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what companion is best for a lvl 55 watchmen Sentinel?

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so I was going to waste some creds on bringing my comps gear up so I can lvl some of the lvl 55 daily areas easier and was wondering what comp suits or complements a Jedi Sent going watchmen spec the best? I have HK and Treek so those are options too. I know a lot of this is opinion based but was looking to get a lil advice before I drop like a few hundred thousand creds on a comp.
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I don't have Treek so no comment on her and I find HK to be lacklustre at best.


If I am running through trash mobs and moving quickly I take Doc to remove the healing requirement between attacks. For harder mobs or when I am taking it more carefully then I used Scorge to tank and heal between fights.


Disclaimer - I am not 55 yet (54) and have not done Oricon.

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well..i've a full dread forged combat sent and i use an undergeared(134) T-7..i don't have too much trouble soloing the oricon heroic..even if it's a but rushy..watchman self-heals should keep you safe, but since you are going to gear a comp from scratch i'd go for treek..you can use heals or have him tanking, at which he's great, and keep HK with his gear, since it's best to do the worst trash pulls, which melt, and oneshot the occasional annoying strong mob..
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If you just want to do the regular dailys stuff you can indeed go with Kira, that'll be the fast way considering one group of mobs. Especially nice if you're biochem for reusable medpacks for her and yourself from time to time.


If you want to solo 55 Heroics or especially if you want to solo Makeb world bosses, go for Treek, you can survive all of them with him, except the one in the Volcanic mesa.


I actually use Treek on all occasions now, since you never need to do out of combat healing that way. This allows you to keep your Merciless Stacks, if you're really going fast in a daily area that's got good mob density. Kill group, rocket boots, Merciless Slash on first target, Merciless as killing blow on last target, rinse and repeat :-)

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I use Kira fully geared in 180. Double DPS all the way...no need for healer comp or tank, I kill too fast.


Yea, i had a Sith Marauder for awhile that used Jaesa, personally Jaesa/Kira should be the only companion ever needed. but Treek is ok for if you want to solo H2+ or something like that.

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Yea, i had a Sith Marauder for awhile that used Jaesa, personally Jaesa/Kira should be the only companion ever needed. but Treek is ok for if you want to solo H2+ or something like that.



So question for you and whoever else uses Kira or even Scourge. Did ya'll buy the basic, elite, ult, or classic gear for the companions or just add to them as you got drops? I'm a newbie 55 and have all 156 and 2 162 gear at the moment except my sabers(i still need to upgrade those). Just wondering the quickest way to get my companions up to speed b/c right now I can't even beat the Elite bosses at the end of each mission on Oricon right now with just me and my companion. Maybe I'm just sucking but idk lol. Any info would be appreciated.

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So question for you and whoever else uses Kira or even Scourge. Did ya'll buy the basic, elite, ult, or classic gear for the companions or just add to them as you got drops? I'm a newbie 55 and have all 156 and 2 162 gear at the moment except my sabers(i still need to upgrade those). Just wondering the quickest way to get my companions up to speed b/c right now I can't even beat the Elite bosses at the end of each mission on Oricon right now with just me and my companion. Maybe I'm just sucking but idk lol. Any info would be appreciated.


I gear them with the comms i dont use. on most of my 55's like my Sin and my PT, i gear them with Basic Comms for now, then move to Elites when i run out of uses for Elites, then Ult comms when ult comms become useless!

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if your companions are geared, they all do awsome job honestly. even shakey legs driod boy cee 3 pee o wanna be. but doc for healing tuff fights, scourge for tanking tuffer fights you dont want agro, kira to faceroll with t7 to...even good ole rusky can do good job dpsing..
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