Total Fleet Armament: 560 Yaret-Kors

Total Fleet Fighter Capacity: 1896 Fighters



Things to Consider


With all that said, there are a few general things that I think should be heavily considered when debating AiR and its chances of winning pretty much any Kaggath.



People, no matter their discipline or allegiance or training, are still people. Fighting undead, green blobs, brainwashers, and mutations would and should terrify anyone with an amygdala. Fighting AiR is going to be emotionally and mentally taxing, and it’s going to take an obscene amount of bravery to put up a fight against nightmarish forces like these. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but I think evaluating the physiological impact of fighting monsters that could turn you and your friends into monsters if you get too close is a valid argument.


Local Population

The local population of the planet is almost certain to fall victim to one or more of AiR’s plagues. Depending on the population of the planet, this could provide a substantial numbers boost to AiR’s forces. At the very least, the local population will serve as enhanced cannon fodder.


Infection of Leaders

It’s reasonable to argue that the leadership of the opposing faction could be infected by the plagues, and killed or turned into a monstrosity. A very real potential ending to AiR Kaggath’s is the assimilation of the other faction’s leaders into a rakghoul pack, zombie horde, or killik Hive Mind. How they are exposed is circumstantial.


Swarm Tactics

The nature of AiR is not to be organized in their attacks, although Muur and Plo both act as commanders of the ground forces. Instead, swarm tactics are most likely to be used, with the objective of overwhelming and potentially turning enemy soldiers, rather than making strategic strikes.



A planet with the AiR on it is a planet in chaos. Leviathans will roam the landscape, Voxyn will stalk the streets, zombies will lurk, rakghouls will infect all they can, and green blobs will slurp around. The planet will be in constant chaos, and the opposing faction will have to adapt to the constant state of fear and uncertainty that comes with such a disorganized landscape.

Once again your majesty you have outdone yourself. :D


Feel free to quote/reference this through the course of the Kaggath.

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A couple things I'm seeing right off the bat:



  • The IDD biological leaders better be careful not to get infected
    If any of those three are exposed to the rakghoul plague (or others, if applicable) they're goners. So they better hole up and stay out of the way, or risk becoming a monster working for AiR.
  • Urban Warfare
    Persuader-class droid enforcers and OG-9 homing spider droids are not meant for urban warfare. On the other hand, all of AiR's land units will be easily able to navigate the streets and skyscrapers.
  • Force-users
    Jerec and and his lackey better watch out for Voxyn. They're coming for them.
  • Duel of the Dark Siders
    Shadow Droids are attunted to the Dark Side, which is how Palpatine was able to essentially control them. Jerec may be able to do the same thing... but so will Muur. It'll be a battle of wills for control of those droids.
  • Big Ships Go Boom-Boom
    Vindicator-class heavy cruisers are going to be torn to shreds. Additionally, their bridges are extremely exposed, leaving them perfect targets for the dartships, which specialize in ramming/bombing runs.
  • Six Billion People
    Six billion people. All ripe for the picking. Once the rakghouls are released on the uppercity... the AiR army is going to get exponentially bigger.


I'll elaborate more on these points as we go on.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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~~Aeuso iv Rykste~~

Empire of Plagues



I don't expect everyone to read this whole thing, but as arguments come up, it would be worthwhile to check my information on those topics in this write-up. I'm really proud of this faction. This explains why.


A Note from the Creator:


As you will quickly discover, this faction is the polar opposite of the Droid Supremacy. Its name, which translates from ancient Sith to mean “Empire of Plagues” sums up its true nature very well. The general concept is a faction made up totally of biological beings, parts, and weapons. Unfortunately, this did limit my options in some areas, particularly in vehicles and spaceships, so if the choices that I made seem questionable, believe me when I say I had no other choice. Not if I wanted to stand a fighting chance.


In a sentence, AiR is a faction of rakghouls, killiks, monsters, diseases, plagues, and crazy people. Its goals are not assimilation or victory through precise attacks, but rather outright destruction. Read below to find out more.


