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A PvP a Day...


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...EDIT: And, yep, finished the dailies, and I have to say, my player confidence is hitting the all-time low. I had an arena with a tank who guarded me, the proper comp and all. I tried to hang back, I tried to heal, and I am not able hold it together. I am simply not fast enough. I am really really starting to dread that particular Arena, with the gtn/rafting in the middle. I am not sure where I need to be, how to hide, and I keep LOSing my guys. After that, I was puged with a WoX premade, so yeah, an easy-win Novare. I think we might have had less than 3 healers this time, and I just ran around random-healing, waving and cc'ing. And absolutely hating my boy's counterpart, jugg or guardian who was dead determined to send me packing.


Don't try to do anything; just heal those who are low and bubble everyone within range. Ignore your own HP if it really gets bad, and keep tossing out those Resurgence - they come in handy and proc all of your other heals. What I do is to find the person with low HP and heal them, then switch as necessary. Do not be afraid to jump in the middle if it means you're gonna save them!


Also, prepare to die a lot (or at least get focused) since healers = lunchmeat, lmfao!

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Last one for the night. I made it to 1k commendations so I will stop for now. I must say, I had a fun time tonite! A lone Assassin tried his best to take on a Mercenary and myself who were on guard duty, but he was always able to escape and we didn't take the bait and give chase.


He was totes funny, lol!

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That's what I was doing and it was not working. I am not fast enough. I should have asked them in the second round to allow me to try to stay in that corner where the sage I played with once ensconced herself and not run away far out from me. I have little mobility in this zone, so might as well sacrifice it all together for a better LoS.
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That's what I was doing and it was not working. I am not fast enough. I should have asked them in the second round to allow me to try to stay in that corner where the sage I played with once ensconced herself and not run away far out from me. I have little mobility in this zone, so might as well sacrifice it all together for a better LoS.


I think don't be afraid to ask that. I did try healing once before, a long time ago, in a different life I think. One thing I learned, which helped me be even mediocre, was to not chase. I guess in an arena you are kinda out of luck if your teams runs off into nowhere land. But when I heal, I figure, if they want heals they'll come to me. :D Voidstars seem to stick out in my mine lately, I find a good spot where I'm not being noticed, and I can see all around in front of the doors... and then my team goes chasing down the enemy into EVERY little nook and cranny that I just barely can't see. Annoying as h-e-double-toothpick. I'm screaming (in my head) STOP LOSing ME!!!!

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You are right :) Well, my Dailies are done on the Sage, I am going to take a break, and start working on the Sorcerer. I've actually pulled 2 arenas, Tattoine, and Makeb one. I like both of them better than the one with the rafters. oth were wins, but one by default (3 vs 4), and another I have pugged with a group of the guys who really could have done it 3vs 4.


And, got that unfortunate guy who would be nasty to the team at a closely lost game on Alderaan. Really, why.


Who would start with 5 pc of PvP gear.

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That's what I was doing and it was not working. I am not fast enough. I should have asked them in the second round to allow me to try to stay in that corner where the sage I played with once ensconced herself and not run away far out from me. I have little mobility in this zone, so might as well sacrifice it all together for a better LoS.


Are you clicking on the characters themselves or on their names in the wee window? I click on their names and cast in this order: Resurgence <which procs> Dark Heal (for a nice crit heal) <followed by> Innervate (and if that makes Revivication instant, then I follow up with that).


I also use my bubble on everyone as soon as either their bubble is very low, or as soon as the debuff runs out. Also, if your team is in a scrub, cast Revivication directly in the middle of the battle so that when they see it they can just run through it (heck, most of the time they don't, but because it is close to them, they end up running through it anyway).


I don't believe it is about speed, per se, but more about getting the heals off when you can however you can. Always look for the medium to lowest person. If you see someone about to die, then sometimes you have to let them if it means keeping the lad with a medium amount of HP in the fight. In a situation such as that, the only thing you can do is to place a bubble on them, then focus on your other teammates.


Like I stated previously, if you have to, jump in the middle and cast Revivication whilst healing everyone else at your expense. That way, when you eventually get pounded into the ground, you will have your heals ticking away until you can rejoin the fight. Also, you have to learn how to DPS as well; sometimes you have to forego healing in order to stop that darn Assassin from trying to place a bomb at the door!


Don't become discouraged; healing in a Warzone is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than doing DPS any day of the week!

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Heh, forget cake, cookies, whatever. The Empire has ranked. Not that I am anywhere near there, but if I ever wanted to, vous comprenez.... and seeing my Imperial line-up is a Marauder, a Sniper and the Sorcerer... the Sorcerer is pretty much it.


I am trying to get myself trained to use the "next Friend" to quickly move around the Op Frame. But, yes, I click. I almost never have time to set of f Salvation.


Most of my time goes into rotating bubble and Rejuvenation on self and Focus Target, Wandering Mend/Healing Trance and then the 'buffed up' burst heal of the Potency-Deliverance-Benevolence.


I also try to do the Stun and Mental Alacrity/Lift on CD. Well, that's my aim, anyway.


