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A PvP a Day...


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@Banderal: While Hold the Line does not protect from all the CCs, it is quite awesome. It is designed to keep you were you want to be, making you immune to push and pulls. Bridges, and arenas when you have the pushes and pullers are when you want it on, or when you don’t want to be brought into the middle of 6 enemy DPSs and stuff. Another obvious application is when you do your guard duty and need to beat the stealth to the cap. When the pylon exploded, and everyone’s on the mid, run for it, get it before they can….


Adrenal Rush is your second thing that could be activated when stunned and will break you out. Finally, the blessed Shoulder Cannon. Eventually, you will grow into one AC that casually shrugs the CCs off as mere annoyances.


Cox, sounds like a fantastic Huttball match! I actually noticed that Scoundrels are great in the Huttball!

Thanks for the Arena write-up. I think the problem with reg Arenas is they are so rare, and the comps vary so much, it’s easy to just… not sure what to do. The healer not using a god-bubble is very odd though. Usually it’s using the god-bubble too early on.

That write-up on using speed-boosts, I am with Banderal – holy cow, it’s a revelation to me. I am going to be playing Sage/Sorc rather shortly, and I shall endeavor to remember. I need to memorize the locations of the speed boosts. Clicking off the boost though will take work for me. I am a hopeless clicker. I often can’t pick up the chests and stuff fast enough, lol.


I’ve gotten in one of the instances of Ilum where it was all out PvP war on my Slinger, did not finish the Heroic because of it, but whatever…. Helixes are nice and good, but you know, doing something you haven’t done before is better! I had a wonderful day yesterday, playing the way I normally don’t play, i.e. with other people, killing other people or trying my best to…. Aww-some!

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My man Ivod leapt into the enemy's camp after they refused to budge and started to own lol. Then two of them quit so the game defaulted to us. Next match started 4 versus 2 our favour, but hey, never look a gift horse in the mouth! ^.^


The lone Operative decided to target me out of all of us, so I kept my shield up as best as I could while retreating and attacking simultaneously. A well place Shock right up his butt put an end to all of that.

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I can't believe how much I am enjoying the bits and pieces of the OWPvP I am catching. Couldn't finish my heroic yesterday on the Slinger, 'casue we were randomly coming under attack in the PvE areas.


But asked to join a PvP group in my partial set (which has it all... from Obroan to Exhumed, to 3 186 pieces, ~ 1570 or so expertise), and through a series of a few pitched battles we managed to get the PvP Dailies and the Heroic finished. Rock on! Even did the bonus droid, and never attacked the random pubs coming over to drop the orbs. One was a Sentinel, on its own, on L50. Sheesh, that took guts!


The guildie I was running with yesterday shows up as dark green sort of in the PvP are when not grouped,and then we go red if we start fighting a pitched battle. Cute :)


Lol, yesterday, some unflagged Imperials were healing our champ droid while hubby and I were fighting so it was a battle of wills that lasted very long. Told my spouse next time to taunt the buggy into their midst, and I would Rescue him right after. Let the Empire kill it for us, if they are that eager to participate.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I got onto a team today with a healer. It totally rocks being sure you are going to have a healer with you, and I think he was pretty happy to know he had a tank. :D We also had a DPS op. We had one awesome series of games, as far as a winning record, but not very many good ones. I guess when you know that 3 of the lowbies on the team are going to be lvls 28+ that makes for good odds of having a powerful team. :)


We had a huttball that was close. It started out good, with a nice pass-pass-pass chain for a score. I was guarding an op DPS that was pretending to be a healer. He passed to me over the last fire, but I got stunned and was being focused heavily. Luckily another team mate was waiting in the endzone and the stun wore off just before I died. But then the team seemed to switch to DM mode. Admittedly, there was one kinda fun few moments, where one of the guys got the ball, and then just stood there in mid fighting. Didn't even try to move it. I had a guard on him, and two healers were keeping us up. It did take the enemy about 1 to 1 1/2 minutes to kill us I think, but I was like "pass, or RUN or something!" Finally I connected a second pass from mid up to the last ramp (same op doubling-as-healer ) for a 2nd score near the end to cement the victory. I managed one fire pull to stop a score, and tried another one near their end zone, hoping for a quick turn around score, and managed to burn myself up instead. :D


At the end we had a ACW where I hit 300K+ protection, which is my personal max for lowbies. Even the healer said, "OMG". :) (Although, I don't know if that really all that much for the "pros" in lowbies.) But I think that mostly reflected how much damage the other team was doing. We got rolled over in that game. [Edit: I forgot, this game was right after the healer was commenting about how he wasn't getting focused as much as he should - then this game happened, and they went for him right away. :) ]


