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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A PvP a Day...


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Thank you, it's a most useful set of information.


Well, even though my relics and ear/implants and low-level, I can easily stack green 42 mods (when I hit that level) and the like to get most of my gear up there, and all my MH/OH crystals are taken care of.


A real pity that they don't sell crystal-purchasable ear/implant and relics with every mod vendor, even though they're not technically mods, I always struggled with getting some of those, at affordable prices, since they were hardly ever coming through missions.


How do I get the most of out of WZs Valour-wise? Basically, how much can I earn, per WZ, at 41+, doing what?


Chances are, some of the ways you mention would already be covered by me, but you never know. I score as many points with objectives as my often-faltering courage allows, as well as go for some easy kills (but often near objectives, bad form I think to just mindlessly slaughter the enemy outside of arenas/hypergate)

Edited by sentientomega
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Just play near objectives and do your role as best you can. Valor will come fast.


The easiest way to get your relics and earpieces and stuff, is to start doing Heroic missions starting with like starting planet. So, hop planets doing the Heroics while queueing PvP. Once pop comes up, do not immediately go in the zone, if you are still shooting mob. Just finish it calmly park the char off spawn, and go in. Even if you go in immediately, you will not die, just spawn in the middle of the mob and have a sec before they aggro you.


A lot of H2+ drop blue on the level gear including relics and stuff. Also gives you those stuff for your future Alliance and tons of credits. And it transfer you to the mission starts! Far superior method of levelling anyway than doing class story mission.

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I know, the H2+s are great, but I find my rewards crates are only very rarely giving me the ear/implants/relics that I need. Think I might check out the GTN, maybe at level 44 (what that char of mine is now) they'll have some cheapies.


What is the most Valour you have gained from a single match? For me, it would have to be between 4-4.5K, after a win, post-level 41.

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Just wanted to chat a little of playing on Level 65. I played a few zones with Banderal, and I am loving the tank+healer combo, even when we are losing. We won a great arena, and lost another one against cross-heals.


Oh, and we had an absolute faceroll Huttball Classique. We had 2 guardians and 2 sages that switch up with intercedes, pulls and heals, while the rest decimated the opposition. 6 to 0 sooo fast. Felt like a premade, lol.


Then Bandral had to leave, and I pulled a couple more arenas. And those were without the benefit of a tank. First was with 3 aggressive melee, 2 guardains, and one sentinel, that just rushed the opposite group at the Space Station. I did not have a chance to even put a phase walk down before my sentinel yoloed into their enclosure vs 4. As soon as I get into range of my hot melee, their 3 DPS/tank comp was giving me a chase. I died in one of the rounds, but got a bit of support in the next, and we won. The thing is at the speed of the engagement, it is extremely hard to maintain range and LoS on the guys, and the whole pillar humping? Not even getting there.


Second one as with crosshealing Scoundrel, same guardian and a commando. That was Tattoine, so I was actually able to place a Phasewalk and use it as another escape. Chaotic but doable.


The focus on a Sage healer makes me think that I am simply a recipient of the pent-up frustration against the class imbalance or something.


HPS - still in 3 thousands. I have to heal myself too much and had no time to use cast heals at all. Plus, the whole stun-mezz-mezz-stun-electronet-stun-mezz-stun... routine.


Also forgot to bind the selection options to select player 1 through 4. Be on it as soon as I can... get my gear back. I sent it to my Sorc hoping to do my daily there.


Alas, I can't log in in my Imperials. On the guildship. So, playing on my Mando today, just levelling to hopefully get to level 55, get the set and restart PvP.


Level 65 is CRAZY with the speed. Will have to get use to it. It's brutal fast. And how do I get the HPS up? HOW?

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I have no idea. It's a pointless stat for anyone who does not farm Forex or grinds an alt for ranked queue. I am one of those people. I just play :)


Frankly, I think they should make Valour a legacy thing; the rank also transferrable with character transfers.


Anyway, now that my MM sniper's above 44, I'm certainly having an easier time; though those stealthies are still real nuisances.