Then Force Wave, then Salvation/FQ comes next, and then the mini-sequence for a single target (Weaken Mind-Mind Crush-TKT-Disturbance).



Edited by DomiSotto
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Heals is terribly mismanaged in this game for pvp. It's build around the guard mechanic. With guard, a healer is viable. Without it, they are pretty much a waste if the other team is aware enough to focus them. (Usually not the case with SWTOR players).


Would like to see guard lowered to a more manageable 20% transfer with abilities to self heal added to healers to compensate. This would allow healers to play in pug groups which is 90% of pvp.


So if you continue to heal, try to premade with tanks.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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I actually had a wonderful experience on the Imperial side yesterday. Save for mixing up grass and snow in chat :) I got pugged with and against them famous Imperial guilds, and got to see (out of the corner of my eyes) one f the best heals on the Server :) So, it was a happy day. I won't lie though - I feel very awkward on the Imperial side.


Frankly, I like the tank-heals mechanics, as I play both, and very much enthusiastic about those roles. I think it is good that there is an incentive for people to look beyond DPS.


And, new thing that i should have known - God bubble makes Huttball reset to the stand. Duh. :o

Edited by DomiSotto
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...I feel very awkward on the Imperial side.




Same here. I love the Republic side of the game and that is where the majority of my characters are. That being said, it started to become old as I was replaying it constantly so I decided to defect and join the Empire. I must say though, that the quests and whatnot on my new side breathe new life into the game for me since I have either not paid any attention to it (only got my Imps to 51 during 12x for the buffs then deleted them all as soon as I was finished) or cared little for the side of evil (plus they lost the war, lmao).


I will say that it is fun seeing the responses of the NPCs when they realize I am only Sith in name and title.

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Heh, forget cake, cookies, whatever...


Blasphemy! Cake is love! Cake is life!


I am trying to get myself trained to use the "next Friend" to quickly move around the Op Frame. But, yes, I click. I almost never have time to set of f Salvation.


I have never even thought of that command; the only time I've used something similar was during the end fight on my Sentinel against the Emperor as he is a pita without that "Focus Target" ability keybinded.


Most of my time goes into rotating bubble and Rejuvenation on self and Focus Target, Wandering Mend/Healing Trance and then the 'buffed up' burst heal of the Potency-Deliverance-Benevolence.


I also try to do the Stun and Mental Alacrity/Lift on CD. Well, that's my aim, anyway.


Then Force Wave, then Salvation/FQ comes next, and then the mini-sequence for a single target (Weaken Mind-Mind Crush-TKT-Disturbance).




You don't have to focus on yourself unless you are being heavily targeted, in which case I recommend placing a barrier on yourself along with Resurgence, following up with a stun, then using Force Speed to your nearest ally. It's funny I say this to you but I do not follow this advice at all; I just switch to DPS and show them that healers know how to kill as well - this lightsabre ain't for show! Also, sometimes it is better to absorb the attacks while casting off a Revivication before you go down, so that your allies will have some healing while you are reviving (or waiting for the bloody gate to open).


But yes, placing barrier and Resurgence on your mates is a good strategy for those who are in range. You also have to move around a lot to reach other people, but if someone is being difficult and breaking your sight, then let them go and concentrate on your other mates.


Setting off Revivication is easy because no one seems to remember to use their interrupt skill on you, so just place it in the middle of the foray and jump into it if you have to. I honestly only save my Polarity Shift/Recklessness for Force Storm so that I can do as much damage to anyone silly enough to remain in it since I see it as a waste for healing granted I usually have to spam them anyway.


I also recommend spamming Affliction whenever you get the chance as it can help your allies get kills by being another lightsabre in the battle, so to speak. In regards to Whirlwind, I am having a friend try out the Haunted Dreams talent to see how it works in a battle, since it is basically two CCs in one and should really come in handy when you are trying to flee. Most of my offensive skills are actually used for defense as I will always try to flee instead of fight.

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Thank you, I will need to think about it more.


I finally remember where my Interrupt button is! Hurray! But I got caught up in the chat window again after sending a call. This really starting to anger me. How come, when the call is sent the interface does not close? Why? It's not the call and the rotation just going after it. Oh, no, no. It's the call, then me trying to get back to the attack sequence with double enters. WHy is it working just fine one day, and not the next? This is by far the most annoying thing I have encountered in the PvP setting.


The other thing is, I find it very hard to stand back and heal when nobody is trying to cap or get the guys out of the enclosure... I am stuck in the tank mentality. And what I need to do, is to stand back, and heal. I did my dailies on both Sage & Sorc, and I am now two pieces away from Exhumed Right + MH/OH. My Sage also ended up with Valor 39, so I shall be able to trade into ranked comms right away, as she finished purchasing her part of the set. The Sorc, he just can keep purchasing the left side till he hits V-40. Two mirrors approach to gearing is not bad at all.


Btw, both sides now run a lot of healers. Funny, eh?


My Imperial Legacy is only slightly behind the Republic one. My Knight is level 42, the last class story on the Pub side, and I am not sure about the last class story on the Imperial side, the BH. I am kind of tired of levelling, so there are moments I want to abandon all other characters and just finish levelling my 8 stories. Then I want to do everything.....