We also had another one of those games that I kinda wish we would have lost. The team just would NOT leave a guard at our "off node", but the guy(s) kept going to "their" off node and taking it. We would be fighting in mid, and I'd take a glance at the map, and no purple anywhere near snow. We lost it once, then had to take it back. Second time we made it there just in time to stop them taking it from us. The third time I finally went and guarded. We won that one anyway, I think because the entire enemy team was level 10s. :(

Edited by Banderal
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Decided to stick with Corruption since it would be a pita to keep changing:




Woo! We freakin' owned, hard! I made meself useful by being annoying to the other team and having some of their players focus on me instead of the ball carrier. I did get chased a couple of times and killed, but anytime I saw a straggler with low HP, I made sure to give them a one way trip to the starting area.


At one point I was trying to kill a Gunslinger and got tackled by a Vanguard and a Scoundrel wherein I was punched into oblivion, lmao. I made sure to shield the ball carrier when I could, and I also casted a few heals to make sure I could help them cross the line. One time one of our Marauders got the ball but there were too many enemies for me to heal through, so I had to switch from healing to hurting to try to get them off of him.


I must say, Force Storm really comes in handy as a healer to get people from off of you or your mates during Huttball. It's weird not relying on my DoTs but I did spam Affliction whenever I could to give my enemies something to think about lol. I think I will get the talent where it slows peeps down, and I cannot wait to get the "root on knockback" talent - I believe that will really come in handy for me.


Last but not least, during the last few seconds I received the ball and went, "goddamnit" since I don't fancy all the attention you receive as a carrier, but one of my mates kept some of the enemies at bay while I made my way to the line. I could have scored but I will say this right now: it's a bad idea to hit Force Speed while rounding a corner, lol.


I fell off the bloody ramp but was able to toss it to our Assassin who was right at the line (the one with the highest medals) and then we won! Woo hoo!

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Seriously? I can't wait to try my hand at healing a zone. I think it's fascinating.


Eh, it's okay I guess, but I prefer to get into a good dustup every now and then. I recommend Scoundrel first then Sage if you really want to try it as I find the Scoundrel very easy to use. The Sage feels too restricted, plus Scamper > Force Speed.

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@Banderal: Yes, getting a healer as a tank is just awesome. At level 60, it's basically, "There is no Death, There is the Heals" And grats on the protection achievement. :)


I have a SCoundrel collecting dust on level 29, I was going to take him through midbies once the Knight is finally level 60, and Togruta is still not out yet. Unless I decide to give up on the Merc and just run another Tank as my Bounty Hunter class representative. Thing is though, Scoundrel was the hardest class for me from anything I have played so far. I am just don't get he stealth. Which cripples me against the Stealth classes.


Anyway, for me the PvP was abut the OW PvP yesterday again, and I've got a few fangirl moments. I've seen one of the LB's best jumped on and duel with ease and grace; and, well, managed to get through the mid in a v. awesome company while dodging another champion and his team :) Exciting! Gods, I do love this event! :D

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Finally a Hypergate:




And we lost, QQ. I had at first thought this was removed from the game since this is the first one I have gotten in about a few months (and I wish I was joking). I managed to play a few objectives, but man was it crazy!

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Hehe, we kicked their butts royally! I tried to open the first door but got killed, so one of my teammates completed it for me. Afterwards, I opened the bridge and we fought all the way up to the datacore in record time. I did have a Marauder trick me, lmao. I thought he was going the other direction so I stopped to heal only to remember that they have stealth and I did not have enough HP to outlast his attacks (and you people say they suck lol).


I did manage to give some blows and I think I killed someone, but I tried me best to heal and bubble everyone at all times while spamming Force Storm to keep the enemies off me and the door. I do remember killing a Sorcerer and I had quite a few Marauders on me, but once I get Electric Bindings I will make them think twice about challenging me again.


We played some of the best defense this side of the Empire as they were not able to plant a single bomb. The mistake they kept making was to group up, so I jumped right in the middle of the fray and gave my best impression of an Electric Eel orgy, lmao. One Marauder at the end stated that we only won due to Force Storm, forgetting that we made it all the way to the datacore on our first try. Thing is, it was impossible to use Force Storm as an Attacker because they (the Defenders) were too spread out for it to be of any use, and I was busy trying to heal whomever I could reach in time.


Oh wells, it's a perfect end to that horrible defeat above, lol.



P.S, I must say healing in a Warzone is just tops; except for when you are relegated to guard duty. I freaking hate guarding and would rather die 100 times in a zone trying to secure objectives than to just sit there doing nothing.

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You can't bubble them all.... We need a Heroic utility! Bubble-spread! Wandering Bubbles!


As for node guarding, LOL!


