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A PvP a Day...


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Wow, clean win in that arena. I guess they did not have the strategy figured out, with 3 stealth like that... Don't remember that toon of yours, what level are you right now?


I also wanted to comment that I think bioWARE really fixed the bolster in the midbies. While I know that I do not have the high level abilities, it feels far easier going in the midbies right now than it used to be, when my Guardian melted the moment it was hit by the Death Field.


EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention, I was extraordinary lucky to play a reg arena with a Sage healer that was my hero since S3 :) Aww, I did my best attempt at peeling, but tbh, losing that one would have been a complete disgrace, since the opposition sported a L50 without an advanced class selected.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I recently had a match - which we lost by far - against imps in which the middle of Alderan was left completely alone - so I took it, meanwhile both sides battled at both sides ...

Sad that we lost, it was such a funny moment ... "Moment - WHERE IS EVERYBODY ???" :D

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Wow, clean win in that arena. I guess they did not have the strategy figured out, with 3 stealth like that... Don't remember that toon of yours, what level are you right now?


I also wanted to comment that I think bioWARE really fixed the bolster in the midbies. While I know that I do not have the high level abilities, it feels far easier going in the midbies right now than it used to be, when my Guardian melted the moment it was hit by the Death Field.


EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention, I was extraordinary lucky to play a reg arena with a Sage healer that was my hero since S3 :) Aww, I did my best attempt at peeling, but tbh, losing that one would have been a complete disgrace, since the opposition sported a L50 without an advanced class selected.


I'm 57 as in the photo and this one is new. Before I would normally start to PvP from level 10, but since 2018 Expertise can only be gained once you hit level 25, I usually wait until level 26 on a new character before I first PvP with them. Once I hit 30, I wait until I hit 57 to start at it again so that I would have all of my skills unlocked to use.

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It was an interesting day yesterday in one respect. I just switched the mirrors from a Mando to Merc, so I experienced a whole lot of friends and foes gameplay. I first got to play a few zones against Banderal's Vanguard - really odd experience seeing his name in red! And, secondly, I had a good chuckle when I loaded in with two Sins that made my life exceedingly interesting on my Commando. They did make better friends than enemies. So cool!
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It was an interesting day yesterday in one respect. I just switched the mirrors from a Mando to Merc, so I experienced a whole lot of friends and foes gameplay. I first got to play a few zones against Banderal's Vanguard - really odd experience seeing his name in red! And, secondly, I had a good chuckle when I loaded in with two Sins that made my life exceedingly interesting on my Commando. They did make better friends than enemies. So cool!


I hope it wasn't the one i disconnected! We had just started a CW I think, when I got booted to the server selection screen. Stupid Internet


Do I know your imp side toon? Gori is 60, right? Either way, I'm bad at noticing names on the other side most of the time. Did my team do well against you? I remember some amazingly close NC games early yesterday, and a pipeball game with an operative we could not stop. And a VS we lost from the tiebreaker after no one got though the first door. And one game where I got a "f___ u" from my own teammate after I typed "gg" into /say. :rolleyes:

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I am not sure about the NC, but Pipeball and an Arena where you guys ran 3 VGs. In midbies, I have Glaen the Mercenary to mirror Glean the Commando. Actually, I need to start setting up for the end of the 12xXP. I have 3 chars under 25, so I want all of them to be at that mark just in case I want to play lowbies/midbies. Edited by DomiSotto
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Oh, I remember that 3-VGs match! The other two were DPS spec, I was a tank, and we had a DPS guardian as our 4th. Your team had 3 DPS and a healer. Pretty sure your others were an operative and two sorcs. I remember thinking, "oh boy, they can all off heal and we can all off taunt. This is not going to go well." :D You trounced us, but we lasted longer than I thought we would. I think we even managed to kill one of you once. :D
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The sorcs carried that one, both the heals and the DPS. The plan was always to bring down your L59 VG-DPS ASAP, but your Guardian kept overextending and out-leaping the Havok squad by the mile messing up those of us who have focus fire attention deficit problem (Okay, me at least). Tbh, my first thought when seeing your comp was: I know one level 34 merc that is going to have more rockets up his rear as he dangles up in the air being strangled than he cares to count. Edited by DomiSotto
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Lol. We never had much of a plan, so you were more safe than you realized. There was no talk of who to focus, and I always feel a bit odd as the *tank* trying to call out who the DPS should go after. So I just went with the standard "attack the healer" - but mostly I was trying to guard and peel for the guardian, because as you said, he basically made himself the first target. :D
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Oh, you totally need to do EV/KP on NiM! It's very simple and very fun! :)


