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A PvP a Day...


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Oh, I want to add one more, which is illustrative of "our" PvE'r bias stupidity... imo.


We started a ACW and I'm just messing around, so I ask "who's here just to get the pvp companion? come on be honest?" One guy admits to being a pve'r. I'm like "cool, one more person in the pvp queue!"


That game he sat at the off node, called incs, held them off until help arrived, and basically did everything right. While the rest of my "pvp" team managed to lose mid by ignoring the call, and being off trying to triple cap snow while half-plus of the enemy team overwhelmed a couple of us that were watching mid.


Man, I really hope Bio gets those PvE'rs out of the queue fast! :rolleyes:

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@Yrioko - glad you are playing without that much consternation.


Must have missed you, Banderal, by the time I logged in. I just ended up messing around with gear a little, and setting up for my next PvE levelling project. I think a lot of people have the rest of the week off down South, so not sure if the zones will pop tomorrow during the day-time. Would love to catch a few on my Scoundrel and Mando, maybe get a couple of levels as well. Chances are I will get a string of Huttballs if you guys are not around. :(

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(Wave) Spend the morning playing my Scoundrel. Winning, mostly. Then Banderal's VG tank loaded in, so that tots guaranteed us the wins from then onward. Okay, I think we managed to lose a Novare. But to a Republic team.


I think the most curious zone was when the team kept leaving my cohealer, a Commando, and my puny self defending the mid. Between my awesome damage and his/hers powerful defenses, we were perfect for it. I guess the guys got the memo about the OP healers, but did not read past the title.


Overall, as much as the Sage packs the unlimited power, playing a scop is simply fun. So, nothing super outstanding, really, in the medical facility, but well, got to trade japes with Banderal, and, as usual, I have no idea where he gets the time, but his Letters from Offnode were the warzone classic. :)


I am going to start selling buttons "Banderal for the mid". :)

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Once again got bored of being a 'Pub:




Didn't do too shabby, eh? I managed to make my way to the datacore after helping with the bridge and planting on one door. Lots of Guardians and Sentinels tried to solo me, but I kited for days and never saw the inside of the respawn area. I took down people left and right and did manage a few close calls after I got ganged up on.


The Scoundrel you can see in the photo made it his business to chase me all over the map lol, but I was twice able to get away and secure the healing node before he wasted me. Even though I love my Sage, it's gonna have to take a backseat since I cannot wait to get Holotraverse.


What is it the "cool kids" say? Gonna rekt in Huttball when I get that skill!!!

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You know, even though I went to the Imperial side and I really fancy the companions and healing animations of the Operative, I'm still itching to replay as a Scoundrel. There's something about being on the Republic that really appeals to me which often causes me to delete the Imp and remake as a Pub, lol.


I've been trying to play on the other side so I do not have to keep repeating the same heroics and whatnot, but maybe it's that I need to just get away from me Sage. Sure I can get my other Scoundrel to 65, but I miss the lower levels a lot.


Ah screw it - gonna remake as a Scoundrel! LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC!!!

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Had a few interesting matches on me new gal. Upset that I forgot to screenie the Arena, but I'll explain below.


Makeb Mesa:


I teamed up with another Scoundrel, a Gunslinger, and a Guardian versus a Sentinel, a Gunslinger, a Sage, and a Guardian. The first match was ours with a funny twist. After we killed the Gunslinger, we managed to get the remaining enemies very low on HP. My other teammates died, leaving me to take on three enemies who were low on HP. The Sage I murdered under the overpass, and then the Guardian leapt to me. Since his HP was so low, I was able to dispatch him quickly. The Sentinel followed the Guardian's lead, and was killed with Brutal Shots.


Second match went to them as I was quickly dispatched after our other Scoundrel. The rest of my team put up a good fight as only two of their members were left.