“A Catalogue of Herbaceous Plants in the Vicinity of the Western Enclosure on the Novare Coast, Denova.”


by T. Vanguard, N.FotM


will be my lasting contribution to the SWTOR PvP community. I just know it!


“Day 156. It appears that the texture of the Grass Blade #3128 has changed slightly. In comparison to the Grass Blade #3127, and particularly the Grass Blade # 3143 it is at least 11% smoother and glossier. And pointier. May it stab the Assassin #247 through the soles of his Dark Reaver Purple-Augmented boots. The Grass Blade #3128 […] W1 stl!”


Off-node guarding is a nerve-wrecking enterprise, and very hard on the player, because it’s a wind-sprint without a warm-up, and the stakes are huge. Keeping focused for 10-12 minutes straight is actually one of the hardest things you can do in a zone. It’s probably a good idea to switch your guards if you can. I try to MVP the off-node guards J


Anyway, Gree was very uneventful yesterday. Did the PvP daily on my Trooper with a PvE geared Shadow, and no adventures, no nothing. A not so bright Marauder jumped out group as we were finishing a Heroic, and died very fast. I just taunted the poor guy, and the folks killed him off. With another party we got harassed by an operative who would not let us finish off the kill of the champ droid, so we moved away from his camp. Also, gotta love the wide berth folks give you when you walk around flagged :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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You can't bubble them all....


"... a Bubble to bind them all ..." Through curiositsy ... Hur, Hur ...


"Mommy, what's that thing in that bubble ?"

"It's an Sorceror. Wait until the bubble goes out ..."

"Can't wait, Mommy, I'm just too impatient !!!!"

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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And we lost brutally, lmao! I stayed on top and healed anyone I could within my range, whilst doing as much damage as possible. Unfortunately, no one was up there with me so our opponents scored nonstop as my skills had little to no effect whatsoever. They (my opponents) basically laughed at my attempts to stop them, lol.


One thing that puzzled me was when a Juggernaut leapt to my position as started to attack. I immediately went for the knockback but it just passed right through him; same jazz against a Marauder as well. Oh wells...


Lastly, what I find to be funny is that the Marauder who complained about me and the other Sorcerers who killed him last night was on my team, and he barely did better than I did just this minute.

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We won!!! Had the unfortunate job of guard duty which I shared with a Sniper, but after things got heavy she left me alone to assist (can't blame her). While we were guarding she kept spamming her AoE skill at the node and I made sure to keep a bubble on each of us all the while.


At one point a Sage made her way over to my position so I called out for help and in no time I had the Sniper back along with another mate to help chase her off. As usual my attacks had no effect but I was able to hold my own until the calvary arrived.


After she was chased off, I was alone again but only for a short while. A Vanguard made his way over to the node which once again prompted me to request assistance. Unfortunately, another Vanguard appeared as well and an Assassin along with another Sniper came to my rescue. I think the Vanguard guessed my specialization correctly as he chased me nonstop around the node as well as up and down the stairs. He was even joined by another Vanguard for a brief period until a Sniper distracted the other one.


Unfortunately for him, I taught him that Sorceresses are not easy to kill and I kept my bubble and heal on myself and made it very difficult for him to kill me. Whenever my stun was off cooldown, I used it to gain some breathing room when I could, and at one point he broke free in order to prevent me from healing, but my self heal was available and shortly afterwards the Assassin and the Sniper got rid of him.


I got killed shortly after when another Sage showed up and peppered me with balls, lmao. Once I reentered the fray, I found a Powertech in need of some HP, so I bubbled him, and used every heal I have to keep him in the fight against his mirror. With the help of the first Sniper I mentioned, he tore the Vanguard to pieces and then the scoreboard was displayed a few seconds afterwards.


I suggest you get on a healer quickly Domi, as it is a lot of fun (and you are hard to kill even if you're only wearing a dress, lmao).

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One thing that puzzled me was when a Juggernaut leapt to my position as started to attack. I immediately went for the knockback but it just passed right through him; same jazz against a Marauder as well. Oh wells...


I don't know all the specs anymore, but I'm pretty sure that juggs used to have a Cc-immunity-after-leap of some sort. They probably still do. Also could be lag. Since your KB is directional, even if you're computer shows him in front of you, the server that's processing everything might think he's already behind you. Then your KB does nothing. Or they could have been white-barred already. Actually, since this is huttball, that last one is probably the most likely. :D


Lastly, what I find to be funny is that the Marauder who complained about me and the other Sorcerers who killed him last night was on my team, and he barely did better than I did just this minute.[/color]


I think one of the best "skills" you can ever learn for PvP (in any MMO I've learned) is to ignore the blame-gamers. There's ALWAYS someone willing to blame everyone else for any loss, be it "bads" on their own team or "cheaters" on the other.