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Seems to me the whole system is built to simply give you more things to do with each of your characters on the end level. Sort of make sense that each play-style preference comes with the bonus companions that react positively to it. If you run ops, you get tons of comms for gifts, if you PvP, Pierce would adore you, if you like planet grind, it's Qyzen. I dunno, I did not really look into it, don't really feel like doing KotFE. :)


And (sigh) finally got myself over 4K hps. By 11 points, but still :) I credit Banderal's guarding my healer for that incredible achievement that is going to awe everyone. Now, to pillar hump to 5K. :p We had awesome play yesterday though, both the Pub and Imp side, the same AC combo, the under-powered Guardian and Sage, and the overpowered Juggernaut and Sorc. It's a very good combo.


A random thought: Anyone else thinks its unfair Bio gave us more utilities to select from but no extra utilities points?!

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Yes, I would LOVE more utility points; and btw, call me Centurion. ;)


Or not... :p


Anyway, I just got my sniper to Valour 40, having just hit level 48. :D


So, no more PvP for me, for a good long while, I'd say. :)


Though it had its moments, it still feels pretty hellish to me; maybe not so much later, who knows?

Edited by sentientomega
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Ah, grats. :) To be honest, once I started, I could not stop. PvP is just too much fun. I am even thinking about trying solo ranked queue again while the preseason is still on. If that's still Okay. Gods, this game would have been so awesome if people did not yell at others for trying to play the game. Edited by DomiSotto
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I moved this reply from another threasd to here, because I felt it was not in place there :



The funny thing - related to voice chat - is, that when I have have taken my headphones off, then I'm performing slightly better than with it.

It's to me as if my neural processing of in-game and / or voice chat noise consumes too much processing power.

But - that's perhaps because of 2 factors as well :

1. I'm nearly deaf on one ear.

2. I'm an HSP.

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Well, not even a Tuesday, but felt like one tonight. Tried running midbies on my Commando, and it was not good on any level one can think of good. I can't really think what impressed me more in the imperials, but most likely the double engi sniper combo. Just devastating in the AHG. As soon as they put out that forever AoE at the doors, I have no idea what one can possibly do.


I might be stubborn and try to queue up again after the raid tonight. I just want at least one win. Might have to pull an all-nighter for that, heh.

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Woo!!! This match was kinda boring as I was able to plant a bomb as soon as it started since none of the Imps left the platform and got locked behind the gate, lol. We barely had any resistance and I was finally able to access the datacore! GO ME!!!


During their turn I got mauled by a Sniper, but since I've only had one match I can't say what I think about the Sentinel as of yet. I'll get a feel for it soon after my Weekly is done I guess.

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(Sigh) I am quite envious. I ran a good dozen or so warzones, and no matter how close, only one was a win. In at least 3, there was AFK folks. There must have been a pub premade queuing because a couple of matching Shadows were dropping out of the zones almost as soon as they loaded. Well, at least there was that one win. Tough night overall. Edited by DomiSotto
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I once managed to plant a bomb when literally NO-one was around, on my latest sniper, within the last two days or so.


It wasn't till about 10 seconds into the countdown until the enemy actually made it over to my location. But, it was too late, the bomb went off; thus is the most spectacular thing I've ever done in Voidstar...

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Yes, I would LOVE more utility points; and btw, call me Centurion. ;)


Or not... :p


Anyway, I just got my sniper to Valour 40, having just hit level 48. :D


So, no more PvP for me, for a good long while, I'd say. :)


Though it had its moments, it still feels pretty hellish to me; maybe not so much later, who knows?


Congrats to you. I am appreciative that you at least tried and gave it your best. For most of us, that is all we ask. We're not looking for you to be alpha on day one. Just that you try. And I commend you for that.

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I once managed to plant a bomb when literally NO-one was around, on my latest sniper, within the last two days or so.


That's incredibly lucky for you. Usually, the other team will have 2 guarding offnode, one specialized stealth because they have strong enough DPS and tank-healer support to successfully contest the mid. Heh. Never hurts to go die to check who they have, obviously.

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That's incredibly lucky for you. Usually, the other team will have 2 guarding offnode, one specialized stealth because they have strong enough DPS and tank-healer support to successfully contest the mid. Heh. Never hurts to go die to check who they have, obviously.


The run's opposition used persistent flooding tactics, of which I took full and complete advantage. :D


Oh, I think I can scout any zone without actually approaching it. :p


Sometimes I had my sniper AoE an area, if I thought someone was hiding in stealth mode.