During the third match, I almost got killed by the Sentinel again, but his mistake was chasing a Scoundrel and not paying attention to the Guardian behind him, who was able to take him down since he was so focused on me. With that, we were able to secure the win. After the medal screen came up, I attacked the Guardian after he leapt to our Gunslinger and before he and the Sentinel could kill me, I teleported out, lol.





This one was fought tooth and nail as both the Imps and us kept trading nodes until we managed to secure and hold our second for the win.


ACW (again):



We could have won this one as we secured two nodes very early in the match. Unfortunately, when I called "INC GRASS", most of the team left mid and came to help, lol. After the Imps took mid, we were unable to recover and lost. We did put up a good fight and managed to take the node at snow, but it was far too late then. As soon as I got "Unbeatable" I got dead. I hate that "achievement" lol.


ACW (sigh):




With two "witches" on the team, how could we lose? Early in the fight we secured grass and snow and held them for the most part. Once again, some of our over-zealous teammates decided to leave the nodes and help out at the opposites (good idea, but poor execution since we didn't need seven people on one node lol). We briefly lost grass and was able to regain it for the win.


A Powertech made it his business to chase me around but one of my teammates got to him giving me time to get the healing node and help finish him off. A lone Sniper engaged grass whilst I was guarding it with a Gunslinger and failed to get me from behind him. I just stood there and offloaded my Scattergun into the back of his head while the Gunslinger pounded him from the front.


The Imps tried their best but could not gain either node before they lost their bunker. I also managed to hit level 40 before setting foot on Coruscant woo!

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*sigh* sometimes I really understand the people that rage quit. :(


I was grouped up with Domi, and we were playing a whole bunch of faceroll matches, sometimes on the winning side, sometimes on the losing side. We finally get what might be a good ACW. We have grass, and they have snow and we are fighting over mid. We have 2 guarding grass, and there's a call "2 inc g". I go that way, and Domi goes too. Which was lucky, because another one was headed grass. And as I'm running there, here comes "defense squad 1" chasing down the 2 enemy right towards me... except, of course it wasn't the only two guys, there was one behind them capping.


I'm the closest at this point, but I can't get there in time because that 3rd (4th actually) guy coming in from the side had slowed me. :( And what does "defense squad 1" do? Do they turn around and help us take the turret back. Well, no, of course not. They just wanted to be relieved of guard duty I guess, more than anything. They finished off the 2 reds they were after, and then keep right on going, back to mid, and leave me and the healer there to try to take back grass. But we have no great DPS so we can't take out the 2 remaining enemy that are now there before reinforcements start to arrive. :(


At that point I just get fed up, so I became the enemy and just deathmatched at that node. Me and Domi kept 4 of them busy for quite a while (4 or 5 minutes I think). I suppose it could be counted as distracting the enemy if the rest of the team had been on the ball enough to actually take anything else back... but they didn't. So really we were just deathmatching. Bleh. Who cares. I get tired of always "cleaning up after the kids" all the time. :rolleyes:


(We did have a good huttball though. 2 to 2 tie, with both teams being pretty coordinated and actually trying. But we lost the tie breaker. boo.)

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Heh, you leveled fast! Yes, we had a zone today as well, when over-commitment cost us the zone. Banderal and I were happily tieing up some 4 of their guys, giving our folks an ample opportunity to get mid. Instead, all of them came and joined us. We were in full health. The moments you wish you had a teamspeak!


Anyways, yeah, I covered myself with eternal shame as a Vanguard DPS. On occasion, my dps numbers went above 1K, but rarely. Banderal was fighting tooth, and nail, but we were facerolled into oblivion. I swear, I was pressing all my 5 cool buttons really really fast, occasionally adding a dcd, taunts and the cc's in.


It should have worked! But my biggest hit was on the order of 19K, and my overall damage was pitiful.


I now have a mirror set on both Vg and Pt, and can continue to keep trying to actually burst someone. I tried a healer (and I interrupted too!), I tried a sniper, and when one of the Alderaan zones went south, went to duel a good Sin on their turret for practice. Gonna die anyway, might as well see what I can do.