The Plagues


I’m starting this rundown with the plagues, because the leadership that I chose are valuable more for their knowledge of the plagues than anything else. Though each leader has their uses as well. The plagues are the backbone of this faction’s concept. To be clear, these are the plagues available to be used. Not all of them will be used during each Kaggath, as the faction will decide which plagues would be best for each Kaggath. All or none or somewhere in between could be used.


1. Rakghoul Plague


The Rakghoul Plague was created by Karness Muur, the Head of State in the AiR. Karness Muur harnessed this power through the Muur Talisman. The talisman could “almost instantaneously turn any nearby sentient being into a mindless rakghoul, a Sith Spawned mutant subservient to Muur’s will.” Even “protective suits designed to shield a wearer from harmful germs or chemicals could hold off the effects of the Sith Magic.” However, this effect does not work against Force Sensitives.


Thus Muur created the rakghoul plague, which is carried in every rakghoul and needs only a bite or a scratch to be transmitted directly into any being, Force Sensitive or not. Once infected, the disease would incubate for six to forty-eight hours before transforming the host into a rakghoul. Once this happens the being’s personality is lost forever. However, “only the personality is infected, leaving behind the being’s knowledge and skills they had accumulated.” This essentially means that rakghouls can apply skills and knowledge once they are turned. “If a being skilled in the powers of the Force were to wield the Muur’s Talisman, the rakghouls would be able to draw upon those latent skills and abilities to be used in service to the talisman’s possessor, even utilizing weapons and operating equipment.” Once the personality is destroyed in the transformation, it cannot be regained.


Additionally, Doctor Eckard Lokin studied the rakghoul plague extensively, and was able to create a strain using a particular person’s DNA that allowed them to transform between rakghoul and person at will.


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. Strike teams with non-Force sensitive members will be disastrous against Karness Muur

B. The Rakghoul Plague will quickly spread through the planet’s population, essentially turning the civilians into AiR troops

C. Infected enemy troops will defect to AiR when turned and will maintain their skillset and aptitude as soldiers

D. Rakghouls will inspire fear in even the most valiant of soldiers and rapidly decrease moral as infected are either killed by their own before turning or transform before their eyes

E. Any leadership member who is infected by the Rakghoul plague is basically dead within the next forty-eight hours



2. Killik Pheremones


Killiks assimilate other beings into their Hive Mind by exposing them to large amounts of pheromones. Pheromones are microscopic, odorless, tasteless chemicals. These pheromones change the brain structure of the host, altering the basic structure of the corpus callosum, which means “huge body”, as it is a large fleshy part of the brain that connects the two hemispheres. “This change allowed a Joiner to receive impulses directly from the brains of a killik.” This communication could happen through basically all mediums, including heat, electricity, magnetic fields, and chemical interaction. Exposure to these pheromones could happen with any interaction with killiks, including during a battle.


Once a Joiner is exposed to these pheromones, they are connected to the killik Hive Mind. Although Joiners usually retain their personality at first, they are almost always unwilling to consider leaving the Hive Mind, feeling as if the relationship is beneficial to them. Eventually, their personalities become more subdued until they are truly part of the Hive Mind. During this process, the Hive Mind absorbs the knowledge, skills, and personality traits of the Joiner. Note, however, that one Joiner rarely changes the Hive Mind in any significant way.


It is possible to reverse the Joining process. “However, most Joiners – even those experiencing the initial transformation – refuse to willingly submit to the procedure.”


