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A PvP a Day...


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Ha. I am probably not the best person to learn to form a mini DPS unit with. First I'm not that good at DPS, and, yeah, I tend to run all over the place trying "alternate strategies" if we are having trouble in a match. :o Of course, if we are having an easy match, then it's easy to stick together. :D


I started an imp toon on EH also, just because all the talk of your shadow made me miss mine... but I already have a shadow, so I went assassin instead. Plus.. well... lighting. :p And I found out that the imp side actually does RP a lot more in WZs than I've seen on the pub side (I know, big surprise on an RP server, right? :) ). So then it was fun on pub side having WZs against all those folks that I was "friends" with just a few hours ago. :D


I am leveling a merc who is 63 (was 60) just to have a mirror of my commando on when no pubs are on that I play with... I am finally used to the different abilities now, man they look so weird after playing commando so long now hahaha. Anyway, what is your sins name, Banderal?

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Heh, as long as we can make a group of 3! I have moved one of my Imps from the SL to the EH. The name's Mea'maximaculpa.


And while I am typing, Banderal and I had one of those arenas that makes up for everything that sometimes goes sideways in PvP (Sideways? In PvP? IMPOSSIBLE!) We were running lowbies, he was on his Gunslinger that is picking up steam (he's got auto-crit, woot!) and I switched from my comfy scoundrel healer to my "what button do I press now?!" Mando and well, we both got lots of love ;) from an Operative that has all the trademark awesomeness of the class, running round circles stunning and slashing (at least me) to lots of tiny little Sharapovs. Well, we pulled that reg arena, and the Empire fielded the trinity with that Operative on board.


We sported 2 Mandos, Banderal and a Guardian DPS. Uh-huh. Kindda the set up that makes you feel sorry for the other team! How would they ever pick the choicest morsel! One thing that was going for us, it was Corellia Square and it does favor ranged DPS.


I dunno how, but we managed to win. Banderal later opined 'twas because the Op got impatient. I have no opinion to offer on the subject, since... buttons, buttons... stunned... shoot whatever moves... yeah, I was carried. :o

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I dunno how, but we managed to win. Banderal later opined 'twas because the Op got impatient. I have no opinion to offer on the subject, since... buttons, buttons... stunned... shoot whatever moves... yeah, I was carried. :o


I said that because we were all set up on "high ground", and they were back behind LOS blocks, both teams waiting for the other to make a move. And then that operative showed up in my "stealth scan improved from cover" vision, all by her(?) lonesome, in the middle of all of us. So I shot quick and brought her out of stealth.


But then, yeah, it seemed like a chaotic mess. I'm not really sure, either, how we came out ahead. Weird match.


I had another arena yesterday that was interesting. We had 4 of us, vs 3 of them. I don't remember the classes, but I was on my assassin, and I know they had at least 2 stealth. First round we crushed them. Then I thought, well this is completely unfair, when they STILL did not get a fourth for round 2. So I announced in /say that I was going to sit round 2 out so they could get a 3v3.


THEN, right after I typed that, someone else on our team just quit. I was still hanging back by spawn, while I saw that my remaining 2 team mates had engaged one of the enemy. And then I see both of the remaining enemy suddenly show up, still in stealth but close enough I could see them, standing on either side of me. And they attack. I'm like, WTH, I was sitting this out!


So I said, ok... if you want to play. And I force sped away and combat-stealthed. Then joined up with my team mates, and we proceeded to pull them apart pretty easily and win round 2 also. Maybe they didn't see the /say, or maybe they thought I'd just sit there. Not sure.

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I was startled to realize just how small the EH PvP community is, because folks started recognizing my toon and commenting on my heals (all good, thankfully) after barely a week of playing on the server. An Imperial player made a point of telling me redacted things about the guild I’ve just joined in white say (huh?). It felt really weird, after the anonymity of the Harbinger.


On the upside, I’ve met an awesome Mando who kindly let me tag along with him/her on my baby Mando, so I was able to shadow him/her to get the positioning better. Tried to take targets with the Focus Target’s target, but uhm, not yet.