Eh, my Vg and other people's VG come from the different streams. They are OP, I am more on the pathetic side :D But oh, well, I love the boy anyway. Not his fault.


We ALMOST won one Huttball. 2:2, but their guy managed to hold on to the ball.


Of course after 8 or so of those matches, I switched to my healer, and we started facerolling the Empire. It's not my healing either. Just... poor Vanguard.

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Gods, i love my Vanguard so much. Not because it is an awesome DPS (lol, you wish) but well, I love the character, I love playing with the Republic and just... fun. I am able to kill particularly lousy players, I suppose, but my DPS is rarely north of 1K, and the biggest hits I am seeing are consistently in the 19-20K region, nothing like what people post.


I am saving comms to upgrade the right side to Exemplar, so going to take a rain check on a raid on Monday and try to work my way through the Weeklies on at least 4 characters in the coming week.


And, my favorite match was the one I joined when the Imperials scored their first ball in the Classic Huttball, but we ended up winning 3:1. Of course it's all because my fearsome VG joined in, no doubt about it. I was soooo bursting those pesky ball carriers and even got into a duel with a Jugger. :p Almost 900 DPS! (Facepalm) It's five buttons, Domi, well, seven at most! What could go wrong?

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...I was soooo bursting those pesky ball carriers and even got into a duel with a Jugger. :p Almost 900 DPS! (Facepalm) It's five buttons, Domi, well, seven at most! What could go wrong?

I'd be glad to help you with your rotation Domi. Whisper one of us "Bang Imps" guys in game some time.

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Thank you. I don't want to bug your folks, so you can just wave if you have time. As a Vanguard I go under Tageren, or I might be out destroying PvP as Tuonel, the Sage.


Lavatsunamy kindly walked me through the differences between the PvE and PvP play on the Vg/Pt a while back. I am thinking it’s maintaining the facing (yeah, yeah, tissues for my issues), plus not using the Charge since it;s new and all.

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Okay, I decided to commit to doing one War Zone a day. I hate PvP, so I figure my only chance to do it is to go public with my fears. Let's see how long I shall last. So, who thinks I will manage to not unclick the WarZone before it pops today? :)


Oh, and of course, anyone else with PvP phobia wants to try to overcome it?


One important thing is to just be aware of the area. If you see someone charging up a sniper shot, go behind a wall so they miss. You see someone channeling a major ability, interrupt or stun them. Watch the objectives constantly, and remember to read callouts in chat. It's really not bad once you start. Once you have a set of pvp gear you will be doing lots of damage, and pvp gear is now really cheap.

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A good advice, and yes, still trying to do just that. :)


And, warzones were brutal today. I think I won one arena with my Vanguard and one Hypergate with my Sage. But, two weeklies done the hard way, gotta chalk it up to a learning experience, though my third day on the Vanguard was just bad. Going to run the PT tomorrow. It's a Face-roll Tuesday though. So, likely more of the same. Gotta work on a few enhancements as I left the 204 Crits in instead of replacing them with 208 Accuracy.

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Best games yesterday were an imp side Hutball where I realized that the pesky enemy trying to stop me from scoring was Domi! I tried to be nice after that, but you know the rules... RED IS DEAD!!! :p


And there was an ACW where we had a guy who had given up, and parked his toon over by spawn and went afk. So a Vanguard on our team used his swap ability to port the guy over to the turret we had so the poor person could get some defense medals. :D


Then back to pub side where I was in a "premade" with two pipeballl haters, one being Domi. Naturally we got a pipeball and lost big time. :(

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Best games yesterday were an imp side Hutball where I realized that the pesky enemy trying to stop me from scoring was Domi! I tried to be nice after that, but you know the rules... RED IS DEAD!!! :p


And there was an ACW where we had a guy who had given up, and parked his toon over by spawn and went afk. So a Vanguard on our team used his swap ability to port the guy over to the turret we had so the poor person could get some defense medals. :D


Then back to pub side where I was in a "premade" with two pipeballl haters, one being Domi. Naturally we got a pipeball and lost big time. :(


Mean bro! You KILLED YOUR FRIEND?! All Domi has done for you, all the sacrifice and that's what you do to Domi? /shame Flintstones.