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. Exposure to killik pheromones will cause enemy soldier/civilians to join the killik Hive Mind, defecting to join AiR

B. The Hive Mind will absorb the knowledge and skills of the Joiners, and if the Joiner is an enemy soldier, learn lots of valuable information about troop movements, strategies, and orders

C. Killik Joiners do not want to become unjoined, and will resist, with force if necessary, to avoid the procedure

D. The Hive Mind, according to Joiners, is very appealing, and could potentially encourage defection among the enemy, who would rather live in harmony with the Hive Mind than be killed by rakghouls



3. Gobindi Virus


The Gobindi Virus was developed by Borborygmus Gog and the Imperial Biological Weapons Division. It thrives in hot and humid environments, and also feeds on body heat from infected hosts. The virus is spread through touch and infects any being with body heat. Once infected, the victim would quickly become covered in green slime. The virus would then control the movements of the infected, making them lurch about and infect others through tactile contact. While in the later stages of infection, the victim could not control their actions or otherwise break free. If the virus remained on the host for an extended period of time, it would dissolve their body and the host would become a blob-like creature.


The virus also fed on negative emotions. The more a victim resisted the virus, the faster it grew, and panic, anger, or revenge the victim felt would also increase the rate of growth. The only way to truly rid yourself of the virus was to become calm and not resist. It would then fall off the body. Blob-creatures, or people fully absorbed by the virus, move about independently to spread the virus by touching others and were impervious to blaster fire.


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. This virus thrives in hot environments, so planets with warm climates will make enemy soldiers more susceptible to the disease

B. Members of Dark Side-oriented factions are more likely to be completely infected, as they draw on emotions that the virus feeds on

C. Once some people have been completely absorbed into blob-creatures, they will roam the planet and infect whoever they can, impervious to blaster bolts

D. The virus spreads though touch, and leaves trails of slime and infectious blobs of green goo in its wake that can also infect unsuspecting victims



4. Project I71A


A zombie-like virus developed by the Imperial Biological Weapons Division, Project I71A is highly infectious. It can spread in one of three ways: a bite, contact with infected bodily fluids, or airborne contagion. A bite would cause immediate effects while the other transmission options would take a couple hours to incubate. Bites would induce immediate madness and loss of cognitive function, while less direct transmission would result in fever, hallucinations, internal bleeding, seizure, and coma. Eventually, all transmission types would lead to necrosis of flesh, death of the host, and reanimation of the corpse as an undead cannibal.


Once reanimated, the infected were mindless monstrosities, but the virus itself was self-aware. It would work to spread the virus with almost a mind of its own, able to communicate amongst the infected. The virus was also capable of learning from its experiences, quickly developing from primitive stalkers upon first being released to avoiding danger and traps and learning how to use machines and technology. The victims have a collective sentience, and are able to react as a single organism to their environment and adapt accordingly.


Project I71A is extremely difficult to cure, and is very infectious, even able to penetrate biohazard gear. An anti-virus was created for the airborne transmission, but only by the Imperial Biological Weapons Division, so the odds of an enemy getting this vaccine are low, and being bitten would still override the vaccine. Additionally, infected undead were difficult to kill, though several methods did work. Grinding up the body, lightsabers, crushing, flamethrowers, explosives, vaporization, Force Lightning, and destroying the brain are the only know effective ways to defeat them.


What does this mean for the Kaggath?


A. Airborne I71A virus could be released in enemy territory, creating a third faction, a horde of independent zombies, for them to deal with

B. One method of preventing infection is immediate amputation of the infected limb, meaning that many enemy soldiers would become ineffective due to loss of limbs

C. The virus can infect local wildlife as well, adding the planet’s deadly creatures to its undead arsenal

D. The zombie outbreak is extremely hard to put down and those who attempt to fight it often become zombies themselves

E. Fear factor plays in again, as no one wants to fight zombie cannibals



The Leadership


As I mentioned, the leadership is mostly geared towards allowing the above plagues to be utilized. However, each one has specific qualities that will boost the plagues, the faction, and/or AiR’s chances of victory.



Karness Muur (Head of State)



Not only did Muur create the rakghouls, but he is also capable of creating other Sithspawn as well, most notable of which are the leviathans. Muur is able to command the rakghouls and leviathans, along with other Sithspawn.



Muur was an extremely talented Dark Side healer, and was able to use the Force to twist, prolong, and preserve life.