Okay, I have started organizing up for the end of 12xXP/Start of KotFE/buying unlocks for the move to the Preferred Status. I need to power-level to level 25 for a couple more characters, and keep running that Yavin Weekly on a daily basis to finance char slots unlocks. If I manage it all properly, I should be able to maintain 3 characters in Lowbies, and two - in midbies, with a couple in the 60ies if I feel I have the guts for the 60ies.


To be honest, after looking at the Preferred Status more closely, it actually feels like a fairly good vehicle for using SWTOR as a PvP only game despite the restrictions on any particular character if you have a fair few like I do. :)

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I am almost done preparing my game for a free PvP mode, but the lack of focus on anything really is annoying. I jumped from PT to Sent to Jugg to Merc to Shadow to Guardian and holy crow, it’s crazy. I just hope that all the delayed gratification is worth it. Did a few zones, all along the lines of: ‘your party doesn’t stand a chance’.


Pretty sure I don’t like playing melee characters. But I’ve gotten my young Consular to become a nascent Shadow, after hitting Level 10, and oh, nice, I got a sabrestaff ahead of the story-arc! Trying a completely different binding on her to force myself to strafe. Flesh-raiders are laughing their heads off, filthy creatures. FiB though is v.cool.

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Well, I started a new toon (see sig :D). An immortal jugg, so that I could get all the class buffs.


Got her up to 18 so far. Ran the range of zones with her. From the face-roll losses that everyone took well, to the losses with the trash talkers (in lowbies... "you all suck except for myself and Y!" <-- said by a level 28, and Y being another 28 - big surprise they could do their DPS), to an AHG where the two defenders at the pylon left with 20 second to go and let the enemy double cap us round 1. And we still came back and WON it through shear friendliness, teamwork, and good play. :D

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You love your tanks :) And, yay, more company for my Merc in midbies!


Well, see I get to help my team, and at the same time no one expects anything from a tank. If you are heals people have expectations. You always see people typing "our heals suck", or "great heals!", but when is the last time you saw anyone type anything about a tank? Tanks are anonymous. The only people that notice tanks are the healers. And that enemy that can never seem to quite kill you off to get their plant done before the respawn door opens and the rest of the your team comes pouring out. :D

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Got an Arena with 3 Juggs and 1 PT ... Yuck. :(


And one Huttball with EVERYONE from the other team just stopping by, COMPLETELY ignoring ANY objectives ... just to focus me down in an 4v1. It's just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo pointless now to play a Gunslinger ... :(


And ... Why am I supposed to have a 12 key gaming mouse ? I mean, I'm not winning ANY fight with my 3 key mouse - so Bioware forces me to buy such an expensive mouse if I want to win ? :(

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Got an Arena with 3 Juggs and 1 PT ... Yuck. :(


And one Huttball with EVERYONE from the other team just stopping by, COMPLETELY ignoring ANY objectives ... just to focus me down in an 4v1. It's just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo pointless now to play a Gunslinger ... :(


And ... Why am I supposed to have a 12 key gaming mouse ? I mean, I'm not winning ANY fight with my 3 key mouse - so Bioware forces me to buy such an expensive mouse if I want to win ? :(


That arena might have been me! If you were in lowbies, and had 3 shadows on your team and a commando? We had 3 juggs and a merc, so it was juggs vs. shadows. We focused the commando hard, and then the rest went down after that. They did not use their stealth well at all, and we did a good job with focus-fire.


