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A PvP a Day...


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Oh, wow, I think you totally gotta go! The closest Cantina to our parts was in Vancouver, which is still pretty far.


And, a lowbie Shadow is Okay in PvP. Kills lowbie Operatives that come stealing her nodes :) 'Cause, you know, no Infiltrate.


I just registered for the Cantina event. I also just realized it's next Thursday, lol.


I've actually made an Assassin as I'm really trying to have at least one level 60 character on the Imperial side. I remember having a blast on my Sorceress healer who has quite a few screenies in here so hopefully this time I won't hit delete and make a Shadow, lol.

Edited by DeLaaNie
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I think you should attend it as well. I always liked them at the Games Com. :)


Me, I'm slowly getting back to normal again. I was told that it's not as worse as I had feared. I can go looking forward into the next week again. :)


I'll try to get online this weekend, but don't count on me.


I always have a blast reading your posts about being a Gunslinger. I have played as a Sniper before and posted screenies and reactions about it (waaaaaaaaaaay back when this topic was less than 100 pages I believe) and from what I can remember, it wasn't too shabby. Just remember, they kill you fast because you're a major threat! ^.^

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Now that was an rather bad evening : Lost 6:0 in an Quesh Huttball match, and those burst PTs are just too much when they have a good healer in the back. I'm speaking from the point of view of my now level 37 Gunslinger ... After that match I notied that my gear was not up-to-date, and that's because you simply can't buy ANY modifications betwen level 33 and 37. Pretty unlogical, if you ask me. So my mods were all at level 33 ...


But still : I didn't see that much of that saying often brought forward "PTs are squishy as hell". Not the slightest bit - mainly because of the healer he had.

And with that great burst - I do know why people are playing them ... Plus, they had Mercs on their team as well ...


It was very, very painfully to see that our team with 3 ( ! ) Gunslingers got eradiucated - mainly because we just didn't have any dedicated healer. I don't even remember whether we had *any* healer at alll ... *sigh*


The Ancient Hypergates were not that bad, but they won. Again. Because they had a single Sorc who would troll us *several times* by stealing our node / preventing us from getting it.


However, with a much better healer support I couzld do so much more. Still with gear at level 33. :D


Now I've upgraded it, but I finally left the game because another person just appeared out of nowhere and asked me to rename our guild because it had been in use on POT5 a few years ago.


Why didn't they object when the idea to name our guild so was presented here ?


I wonder what they will do if we might rename our guild ? Take the name and leave the game again ? Are they planning to get that name on all servers ?

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Honestly, if the name is this important to the folks, they can always just join. It's not like we mind folks :) They don't have to go through the haste of creating a guild and unlocking stuff and all that. Edited by DomiSotto
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Now that was an rather bad evening : Lost 6:0 in an Quesh Huttball match, and those burst PTs are just too much when they have a good healer in the back. I'm speaking from the point of view of my now level 37 Gunslinger ... After that match I notied that my gear was not up-to-date, and that's because you simply can't buy ANY modifications betwen level 33 and 37. Pretty unlogical, if you ask me. So my mods were all at level 33 ...


I often PvP with gear that is 10 levels below mine. As long as all slots are filled in you get max expertise, and last time I tested, with bolster it doesn't makes any difference at all in the other stats. If you've seen differently I guess I'll check again. :(


But still : I didn't see that much of that saying often brought forward "PTs are squishy as hell". Not the slightest bit - mainly because of the healer he had.


Where did you see that? I often see that Mercs are squishy, but I thought PTs are considered one of the sturdier classes. Certainly PT tanks are top-dogs right now as far as I understood. And when I play mine I don't feel squishy at all.


Now I've upgraded it, but I finally left the game because another person just appeared out of nowhere and asked me to rename our guild because it had been in use on POT5 a few years ago.