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In Shien form, the Guardian or Jugg will be immune to the knock-back after the leap. Also, a full resolve bar give immunity to the controlling effects including the knockback. At least that's what I have read in prep to my playing the Sage again. :)


For the Huttball, if you browse back through maybe first four or so pages on this thread, there are a couple of absolutely fantastic posts teaching how to play Huttball on a Sage when I was trying my healer out. The gist is that you play a Sage rather than a Healer. In Huttball, it is not about destroying the other team, it s about creating a passing chain from the ball cradle to the goal gate. As a Sage, you use your Speed, Bubble and Rescue with some off heals to achieve this goal. Don't heal so much as be inconspicuous, get ahead and pull or open yourself to a pass.


Well, that's my plan once i get the Sage out :)

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My PT-T is 29 now. Top of the heap of the lowest! Soon I'll be 30, where, if I'm to believe these forums, I think you instantly die, right in the spawn area, before the door even opens. And if you are a level 30 healer, I think you auto-lose the match for your team just by loading in. That's my understanding anyway. :D


But I digress... Loaded into a HB match today. It was one of those where I felt like I wasn't even needed. My team won no problem, but somehow the enemy decided I needed to die no matter what. I think I might have gotten within site of the ball once, which was at the start, when myself and the ball carrier were both running toward the goal. For some reason the enemy that was there decided to stun me instead of the guy about to score. Still a win, 5 to 1.


Then a whole series of loss, loss, loss of various kinds. Until I hit a pipeball game, where my team came to play. I had 90K protection in that one, and felt much more useful. We were up 5 to zip when we had one weird thing. I had the ball, and was headed up their ramp and got knocked off. So I passed to a guy still up there... and he proceeded to just wander around with the ball. Down the ramp, down to the basement, back up to mid, back down to the basement. I guarding him, and the healers were healing him, so he wouldn't die. One of my other team mates was begging him to pass. I have no idea if he didn't know how to pass, or how to play, or was trolling, or trying to farm numbers or what. He never responded to anything in chat. Eventually the enemy team killed him, and then we went on to get our 6th score and win. :D

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For the Huttball, if you browse back through maybe first four or so pages on this thread, there are a couple of absolutely fantastic posts teaching how to play Huttball on a Sage when I was trying my healer out. The gist is that you play a Sage rather than a Healer. In Huttball, it is not about destroying the other team, it s about creating a passing chain from the ball cradle to the goal gate.


Yup. If you come up against a good HB team like this, you will find yourself chasing them around and never quite being in the right place to stop anyone. Totally sucks. However, if you come up against a team like this, and you also have a team like this... those games are AWESOME. You get lots of last minute saves, and heart breaking "he was almost there!" and end up with a score of 0 to 1. Or a score of 1 to 1 where the tie breaker ends up being, itself, a "health bar going down... 4 seconds... health bar lower... 3 seconds... almost dead... 2 seconds... damn heals!... 1 second... final strike!"... so you are not sure who's going to win right up to the end. Those are my favs. :D

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One of the threads someone said the old HB tactics was to let the first ball through while the team set up. Then they would keep the mid, and the passing chain would quickly score their 6 times. When I read stuff like that, I go OMG, I am so green, I make the grass blush :)


Anyway, I am done with Ilum, and started dusting my chars off. Did one zone on my Guardian where we just got facrolled into oblivion in the Voidstar. Gods, my poor boy burned to crisp, focused defense or not. ;)

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Ugh. Did some lunch-time PvP on my Shadow (midbies). I forgot all the pros were out in force on weekly renewal day. :D And I did a bad... I got fed up and went and sat at the off turret. It was a ACW, and we had grass, they had mid & snow. I snuck around and distracto-capped (mezzed one guy, while a team mate fought the other defender who had tunnel vision). We then defended for about a minute or so, while the entire rest of our team continued to keep attacking mid. They were recapping snow as I speedered back to the landing area. At that point I finally got fed up. So I went grass and just stood there.


But then I suffered through a couple more beatings (another ACW, and a VS), fighting all the while, as penance. :) Incidentally, that second ACW the same thing happened. We managed to cap grass & snow while mid was still contested. Two of us went to help the guy at snow. We were calling... 2 snow, 3 snow, 4 SNOW! Still, the rest of the team continued attacking mid. Then we lost both mid and snow, and proceeded to get farmed. :(


I finally switched over to my PT, and had a good Quesh HB, where we won 5 to 1.

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(groan) The Faceroll Tuesday... and I just prepped my Sage too. Finished the Weekly yesterday on my Guardian in the middle of the night due to a bound of insomnia. :)


Anyway, let's see how it goes and if healing is a viable carrier path for me!

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