The only HB I've had so far with my shiny new jugger is a pipeball I just got out of. The other team was up 2 to zero with 2 minutes left. We had had 2 "almost scores" where their door opened at the last minute, and a bunch of them came piling out and managed to stop the ball carrier. :( Then I managed to get JUST ahead of their spawn door opening, and finally got a score. They killed me right after that, of course, but while waiting in spawn I saw a sorc team mate force-speed in another score to tie it up! Then we got the ball with about 40 seconds left, and managed to turtle for the win.

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Hm, I'm not sure, but I don't think you was there in that Arena ... We had 2 Commandos and one Sage ... But the setup sounds indeed similar ...


What I absolutely hate is that people just stop by, focus me to death, just because I MIGHT give them some troubles with my damage ... and then they completely ignore and neglect everyone else ...


This is like trying to stop "pre-crime" to happen in a game ... :rolleyes:


It's like - cynically speaking focussing the Gunslinger to death because of his "insane burst" - but totally neglecting the 10.000 Sages or Shadows or Vanguards that are roaming nearby ... :rolleyes:


I know, that example is bad, but it shows what i mean ...

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What I absolutely hate is that people just stop by, focus me to death, just because I MIGHT give them some troubles with my damage ... and then they completely ignore and neglect everyone else ...


I know, that example is bad, but it shows what i mean ...


Nah, I know what you mean (I think). I haven't played a sniper in forever, but it happens to me if I manage to do something awesome against the other team, and then I'm like enemy #1. That probably happens to everyone. Stop a huttball score against a powerhouse team, and suddenly you can barely make it out of spawn without 5 of them jumping you. :rolleyes:


You gotta take it as a compliment! "I must be SOOOOO good, that they have to shut me down to have a chance at finishing up their win!" You are like the Michael Jordan of the team! Right? :D

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I actually ran against a level 37 Gunslinger today that was awesome. I know I am supposed to interrupt it, but I have not acquired that skill. But kudos to the player, absolutely unassailable. We of course were competing for the same nooks. I managed to get it to the sliver of health, but it retreated out of range, and I was balancing precariously on the pipes... a few times I managed to get a better team so we did focus it down, but left unchecked... Seriously, I am with Banderal, that's why you get focused Alrick, by smart teams. Having a sniper out in a good position is a very bad lapse in judgment. They just destroy!


And, I have discovered that a level 36 mercenary apparently makes the best node guard! At least I had a team that was coming to support, but twice I found the node unguarded, and I just can't... not... hold it. Luckily, I again happened to run against a really poor Sin, because it did not finish me off in 1 DCD. In fact, I was making a remarkable progress against him by the time the heals got there. It was a totally new experience not ending up dead!


And, wow, there are healers! I was supporting the guy on a turret and he whispered me to not run away from him, turned out to be a heals, just L31, so he was playing smart and using his AC rather than discipline. I nearly died on the spot from surprise. Healers, woot!


Overall, I have been crazy all my life, I suppose, but i do enjoy my mando/merc hurts. I finally made it past 26,000 kills, so only 24,000 to go! Okay, time to suffer the life of a Shadow, just leveling for now. Honestly, if I am going to guard the nodes no matter what I play, might as well play something that can guard the nodes.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, Mercanaries and Commandos can be really strong - if they are left alone, that is. :D


Me, as a Gunslinger player, I fear that Mercenaries could shoot me down ... I know that they have potential ...

But ... the other side of the coin is that they need support.


It seems to me now - through various discussions here - that both Commandos & Gunsklingers (and their mirrors) sit in the same boat, if they are playing the DPS role : They *need* good support ! At least if one wants to play them to full extend ...