But in the PvP, well, I don't know any names, save for the Big Names and, well, it feels wrong somehow. Spell animations are all wrong. We start on the wrong side. :) People quietly tolerate me on both sides, so that's at least is good.

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Started late again and won again. Saw a mate just sitting after he knew his team would lost, and it made me laugh so much that he killed me, lol. I also died again due to having about four people on me lol.


I must say, Roaming Mend is the bee's knees. The bee's knees I tell you!




P.S, forgot to mention that I made a score, yay!

Edited by DeLaaNie
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Was on guard duty again and got attacked four times. This time when I requested assistance I actually received it. Still hate guard duty though, but now I only need four thousand commendations more, yay!

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Good huttball games are the tops! Good VS are pretty nice too. :D


I've been working on using LoS to survive better, even on non-healers. Had a string of good games today in midbies on the pub side. Winding it up with a VS game where my team was all 55+ except for my poor 40. Yet... I TOPPED the scoreboard (another one I realized I should have screen-shotted just after I exited the game :( )! Ok, that's mostly because I did the capping while they held everyone off, so I got a ton of objective points. But I also solo guarded the off node, used my execute on enemies that were already almost dead (so got a lot of kills), called incs, and held off 4 surprise attackers until help came (and they showed up in time that I didn't even die doing it :D ). And my bit of taunting and guarding an off healer netted me about 75K protection. Not much, but enough for some medals.


Ok, actually that was the 2nd to last game. After that I played a pipeball where it was actually a good game. I thought we were in for a slaughter, after an operative on the other team grabbed the ball, and with tons of support from her team ran it most of the way and then passed for the score. Next thing I know she is down there again, already grabbing the ball! But this time my team handled the Ccing well, and we killed her. The ball popped to me.


Then we went on the offensive. A sage healer was keeping me alive, and a couple others on the team were running interference (cc-ing). No one was on the other side of the last acid for a pass, so I tried to force speed through. One of them hit me with something that defeats that and I was stunned. OH NO, ACID IS COMING DOWN!! Only the sage had also force sped through, and pulled me to safety on the good side of the acid. Stun wore off and the score is tied!


That was the most exciting bit. We kept up with them through 2-2. Then we made a couple mistakes and they went up 4 to 2, by that time there was only 2 or 3 of us actually playing HB anymore. (And for some strange reason they were targeting me and the sage first now. :D ) They got it 5 to 2. We managed to score one more time with about a minute left, and they never got to 6. So at least it wasn't a run-away for them.

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Hey, you know, winning in Huttball is the best winning :) Well, in my books. What level are you now? :)


57 now. I'm just going to PvP only since I still need four thousand commendations. I want to have my full set before I enter 60s. ^.^

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Good huttball games are the tops! Good VS are pretty nice too. :D


I've been working on using LoS to survive better, even on non-healers. Had a string of good games today in midbies on the pub side. Winding it up with a VS game where my team was all 55+ except for my poor 40. Yet... I TOPPED the scoreboard (another one I realized I should have screen-shotted just after I exited the game :( )! Ok, that's mostly because I did the capping while they held everyone off, so I got a ton of objective points. But I also solo guarded the off node, used my execute on enemies that were already almost dead (so got a lot of kills), called incs, and held off 4 surprise attackers until help came (and they showed up in time that I didn't even die doing it :D ). And my bit of taunting and guarding an off healer netted me about 75K protection. Not much, but enough for some medals.


Ok, actually that was the 2nd to last game. After that I played a pipeball where it was actually a good game. I thought we were in for a slaughter, after an operative on the other team grabbed the ball, and with tons of support from her team ran it most of the way and then passed for the score. Next thing I know she is down there again, already grabbing the ball! But this time my team handled the Ccing well, and we killed her. The ball popped to me.


Then we went on the offensive. A sage healer was keeping me alive, and a couple others on the team were running interference (cc-ing). No one was on the other side of the last acid for a pass, so I tried to force speed through. One of them hit me with something that defeats that and I was stunned. OH NO, ACID IS COMING DOWN!! Only the sage had also force sped through, and pulled me to safety on the good side of the acid. Stun wore off and the score is tied!


That was the most exciting bit. We kept up with them through 2-2. Then we made a couple mistakes and they went up 4 to 2, by that time there was only 2 or 3 of us actually playing HB anymore. (And for some strange reason they were targeting me and the sage first now. :D ) They got it 5 to 2. We managed to score one more time with about a minute left, and they never got to 6. So at least it wasn't a run-away for them.


Screenies are always fun (even when you lose, lol). Sounds like you had an epic time!

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This one was the sauce! We held them off from planting a single bomb. I was on guard with a Powertech and by spamming Force Storm, I forced a Sage and a Shadow to rethink their approaches, lol. When it was our turn to attack, I put out a few heals, a few hurts, and then made my way to the door where I kept spamming the controls.


It took some effort, but we gave those smelly 'Pubs a right what for! To top it all of, I came second, yay!

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