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Bloodthirst and Annihilation - When to Use?


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I've been running Annihilation quite a bit more now since its recent changes. Before then, I used to run Carnage for 99% of fights (Anni on Grob'thok and Raptus, or when I wanted to change things up) I know the spec fairly well, or so I'd like to think. The thing I've been wondering about is the timing on bloodthirst. Usually I save it for sub-30% and loop it with my second Adrenal. So I usually have a damage boost for around 30 seconds. My question is this: Is this optimal? Or should I just be stacking BT with my second Adrenal? As of now, my best is just shy of 4k (around 3992) in full DF gear with Dread Master implants, belt, bracers and two 186 crit enhancements. This is all in the scenario of a parsing situation, where BT is under my control and not subject to raid mechanics. Edited by twotilmidnite
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In a dummy parse, I tend to use bloodthirst in the opener for maximum burst. In an operation setting, I save it for the execute phase, where it does tend to line up with the second (or third) adrenal. In fights long enough for a second bloodthirst, I would recommend using in your opener (you'll get another during execute), but letting your tanks know first.
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