But, if left alone, both can be quite good. ;)

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Decided to remake my character and lookie what happened in me first warzone:




Suck it you smelly 'Pubs! The match was a close one as they were pulling ahead little by little and I was relegated to guard duty. After the first "bang" went off, I said "screw it" and decided to join in the festivities. I was happy to join as I started to tear into people left and right. I got whacked twice or thrice I think, but after I got me bearings back, I made sure to make myself useful by pestering anyone I could find.


There was a Sentinel who made it her business to keep me occupied when she could, but with the ability to kite like a boss (along with poisoning her a lot), I was able to either kill her or force her to flee. One Commando was a bit hard to kill since he was a healer, but I managed to get him down by myself as well as with the help of others. I made sure to interrupt his constant heal casts and by focusing on him, he had no time to heal his homies.


I also received a lot of healing from my teammates as they were scattered around the central vault and passing the heals back and forth. I even healed one or two people when I could, and "grenaded" the hell out of the 'Pubs when they bunched up.


All in all it was a good scrub for my first time as a filthy 'Imp, lol.

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Did you relevelled your Operative or changed her build? Interrupts is one thing that I need to start doing as an offensive move. I am so used to reserving it only for caps interrupts. AH, so many things to learn. :)


As for Mandos and Slingers, of course they are in the same boat. they take the ranged DPS niche which means it's all about finding a place where you are hard to get to so you can maximize the damage. You trade off the survivability tools the melee DPS have because they have to stay out in the open. It's perfectly fair. Honestly, playing a melee DPS in this game is the most absolutely irredeemably miserable gaming experience I have ever had. Ranged is a cakewalk compared. Hats off to people who can play melee DPS.


Me, as a Gunslinger player, I fear that Mercenaries could shoot me down ... I know that they have potential ...

But ... the other side of the coin is that they need support.


In a straight shoot-out so far, the Gunslinger always wins, because I am too dumb/slow to interrupt that long cast, Ambush, not sure what it's called on the Republic toons. I tried a few times with that Slinger, an one on one, the player always puts out more damage than I do. So far I did not have the chance to practice noticing and interrupting it.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I specifically bound a key to the interrupt.

Best is if you decide which skills are most important to you - and then place them to key you don't really need to search for.


Remember F1 for "help" in most software programs ? That's a wise decision, because of that, the F1 is the "panic button" for software (like office software).


The most important point of the F1 is, however, its prominent place ! You don't need to search for it !


The only other equally impressive "panic button" is the ESC key. Your fingers will find it in the dark, because of how the normal keyboard layout is.


I wouldn't put the ESC key to another skill, though, because you can get out of the game only with the menu that - in normal SWTOR key-binding - is evoked by the ESC key.


PRINT, SCROLL LOCK and PAUSE are equally important places on the keynboard.


In my case, I bound very importabnt skills to the "edge keys" of the F-line : F1, F4 , F5 , F8 , F9 , F12

These are the keys I can touch without having to think that much, because they are at the edges. I don't need to fear that I might do something terrible if I don't hit them, because they are easy to find.


Another tip is this : Turn out the lights, make the room *completely* dark - and *then* let your fingers touch the keyboard ! You can memorize the "special key" places much better this way, in my opinion.

You can feel how the keyboard is ... feeling, this way.


The next step would be to turn only very weak light on - or a video game that's very dark. Like ... let's say Section X of Belsavis. ;)

There, you have just so much light that you barely see the keyboard - and through sheer training you can trin to use those "edge keys" at least. Because the "edge keys" are so much easier to notice, to see than any other key on the keyboard.


Best is if you train this "halflight keyboard play" against much weaker NPCs, so that you don't get a penalty if you miss an important skill.


I can't say how well or less well this is working with mice, though, because I only have a 3-key mouse (of which I don't use the third key, because to me that's no key, but the scroll-wheel ;) ).

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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