Some other player? Or a dev? If it's another player - I'm not sure I care. It might be kind of a jerk thing to do on our part, but on the other hand it's not like we saw the name from POT5 and stole it. I was on POT5 for a long time, and I don't remember it. (If I were going to steal one from POT5 it would have been "Looking for love in Alderaan places" :D ).


I had several character names on POT5 that I liked, but when I moved to Harb I didn't hunt down the players that already had them and ask them to rename *their* characters so I could keep my names. I was the one moving to a new server, so it's my loss.


Assuming there even is a cartel market thing that lets you rename a guild (is there one?), they should buy it and trade it to our GM who would probably have to be the one to rename... at the very least.


But if we have to change our name because a dev says so, then my 2nd choice would be "We Give Premades a Bad Name." :D

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Honestly, if the name is this important to the folks, they can always just join. It's not like we mind folks :) They don't have to go through the haste of creating a guild and unlocking stuff and all that.


True, we even have an awesome Yavin stronghold already in the works! :D

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Grrrr... I wish there were a way to send guild email or something. I thought there was, but all my Google searching says "nope", and I don't see anything obvious in the guild panel. Fail BW. :mad: This is probably not the place to conduct this but...


On the other hand...



That's from 2013. I remember the person who is posting there saying they were the Shadow from S Key, and my recollection was s/he was both pretty good and a half-way decent person. :D So, I guess if they want their name back I'm no longer against it. :D I still think they should offer to pay for the name change though.

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Seriously, joining will be the easiest. I am sure Teclado won't mind a co-gm or whatever. Why waste credits on renames and argue about it. :) I mean how mean could they be not to want five nice folks like us? Edited by DomiSotto
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I mean how mean could they be not to want five nice folks like us?


Well, having seen an PT yesterday with the guild name of I think it was "PvP bullies" or "war zone bullies" I always expect the worst from PvP players. They might simply want to throw us out and then claim the guild for themselves.


Anyway, I'm going out for a walk into nature today. ;)

It's said to be one of the last sunny & warm days within the following days, so I'll take that chance. ;)


Maybe I'll see you later, alligator(s) ! ;)

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Thank you. :) It was very nice, 3 hours of constant walking, no breaks, sitting down on a bench 5 minutes maximum, apart from that just walking. :)


But you PvP'd during the walk, right? You... uhm, guarded the bench and called incs? Oh, no, wait. You already said you were only there 5 minutes. Pft. Typical poor player, just stayed there long enough to get your one medal and then left. :D

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The higher in level I am, the more I hate PTs. They are so much hardened, cannot be brought down fast, and have excellent burst. Why these 2 things at the same time ? Shouldn't tanks have less burst because they are tanks ?


To me, PTs (and Assassin tanks as well, but they have light armor whereas the PT has heavy armor) are the symbol of failed class balance : HUGE burst AND tank-like abilities ! I just don't understand why PTs in DPS gear are allowed in the first place ???


Banderal told me of having rather "faceroll" matches recently - in the negative sense. Means : On the receiving side.

The Harbinger indeed appears to become more & more imp-centric as well now ... Even in regs !

Not long, and ALL servers are TRULY 100 % imp dominated !


To me, this is becoming more and more boring : Having to lose game after game after game against dominating imps ... :(

It's just no fun playing against such an huge domination over and over again ... I can understand now why so many Republic players go into Imperial Territory ... They are simply bored to lose all of the time ... :(


"Best" thing was to witness being attacked by 5 or more imp players AT THE SAME TIME !!! As if I was Darth Revan or so ... Huh ! I'm a big, big, big big threat to you ! Please take me out FIRST so you can better sleep that night !

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Yesterday I tried out a tactic that - to my astonishment - worked very well :


One example I remember : We had been holding both sides, but were attacked there.

I guessed that mid - held by the other team - was not that well defended at that point.

Well, I had quite a lot of good luck ! Meanwhile they were defending (and lost one side), we got mid thanks to me and someone who had supported me.


The trick is to go "anti-cycle" : If there is an inc, and you see lots of defenders from the own team running there, then it must also mean that the attackers just cannot defend the rest of their nodes. The are simply missing there.