Raw Power

When Muur encountered Darth Krayt, during his time as a spirit, he viewed the other Sith’s power as insignificant. He is able to summon very powerful Force Lightning and Force Stroms.



Although Muur’s strengths lie in the Force, rather than in lightsaber combat, he uses a curved hilt with a red blade, a signature makashi weapon.



Lomi Plo (Second in Command)


Unseen Queen

As a killik Joiner and Queen of the Gorog Nest, Lomi Plo has complete control over the killik warriors of AiR. She also has two extra killik arms, a replacement killik leg, killik mandibles, and killik eyes. As Queen of the nest, her commands are followed without question.


Energy Web

One of Lomi Plo’s signature powers was an energy web of Dark Side energy that could dice her opponents to pieces.


Powerful Mind

Lomi Plo is an expert of the Mind Trick, using in on Anakin Solo successfully. She is also able to hide her presence from others by manipulating the doubt in their minds.


Power Drain

Lomi Plo is able to drain energy from any power cell, including lightsabers and entire spaceships.



Lomi Plo used Jak’Kai against Luke Skywalker multiple times during their duels. She was able to duel Grand Master Luke Skywalker, the REAL Best Lightsaber Duelist, and hold her own on multiple occasions, a testament to her skill. She has also won battles against Mara Jade and Jacen Solo.



Borborygmus Gog (Ally)


Mad Scientist

Gog is an expert at biological weaponry and a skilled scientist, allowing him to manipulate and utilize the plagues at AiR’s disposal and weaponize them further.



As a member of one of the coolest races in the Star Wars galaxy, Gog can shapeshift into anything and anyone with ease. He can perfectly mimic the looks of another person or even transform into any animal of any size.


Project Starscream

A series of experiments to create supersoldiers for the Empire, Project Starscream’s data could be used to enhance AiR’s troops.



Eckard Lokin (Ally)


Mad Scientist

Lokin is an expert at biological weaponry and a skilled scientist, allowing him to manipulate and utilize the plagues at AiR’s disposal and weaponize them further.


Rakghoul Symbiosis

Lokin is an expert on the rakghoul plague, and was able to manufacture a custom strain that allows him to transform from rakghoul to human at will.


Project Protean

Using alien biology to research the potential of genetic engineering, Project Protean’s research, coupled with the minds of Gog and Lokin, could become applicable. Lokin also worked extensively with killik pheromones and knows how to create and cure killik Joiners.



Imperial Biological Weapons Division (Organization)


Research Labs

The IBWD is one of the galaxy’s most advanced organizations for biological weapons research. With their hands on the rakghoul, killik, and Gobindi plagues, and well as their own Project I71A, IBWD is capable of further enhancing these plagues’ abilities. Experimentation could reveal new methods of weaponization or utilization previously unheard of.


Project I71A

Assuming they’ve learned from their mistakes, the IBWD will be in complete control of the virus, and by that I mean they will know what it does, how it does it, and when it might be useful.



Vong Shapers (Suppliers)


Vong Tech

The supplier for AiR’s Vong fleet and Voxyn, the Vong Shapers can manufacture Vong tech to assist AiR in their conquest.



As a note, to emphasize that AiR is not ignorant about the plagues they have the ability to release, the leaders are extremely knowledgeable about their natures. AiR has two specialists in rakghouls (Muur and Lokin), two specialists in killiks (Plo and Lokin), and two specialists in the Gobindi virus (Gog and IBWD). Knowledge about these plagues will help AiR to use them effectively.



Ground Forces


Sticking with the theme of biological things, all ground forces are living, including vehicles. Although this makes AiR firmly a close-range ground military faction, its non-vehicle ground forces are capable of wielding blasters, if they so wish. However, swarm tactics may be the best course of action.



Killik Warriors (Major Ground Force) – 2,304


Killik warriors are a vastly assorted and specialized ground force. Below are the types of killiks employed by AiR. Prolonged combat with killik warriors would expose enemies to enough pheromones to begin the Joining process.