Corrected the problem when I kept pressing the button down for the duration of a Channeled ability. So, I am setting off the Rapid Shot with a tap, moving with the L or R strafe until the shot stops firing and tap it again (or set off an insta-ability). I need to drill that in to prep for the Unload/Blazing Bolts-on-the move. (Sigh) sometimes I just have no idea what is it that I do not know in my noobness.


In addition to the nice Mando, the Pub had v. cool folks, and I had a winning streak like you would not believe (and a couple of close games). Then the new folks started showing up in half-armor sets (why, oh why?!). I leave their lifespan and degree of success to your imagination.


Finally, I’ve noticed Banderal’s Sin and it was a no brainer to go over to the realm of tyranny and easy PvP wins. Where we promptly got ourselves an advanced Imperial player, who’d left the pylon unguarded. Easy wins, right. But never fear! We’ve got what? Four or more of the AHGs in a row after that! Banderal went guarding with the predictable result that nobody ever sacked our nodes again. I am playing Madness as an Imperial. I am reluctant to learn another toon, but well, at least it is not that hard (for now). My Ruvvoy did level as Madness on the first 12xXP way back when, but I don’t remember a thing as healing completely took over for me on the Sage/Sorc.


With my Shadow, I am on a credits-making quest, to get her fully armed and stimmed to start the new Weekly tomorrow on level 65. I think the 208 set + stim + default blue fortitude should be okay to start out, and I will buy purple augments as I go.


More than anything, I want to get back to my Vanguard on the Harbinger. I know, I will take many beatings for it, but well, the road to strafe is paved with dead Vanguards. Not sure if Banderal is coming back to the Binger, so… O, solo mio…


I will have to drop my new healer Scoundrel for a bit to keep up. A pity, because silly me, I love her name. Aww, I should have come up with the “last” naming convention sooner! I am going to make an Operative to save the name & level the two in parallel a bit later, once I sort out the Mando (and Madness?).


(Waves) Hope to see you all in the zones!

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Not sure if Banderal is coming back to the Binger...


Sure I am. I was learning about legacy gear, which I've never used, from a post that tecl did in another thread. I shoulda done that for Leaps'n'bounds and Cravenloft, although I'm not sure Leaps would have looked all that good in the dress that Craven has. :D (I don't think that outfit is actually "legacy" gear, I guess... but I still like my joke!)


Plus I heard I should check out the bang-imps guild, and since all my toons are already branded... er I mean guilded, I might transfer my little gunslinger back over to harby as a candidate. At the very least I can go into zones with Alrick, and the other side will have 2 GS to choose between, instead of just one to focus on. :p

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Oh, noes, don't leave me on my own in the lowbies! Why don't you take Leaps out of the S-Key instead to try out with the Bang? They'd be crazy not to take you! :D


I ran a bunch of warzones tonight on my Madness & saw a bunch of trashtalk on the imperial side. That really soured the experience of the EH as a nice folks' server. Yakes. If Harbinger was not down I would have evacuated! :eek:

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Oh, noes, don't leave me on my own in the lowbies! Why don't you take Leaps out of the S-Key instead to try out with the Bang? They'd be crazy not to take you! :D


I ran a bunch of warzones tonight on my Madness & saw a bunch of trashtalk on the imperial side. That really soured the experience of the EH as a nice folks' server. Yakes. If Harbinger was not down I would have evacuated! :eek:


I never can find you or Banderal on anymore... What lvl is your madness sorc? I might make a healing merc soon too, so give me your sorcs name so we can group!


I mostly have been running in 65s though, playing my new 65 merc which is a blast, and also my 65 healing sorc which I pushed from 60 to 65 this past week.


I think Banderal gave me a fake name, I listed it, and he is never on... :(

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I never can find you or Banderal on anymore... What lvl is your madness sorc? I might make a healing merc soon too, so give me your sorcs name so we can group!


My sorc is Mea'maximaculpa, she is 29.


Right now I have on the EH the characters I am remotely likely to play: Last'words, 65; Last'laugh, 41; Sharapaw, 36; Pereswet, 29; and Last'strike, 10 :o I did make an Agent, but chances are I won't get to him. He's Last'seen.

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Right now, of all the servers I've rolled on, I've seen the least amount of smack talk on Jung Ma. It's almost sickeningly sweet there, at least on imp side lol. Small talent pool, but that goes for both sides, so there are few roflstomps unless you bring a ringer premade.
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My sorc is Mea'maximaculpa, she is 29.