Congrats to you. I am appreciative that you at least tried and gave it your best. For most of us, that is all we ask. We're not looking for you to be alpha on day one. Just that you try. And I commend you for that.


Thank you, I really appreciate it. Wherever possible, I play in and around the objectives, but I do not commit suicide. I don't PvP for its own sake, I do it for comms, or Valour, or the PvP-gated companion mission. That mission is the ultimate cop-out when it comes to making PvP attractive, and I utterly deplore anyone's cries to make the companion mission harder. I'd suffer through whatever it is, much more for a companion than any other item; but that's me, can you blame anyone for wanting that particular mission to be made easier?


Worse still, you get that mission at 65, top-level PvP, everyone who's anyone will have their 2018 with 208s, but not PvEers (honestly, what the hell were the devs thinking here? no-one is going to be competitive if they're new to PvP, ad starting at 65); so you can imagine why I got a fresh level 1 character to Valour 40, to avoid that 20- messy slog at the max level. I've even read reports of bugs regarding picking the Valour 40 option, some have said it doesn't work.


It really should either have an alternative PvE method, while retaining the PvP method, AND having an additional OPTION to tie the PvP main option for the mission into the Unranked 4-match Daily (thus the mission would say "Complete Unranked Daily mission", which you'd have to turn in before you could go back and talk to the contact to recruit them), as well as giving a mega-shot-ton of rewards for taking the PvP route. I could suffer through 4 matches, at 65, on any class, probably; and still do my best, I dare say. Though, given not all classes are FOTM PvP-wise, a legacy set-up might be in order for PvP-gated comps.


However, until they change the requirement, if they do, I will severely limit the number of characters of mine who'll do the alliance stuff, or the new story, because I really want to be able to get every companion I possibly can.


And, I say this because I genuinely believe that Alliance companion content is intended to be mainstream; I can't help thinking that the PvP alliance mission was put together on a whim, to fudge their PvP participation metrics.


If they had to gate normally-PvE-exclusive companions behind PvP, it screams of a system in sore need of major repairs; and, classes should not be nerfed to the lowest dps, they should be buffed to the max imho, with more stun-breakers.


In the event that I do find myself doing the PvP missions for companions again, I'll be sure to report my experiences here.


By the by, my signature tells you which servers I'm on, if anyone else here is on any of these, please feel free to PM me, and we can connect ingame. Why? Because I get the feeling that WZs are a lot more bearable if there's someone you know on your side, you can run together, look after each other, possibly even have a ball.


Except Huttball :p, I usually cannot get rid of that ball fast enough. :o

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Except Huttball :p, I usually cannot get rid of that ball fast enough. :o


I think you have not played Huttball with 2 good teams. :D Huttball played that way is the most fun I ever have in this game, and so it must be the same for everyone else... right? right? :p But that's also why playing Huttball with a team that doesn't care is miserable. And playing HB with a team that doesn't care, against a team that is good is probably the most miserable thing of all. :(

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Oh, I think I can scout any zone without actually approaching it.


This is why the premades (pr a smart pug) will have stealth guarding the offnode. You do not know who is guarding until they mezz you or pop out.


So, my sorc is now all set for PvE, just needs relics. I will try to cut down on the ops to 3x nights a week, and do more PvP. The Mando is now Level 55, and I think I will take her to level 60, and then put both the merc and her in the mothballs.


What I'd like to do next is keep playing my Sage/Sorc heals (don't judge...) and start leveling that Shadow/Sin pair on the Shadowlands to get a better feel for the server and the community & as well decide if I need to retire my young Juggernaut on the Binger in favor of an Assassin.


Guess this means I will never earn that Manhunter title, but, well, not like I deserve it anyway. :)

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ONE day, I hope to get Manhunter.


That's why my sniper does random suppressive fire sweeps, anyone caught stealthing soon shows up.


But that time I planted the bomb, if there was a stealthy, they were either asleep, or went AFK; because it still blew, and there was no combat by that node until the other side came over.

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Not guarding happens nowadays with a somewhat alarming frequency. Sadly, always on the pugged side, rather than the premade one. Oh, well.


If you do keep playing you will come across more experiences and more players, that's really the whole point of PvP. It always changes.

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