These killiks are gigantic, over fifty meters long by ten meters tall. They are capable of taking massiave amounts of damage due to their size and heavy armoring. They are especially adept at breaking through enemy fortifications.



These killiks are highly energetic and well armored. They are particularly skilled at jumping long distances. They jump up walls and close long distances between armies.



These killiks are only a meter long, making them small targets. They are flying warriors, able to cross long distances quickly with their wings.



These killiks are only the size of a human fist, making them small targets. They are flying warriors, able to cross long distances quickly with their wings.



The Gorog Nest is the most warlike killik nest ever known and their soldiers are skilled fighters. Their signature strategy was to piece the skin or armor of their opponents and spit a highly corrosive brown acid into the wound.



These killiks are skilled at tunneling and are often used to dig tunnels underneath enemy positions or to make secret passageways across battlegrounds.



These killiks are less than an inch long, and would create swarms of millions. They are used as a weapon by the killiks, having them crawl under enemy armor and kill enemy soldiers via blood sucking.



These killiks are rather small and are used as long distance communications relays for killiks on the battlefield.



Nekghouls (Minor Ground Force) - 100


Nekghouls, unlike rakghouls, are sentient, larger, stand upright, and are Force Sensitive. Under the training of Muur, the nekghouls could quickly learn to harness their inherited Dark Side tendencies. Additionally, exposure to the Muur Talisman would increase their power exponentially. Skilled and fierce warriors, both for their natural endurance and their ferocity, nekghouls are intimidating warriors. Strangely enough, they cannot infect others with the rakghoul plague.



Voxyn (Light Vehicle) - 50


Voxyn were genetically engineered by the Vong to hunt down Jedi in the galaxy. Voxyn can sense Force Sensitives through the Force and have many offensive abilities: sonic blasts (their signature opening attack), flesh-melting acid, disease-coated claws, and a poisonous barbed tail. Fast and agile, they are perfect Jedi killers. They are also trained to adapt to any array of environments. They were extremely durable, able to heal quickly, resistant to explosives, and have the ability to function normally even when severely injured. They also learn from their hunts and know to avoid traps. During the New Republic era, Voxyn killed many Jedi across the galaxy, including Jedi Chironian Luca and Eelysa.



Leviathans (Heavy Vehicle) - 6


Leviathans could be summoned by Muur as part of his Sith sorcery. Large reptile creatures, their main attribute was their ability to draw the life force of enemy soldiers into “blister traps” on their backs. When a Leviathan killed a being, it absorbed all of its life force and knowledge. This knowledge absorbed from their prey could be accessed by a Leviathans controller. Leviathans also interfered with the sense abilities of Force Users, causing them to hear screams, develop headaches, and become obsessed with making the mental pain stop. The Leviathan’s main method of attack is with the tentacles and maw at the front of its long body. The hide of a Leviathan was incredibly thick, able to withstand prolonged exposure to lava. Leviathans, despite their size, were incredibly fast.



Space Forces


I’m not going to go into this extensively, because honestly I know little about Vong tech and I’m sure it will be heavily debated anyways. I do apologize for using Vong tech, but they are the only faction that has truly biological spaceships, and I wanted to stick with the theme. Here’s some of the math to start us off:


A-vek liluunu (Light Capital Ship) - 10

Individual Armament: 20 Yaret-Kors

Individual Fighter Capacity: 144

Total Armament: 200 Yaret-Kors

Total Fighter Capacity: 1440


Miid Ro’ik (Heavy Capital Ship) - 4

Armament: 60 Yaret-Kors

Fighter Capacity: Unknown (Probably 60)

Total Armament: 240 Yaret-Kors

Total Fighter Capacity: Unknown (Probably 240)


Legacy of Torment (Flagship) - 1

Armament: 120 Yaret-Kors

Fighter Capacity: 216


Total Fleet Armament: 560 Yaret-Kors

Total Fleet Fighter Capacity: 1896 Fighters



Things to Consider


With all that said, there are a few general things that I think should be heavily considered when debating AiR and its chances of winning pretty much any Kaggath.