Right now I have on the EH the characters I am remotely likely to play: Last'words, 65; Last'laugh, 41; Sharapaw, 36; Pereswet, 29; and Last'strike, 10 :o I did make an Agent, but chances are I won't get to him. He's Last'seen.


Ok. Are they all pubs except for Mea'maximaculpa and Last'seen?


As for trash talking, no matter where you go, what server, what game, it's always going to be there. Some places have it worse ofc. It's hard to not run into that in PVP on any game though. You know that.


I like when teams trash talk it serves as motivation to play better and beat the trash talkers. :D

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Yes, all Pubs, save for Mea and Last'seen, but I won't count him.


I despise the trashtalk. It spoils the fun and makes the game into a nastier place. Particularly when people start using the swear words in a low brow way. I like players who are true champions, gracious in victory and sturdy in defeat, and profanity just tarnishes the whole thing for me. I respect the strong and silent, those who have enough character to not fold under pressure, and who truly will never kick them when they are down. I admire honor and noble disposition even in a computer game.

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Yes, all Pubs, save for Mea and Last'seen, but I won't count him.


I despise the trashtalk. It spoils the fun and makes the game into a nastier place. Particularly when people start using the swear words in a low brow way. I like players who are true champions, gracious in victory and sturdy in defeat, and profanity just tarnishes the whole thing for me. I respect the strong and silent, those who have enough character to not fold under pressure, and who truly will never kick them when they are down. I admire honor and noble disposition even in a computer game.


I don't say I respect trash talkers or think they are model gamers who all should bow down to. I am just saying, it motivates me to crush them harder.


It can be frustrating to lose to trash talkers but I always find them eventually losing and that makes a win even more enjoyable seeing trash talkers get smashed.


I don't say anything save for the rare musing about the other team or our own team's stupid gameplay and even then I just try to contain myself because nothing typed saved for directions in a wz helps anything.


Basically if you trash talk it motivates other players to hunt you down forever and ever, and if you complain about your own stupid team you come off as a jerk and you never get votes and people secretly hate you forever and ever.


Not that those matter a lot, but that's what happens in MMO PVP.


It's just better to contain frustration and not type anything.


Also, if someone is busy typing constantly, their being really useless because you can't PVP and type. Those are the worst imo. People that type constantly in a WZ.

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I don't say I respect trash talkers or think they are model gamers who all should bow down to. I am just saying, it motivates me to crush them harder.


It can be frustrating to lose to trash talkers but I always find them eventually losing and that makes a win even more enjoyable seeing trash talkers get smashed.


I can never get it why people feel motivated when they are yelled at. I just prefer to leave and go some place else where I don't have to witness someone else's mental problems.

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I can never get it why people feel motivated when they are yelled at. I just prefer to leave and go some place else where I don't have to witness someone else's mental problems.


well. I guess it depends on perspective. It's not so much enjoying someone's mental problems... I don't view childish chat as an indication the person has mental problems I view them as immature bullies that have inflated epeens and it's always enjoyable to kick sand in the bullies face.


That's how I view it anyway. I really don't try to analyze people and concern myself with their state of mental health in the game unless they say something really outlandish and disturbing.


The typical "U SUCK YOU NEED TO UNINSTALL FOREVER!!!11!!" doesn't bother me at all. Maybe I am desensitized or something, lol.


From playing PVP games since EQ1 and from RL job experiences I really don't get flustered by anything people say, let alone what they type across a game server from their mother's basement.


Angry words are just words to me, nothing more than that.

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I don't view childish chat as an indication the person has mental problems I view them as immature bullies that have inflated epeens


That's mental problems. A happy, healthy, good person experiences no desire to attempt to bully others. Particularly after they went into a lot of troubles to very specifically stuck the odds in their favor.

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That's mental problems. A happy, healthy, good person experiences no desire to attempt to bully others. Particularly after they went into a lot of troubles to very specifically stuck the odds in their favor.