Hey, on a side note; why don't you guys play on Ebon Hawk?


Pub side is very strong and in 65s it's very balanced between the teams. And, there are many guilds pubside too, they would love you on TEH.


Just sayin'. When you get tired of the Harbunger, you ought to try it out on TEH.

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I might move my second legacy to the Ebon Hawk off the Shadowlands, but they are all lowbies, and I won’t have time for it for a while. I love the old Binger, it’s really the best.


As for that Huttball, I was trying to give a wide berth to Mr. Tank, since I came to appreciate that my defenses as FOTM Op Vanguard are actually worse than that of an allegedly wimpy Mando when it comes to going toe to toe, and my offensive is inadequate (let’s be optimistic and say ‘yet’ rather than ‘still’) to become my best defense.


I did manage to yank Teclado off the goal line. The cheeky rascal had the audacity to pass while I was in the middle of my very bestest stun and burst down attempt, so all it did was bought us 4 seconds before the inevitable score. I guess I should have been hopping while at it to block the ball.


Or be a better DPS. But… eyes on the road. No matter how long it takes, if your eyes are on the goal, not watching the road, it will take longer.

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Mean bro! You KILLED YOUR FRIEND?! All Domi has done for you, all the sacrifice and that's what you do to Domi? /shame Flintstones.


Ha! Actually, I like fighting against people I know almost as much as being on the same team. Most people I know are better than me, so I get lots of experience that way. Every time I've dueled Domi it's mostly been a draw I think, or she won. I don't even want to talk about dueling tecl... just embarrassing on my part. :o


Anyway, I made up for it today by tanking for her heals. :D We rocked a ACW. What a weird game. We fought over mid and grass while no one from either side went snow. Eventually we took mid, but then they got grass from us. I had just turned to head to snow, but they sent someone first and took it. Then a few seconds later we took snow from them. But I look and see that we have no one guarding, so I think it must have been a cap-and-then-died kind of thing. Domi and I rush there, but I'm waiting for it to turn back red at any seconds, and there is no one at all from either side again! So we stay, and fend off an attack or two. Then the enemy made a big push for it, our team responded well, but was lingering too long. So Domi rushed back to mid to keep our few guys there up and running, and once snow was clear that was pretty much it for the game.


Then we met "face roll Tuesday" as Domi calls it. :D We got crushed 0:6 in a pipeball. It was the kind of game where I picked up the ball, Domi was there healing me, and everything else was a sea of red things swinging lightsabers and shooting guns at us. Not another green thing in site. :( At the end one of the team was bragging about "topping the charts with pve gear on!". I'm thinking, "maybe if you had come near the ball just ONCE, instead of deathmatching in the middle, we could have actually scored".


And then a final VS, where I probably could have just sat it out. We split attack the first door, but ended up with I think 3 of us keeping 5 of them busy on one side, and our team planted on the other side. I was on the "us 3 them 5" side, and I died JUST as the message came that we planted, so I feel like it was totally my distracting them that let us plant. :p And then we basically ran through the rest of the rooms at a sprint. Someone on our team mentioned that they were still fighting off 3 of them at the FIRST doors when we got the core. :( On defense I didn't even die, and then never planted. That whole game just left a bad taste in the mouth.


I might actually already have a toon on EH. I made another Flinstones somewhere before I ended up on Harb. Can't remember which server now. I'll have to look. :D

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Someone on our team mentioned that they were still fighting off 3 of them at the FIRST doors when we got the core.


Two guardians I was healing were holding off those five reds. One of them I think was a tank (Guardian, not red). With every message about you guys taking a room after room my brows were shooting up higher and higher and higher. I mean, there is spatial awareness, and there is... did they actually really just do that?

