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Everything about GSH seems to upset somebody.


Because Bioware has seemingly taken every possible opportunity to screw up obvious things in this game. Why? I have no idea, maybe bad oversight or something. They designed a complex system in this game that has caused them so many issues.


Sex change? Nope, story design gets in the way.

Fall or redemption? Nope, story design.

Solid color system? Nope, Cartel Market.

New Class stories? Nope, game design makes it too expensive.

GSF PVE? Nope, AI too much trouble


When they designed this game for fully voiced interactions, they expected to be doing near WoW numbers to pay for more content, but the game didn't of course so those plans were scrapped. Now of course, the CM is raking in lots but rather than sink that into continuing stories, they just pocket the extra money and roll on.


I have little doubts that they could easily continue those stories if they had gone with a text based system but that ship has sailed. So you ask why no Armor Display Stands?


Why ask why, Bud Dry.

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heck skyrim had armor display stands in the player houses.


assuming they didn't bug out lol.


I don't think I ever walked into a hearthstone house without at least 1 armor stand completely bugging out and either disappearing and leaving just the armor or floating in the air in some random spot or not showing certain pieces of gear.


When they worked they were great, but half the time they didnt...


That being said, I think Armor stands are very important and SHOULD be in GSH.

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assuming they didn't bug out lol.


I don't think I ever walked into a hearthstone house without at least 1 armor stand completely bugging out and either disappearing and leaving just the armor or floating in the air in some random spot or not showing certain pieces of gear.


When they worked they were great, but half the time they didnt...


That being said, I think Armor stands are very important and SHOULD be in GSH.


I had a custom house in Skyrim where the mannequins would bug out and respawn in the same room where I was whenever I used the 'sleep' command. After the second time I woke up in game surrounded by mannequins I disabled and destroyed every mannequin in game forever.


That said, I too would like armor stands in my Stronghold, but not at the expense of my sanity.

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I had a custom house in Skyrim where the mannequins would bug out and respawn in the same room where I was whenever I used the 'sleep' command. After the second time I woke up in game surrounded by mannequins I disabled and destroyed every mannequin in game forever.


That said, I too would like armor stands in my Stronghold, but not at the expense of my sanity.

Oh gawd, and companions already have this annoyingly irritating behavior of always showing up after travel, even if dismissed. So wouldn't at all be surprised if their holographic counterparts did the same.

Edited by LeJarC
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This would be a really cool feature for our strongholds and guild ships (they are coming out with those aren't they?), especially with the ancient armor sets that our out there. Maybe even a display case you can have lightsabers, crystals.
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I feel like the "you can put armor on companions" is one of the most lazy excuses that they have come up with. (and a screw you guys response) Seriously, how hard would it be to create a droid NPC that you can craft as many as you want of and put armor on it. (or you could just make life SUPER easy and make it so you can place unlimited c2-n2's/2v-r8's and be able to put armor on them)
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What would be interesting to know is if companion gear in strongholds is different than equipped gear.


If not it's going to be painful to keep switching gear.


I agree. This is a weak substitute mechanic anyway, but if the companions in the Stronghold always reflect the actual gear of the companion then it's practically worthless.


Armor stands would be great for displaying all that armor that looks cool but that I'm not using! A line of armor dummies or busts with a single-class armor progression would be completely awesome, or even better a display of dummies that showed what your character actually wore as you leveled. Or even just something interesting to do with all that commendations armor we rip the mods out of.


Ah, so much fun and practical/emotional RP potential there. Hopefully they change their minds, because empty armor sets are something I can see a lot of people collecting and putting on display.... I mean, when I think about it, it's another reason to buy CM armor sets.


Oh well, they'll do it or they won't. I don't know what else I'm going to put in my Stronghold, though, because I could really care less about most of the things other people are getting worked up over. We shall see I suppose.

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Bump. I have heaps of cool armor sets that I'd like to show off in my stronghold. Surely the devs can do better than restricting this to just the few companions we have wearing them. As others have stated some companions do not allow us to show all elements of a set.
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It is a little strange that they didn't include this. Unless there is some technical hurdle they couldn't jump. I mean, we can display companions, vehicles, pets, trophies... but not armor? I'm hoping there's more to it than, "Gosh, we didn't think anyone would want that."
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