I'm sorry but this is completely incorrect. The things you see that you think are vile or disgusting are literally what create the competitive atmosphere. It's not bullying to yell at people, or mental problems, LOL. Have you ever played anything at a high level of competition? I tried for a long time to play soccer professionally and at that level, anything goes. People will hit you, try and get in your head, try and push you psychologically, and they will use anything physically to get an advantage.


Your 'knight in white armor' concept does not exist in reality and should not exist. The very thing you think is wrong is the very thing that sharpens people in the competitive world. You seem to want harmony and peace and yet you are playing a game that mimics war. Pvp is war. And all the tactics people use to gain an advantage are there for a reason. Trolling, yelling, cussing, are all part of competition.


If you want fairy tales, don't do pvp, lol. In fact, don't do competition at all.

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Your 'knight in white armor' concept does not exist in reality and should not exist. The very thing you think is wrong is the very thing that sharpens people in the competitive world. You seem to want harmony and peace and yet you are playing a game that mimics war. Pvp is war. And all the tactics people use to gain an advantage are there for a reason. Trolling, yelling, cussing, are all part of competition.


No, I have never played or watched team sports. I was swimming for a while as a pre-teen. I excelled in academic pursuits and I am competitive enough :) But I believe in respect and staying friends after the game.


In most of the warzones premades/stronger groups do their thing, and say nothing. Some silly kid rages at the own team once in a while. I see an occasional emote when someone obviously got to someone. I get that.


I saw my friend focused off and harassed by a particular guild, because he's killed someone wrong in the ranked. I can almost get that.


But it's the first time I saw in that warzone on the EH, the players in lowbies (!) actually actively took their time to start ridiculing players on my team calling them by name. I really, really, really find that absolutely abhorrent. In lowbies! On the same faction! When you are facrolling. It does not create a physiological advantage. You've already won. So, why run your mouth and denigrate yourself like this? No, I don't want a part of it, winning or losing, I don't care. I do not want to be around people who'd do such a thing.

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No, I have never played or watched team sports. I was swimming for a while as a pre-teen. I excelled in academic pursuits :) When I came to Canada to work on a rig-site, as an eager specialist, I have asked my supervisor at the end of Day 1 what was the meaning of that technical term starting with "f" that applied to virtually every piece of equipment, and was it synonymous to maybe 'metallic'?


In most of the warzones premades/stronger groups do their thing, and say nothing. Some silly kid rages at the own team once in a while. I see an occasional emote when someone obviously got to someone. I get that.


I saw my friend focused off and harassed by a particular guild, because he's killed someone wrong in the ranked.


But it's the first time I saw in that warzone on the EH, the players in lowbies (!) actually actively took their time to start ridiculing players on my team calling them by name. I really, really, really find that absolutely abhorrent. In lowbies! On the same faction! When you are facrolling. It does not create a physiological advantage. You've already won. So, why run your mouth?


The better question is why not? I already said it but pvp is war. It is competition. Competition is designed to sharpen people no matter what. It is designed to put off the weak, and make the strong stronger.


I find that a lot of people have the mentality you do, and that kind of stuff puts them off. The people who are strong or competitive either ignore it, or use it to their advantage. Essentially the concept is working. You are not a competitive type, so it puts you off. You're not an aggressive type either, so you can't use it to your advantage. Working as intended.


And just so you know, a person doesn't have to be academic or athletic. Most people are both. I'm a programmer for the best software company in the world.

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It's working just great to empty the queues too, and making people go 'I hate PvP.' One more person to play on the Harbinger that night, one less - on the Ebon Hawk. Enjoy your 30 min pop time.


Exactly, so working as intended. Competition clears out the weak, and makes the strong stronger. You might not like this concept but that is the precise design of it. And it's an extremely good design.


It's funny, but your mentality is all 'I want good things and happy things', and you're completely against a concept that makes people truly strong. It's very contradictory.


Think of it in terms of exercising. If you are really weak physically, exercising sucks, and hurts, and will hurt for a long time, until you get strong. Once you get strong, the physical pain actually feels good, because it empowers you instead of just feeling like pain. This is true emotionally/psychologically as well. And that is exactly what competition of any kind does. If you are weak, its going to feel like a lot of pain, and cause a lot of people to give up. If you are strong, you feed off it. But it is the pain that makes you strong, nothing else.


I play on harb, so queues are great.

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