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At the end one of the team was bragging about "topping the charts with pve gear on!". I'm thinking, "maybe if you had come near the ball just ONCE, instead of deathmatching in the middle, we could have actually scored".


This is the current "PvP illness" : Deathmatching / score tunnel vision vs. objective play ...

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This is the current "PvP illness" : Deathmatching / score tunnel vision vs. objective play ...


And huttball seems to be the worst for this. In the other maps, sure, you get people dueling in no-mans-land sometimes, but in HB it seems like over 1/2 the games I'm with people who ignore the ball completely. Oh well, we are not likely to change anyone's play style with random posts here. :(

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Well, apparently they do not have Huttball on Shadowlands! Only Alderaans and Makeb arenas. After the pep talk yesterday I picked up my Assassin on the SL to bring it level with my Shadow. To start with, I reviewed the set up and tried to run circles (with a very twitchy results). I also finally found the training area on the Ziost Shadow, and tried to run and hit something. Yeah... it will take a LOT of work.


You all have seen those elegant Shadows, right? Gliding around, killing things, then disappearing in a flash of smoke? Yeah, my Sin is not like that.


Playing Nar Shaddaa without a companion, but everything is so damn easy, my deathfield and Lacerate destroys things, even if I am not facing anything in particular, and might have pressed a couple of strafe keys by sheer accident. Can't think I am getting a hang of it, but at least I am strating to think in terms of 'press F to look right-er'. Heh, my Force Speed is between the strafe keys with some hilarious results, but it's better than overload being there.


I was so bored I started queuing. The Republic had us on Alderaan every time. All three of them. Yay, Republic, and Ah, Sages. But all three arenas were so level-uneven that we killed everything - I guess those Pubs missed those Alderaans. I felt like a completely horrible person sneaking upon a poor level 14 Slinger, the moment his melee teammamtes headed for my melee teammates. I can hear Alric disapproving. Of course this being a DoT spec, my customary 1K DPS was easily achieved.


In one of the Makeb, myself and another Sin actually had to make a circle around the arena, because on round one, I sneaked in and pushed someone of the bridge with dat root (the guy stood on the railing) , so the opposite team marched around the bridge to get at our Melees from the rearguard. What can I say, an interesting technique.

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Well, apparently they do not have Huttball on Shadowlands! Only Alderaans and Makeb arenas. After the pep talk yesterday I picked up my Assassin on the SL to bring it level with my Shadow. To start with, I reviewed the set up and tried to run circles (with a very twitchy results). I also finally found the training area on the Ziost Shadow, and tried to run and hit something. Yeah... it will take a LOT of work.


You all have seen those elegant Shadows, right? Gliding around, killing things, then disappearing in a flash of smoke? Yeah, my Sin is not like that.


Playing Nar Shaddaa without a companion, but everything is so damn easy, my deathfield and Lacerate destroys things, even if I am not facing anything in particular, and might have pressed a couple of strafe keys by sheer accident. Can't think I am getting a hang of it, but at least I am strating to think in terms of 'press F to look right-er'. Heh, my Force Speed is between the strafe keys with some hilarious results, but it's better than overload being there.


I was so bored I started queuing. The Republic had us on Alderaan every time. All three of them. Yay, Republic, and Ah, Sages. But all three arenas were so level-uneven that we killed everything - I guess those Pubs missed those Alderaans. I felt like a completely horrible person sneaking upon a poor level 14 Slinger, the moment his melee teammamtes headed for my melee teammates. I can hear Alric disapproving.


In one of the Makeb, myself and another Sin actually had to make a circle around the arena, because on round one, I sneaked in and pushed someone of the bridge with dat root (the guy stood on the railing) , so the opposite team marched around the bridge to get at our Melees from the rearguard. What can I say, an interesting technique.


I'm on shadowlands, I can help you out if you want.

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