And this fact can be exploited.


This is not new to me; I had experimented with this tactic very often; but yesterday I was very much astonished how good it worked ! It was almost by the book !


A group with voice chat can become far more devastating in exploiting that tactic by doing fake attacks.

This might lure people who believe that these "fake attackers" are mising at the node, then, into attacking the apparingly "lightly defended" node, where they can get crushed by returning "fake attackers".

It is then up to some scouts to find out whether this fake attack is really a real one or not - and it is then the job of peelers to hinder the "fake attackers" to get back into base in time (legshot FTW).

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My first warzone as a Shadow:




Wasn't too shabby. I still need to learn how to get used to it, but so far I like the style. Got pounded a few times when they ganged up on me, but managed to take them out as well. We almost lost this one since the nodes were going back and forth a lot due to some people not understanding that the central node is not important if you already have the two sides taken. I assisted with taking snow the first time, then I took grass against a Commando and a Sage.


Once I learn how to play as well as I do on my Sage and Scoundrel, I think the Shadow will be pretty sweet too.

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Thought we were going to lose this one since we only had six players during the Imps' run. I gave as good as I got and even though the Operatives were a pain, I still managed to take some out. I remembered that I have a 30% damage reduction skill along with Deflection and the other taunt, so I started using them and it worked grand.


I still need lotsa practice, but so far so good. I will say that I miss the ability to attack from 30 metres akin to my Scoundrel, but at least I have Sever Force for that. I hope that they return Force in Balance to 30 metres as well, since the Shadow is supposed to be the mid-range class for the Force users. As it is now, I'm just another Sentinel. I mean, I share the discipline with my Sage sister so I should also share the range as well. Oh well...

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Another Voidstar:




Another win, yay! Even though the filthy Imps got to the door, the bridge, and the second door, we got there faster!!! Still miss my gun though, QQ.



P.S., I think after this next match I'm going to delete and make another Sage. The Shadow is fun no doubt, but I miss having range. Not only that, I'm a Mage lover at heart so, yep, definitely making my eleventh Sage after this match is over.

Edited by DeLaaNie
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Another Voidstar:




Woo, check me out on top with 17 medals!!! I've never gotten that many as a Sage, Scoundrel, or Sniper before! I find the Operatives to be a pain, but once I release the bull they go down fast. Funny thing with this match is that instead of ignoring me and trying to plant bombs, the Imps decided to gang up on me every chance they got! I kept no less than five people occupied on the bridge which meant that my other seven teammates could pound their remaining three into the ground.


I managed to plant the bomb on the first door, and everyone rushed over to keep it on the door. We mostly moved as one (wonder if they thought we were "pre-made", lmao) so that someone always had backup when getting into a scrub. If the Imps focused less on small skirmishes and concentrated on getting plants, they could have given us a run for our money.


One thing I don't quite fancy about the Shadow is that there are too many "needed" buttons, so I do not feel comfortable with my current keybinds. I want to move everything much closer than they are, but it's hard to do so. My other problem (which I strangely did not possess on my Scoundrel) is being behind an opponent and Shadow Strike not activating. I was standing right behind a Sorceress and I could not use the skill at all even though I was facing the right direction.


I must say though, that the mass taunt and regular taunt skills are pretty sweet especially since the former gives me damage reduction. I think I will choose that 30% while stunned utility on my Sage as well; that one is a must have when faced with Operatives. Another funny thing is that except for the Operatives and myself, no one really used any stuns at all.


Okay, enough chatter. Time to hit delete and make my one true love!

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This is getting absurd ! 10.000 enemies on me like I was an VG or a Sage !

Which they don't attack, of course ... :rolleyes:


Anyone is just stopping by and saying "hello, it's nothing personal, but I've got to eradicate the greatest threat on that planet ! That there are even greater threats out there is not of interest to me ... Come on, join, my friends !"

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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