People, no matter their discipline or allegiance or training, are still people. Fighting undead, green blobs, brainwashers, and mutations would and should terrify anyone with an amygdala. Fighting AiR is going to be emotionally and mentally taxing, and it’s going to take an obscene amount of bravery to put up a fight against nightmarish forces like these. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but I think evaluating the physiological impact of fighting monsters that could turn you and your friends into monsters if you get too close is a valid argument.


Local Population

The local population of the planet is almost certain to fall victim to one or more of AiR’s plagues. Depending on the population of the planet, this could provide a substantial numbers boost to AiR’s forces. At the very least, the local population will serve as enhanced cannon fodder.


Infection of Leaders

It’s reasonable to argue that the leadership of the opposing faction could be infected by the plagues, and killed or turned into a monstrosity. A very real potential ending to AiR Kaggath’s is the assimilation of the other faction’s leaders into a rakghoul pack, zombie horde, or killik Hive Mind. How they are exposed is circumstantial.


Swarm Tactics

The nature of AiR is not to be organized in their attacks, although Muur and Plo both act as commanders of the ground forces. Instead, swarm tactics are most likely to be used, with the objective of overwhelming and potentially turning enemy soldiers, rather than making strategic strikes.



A planet with the AiR on it is a planet in chaos. Leviathans will roam the landscape, Voxyn will stalk the streets, zombies will lurk, rakghouls will infect all they can, and green blobs will slurp around. The planet will be in constant chaos, and the opposing faction will have to adapt to the constant state of fear and uncertainty that comes with such a disorganized landscape.


Good God, you have got to be kidding me! :eek:

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A few notes on your leadership in the write-up that were wrong Warren.


First, it was Souz Syn who created Leviathans. It was rumored Murr created them but it is confimed in the Book of Sith that Syn was in fact the creator of the Leviathans.


Second, you overhype Plo's dueling skill. It was debated fiercely when the option of Plo was first brought up, and after review it is quite apparent that her only dueling wins came with mitigating circumstances. She never won a straight duel against any of the people you mention and always ran away at the end when she did win, never able to actually kill anyone.


Aside from that, this is one scary faction you set up.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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First, it was Souz Syn who created Leviathans. It was rumored Murr created them but it is confimed in the Book of Sith that Syn was in fact the creator of the Leviathans.


Second, you overhype Plo's dueling skill. It was debated fiercely when the option of Plo was first brought up, and after review it is quite apparent that her only dueling wins came with mitigating circumstances. She never won a straight duel against any of the people you mention and always ran away at the end when she did win, never able to actually kill anyone.


First, you may be right that he didn't originally make them, but he can still summon them, regardless. This picture (from Murr's Wookieepedia page) shows him evoking a leviathan. Even if you don't buy that, Muur was an engineer of many Sith Spawn and basically the founder of Sith alchemy. Even if Muur didn't originally summon the first leviathan, it's obvious that he could create them.


Second, I know Lomi Plo's abilities have already been and will continue to be under scrutiny. Basically, she fought Luke Skywalker and didn't die on multiple occasions. That in of itself is an impressive feat.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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First, you may be right that he didn't originally make them, but he can still summon them, regardless. This picture (from Murr's Wookieepedia page) shows him evoking a leviathan. Even if you don't buy that, Muur was an engineer of many Sith Spawn and basically the founder of Sith alchemy. Even if Muur didn't originally summon the first leviathan, it's obvious that he could create them.


Second, I know Lomi Plo's abilities have already been and will continue to be under scrutiny. Basically, she fought Luke Skywalker and didn't die on multiple occasions. That in of itself is an impressive feat.

Alright, I'm skeptical but I believe you about Murr.


And yes, no disputing she was good, just saying that the thought that she won some of those duels is not entirely accurate, I'm sure that'll come up later.

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